Exemple #1
def test_delimited_tuple_incorrect_arity(web_request, parser):
    web_request.json = {"ids": "1,2"}
    schema_cls = dict2schema(
        {"ids": fields.DelimitedTuple((fields.Int, fields.Int, fields.Int))})
    schema = schema_cls()

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        parser.parse(schema, web_request)
Exemple #2
def test_delimited_tuple_passed_invalid_type(web_request, parser):
    web_request.json = {"ids": 1}
    schema_cls = Schema.from_dict({"ids": fields.DelimitedTuple((fields.Int,))})
    schema = schema_cls()

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
        parser.parse(schema, web_request)
    assert excinfo.value.messages == {"json": {"ids": ["Not a valid delimited tuple."]}}
Exemple #3
def test_delimited_tuple_load_list_errors(web_request, parser):
    web_request.json = {"ids": [1, 2]}
    schema_cls = dict2schema(
        {"ids": fields.DelimitedTuple((fields.Int, fields.Int))})
    schema = schema_cls()

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
        parser.parse(schema, web_request)
    exc = excinfo.value
    assert isinstance(exc, ValidationError)
    errors = exc.args[0]
    assert errors["ids"] == ["Not a valid delimited tuple."]
Exemple #4
def test_delimited_tuple_custom_delimiter(web_request, parser):
    web_request.json = {"ids": "1|2"}
    schema_cls = Schema.from_dict(
        {"ids": fields.DelimitedTuple((fields.Int, fields.Int), delimiter="|")}
    schema = schema_cls()

    parsed = parser.parse(schema, web_request)
    assert parsed["ids"] == (1, 2)

    data = schema.dump(parsed)
    assert data["ids"] == "1|2"
Exemple #5
def test_delimited_tuple_default_delimiter(web_request, parser):
    Test load and dump from DelimitedTuple, including the use of a datetime
    type (similar to a DelimitedList test below) which confirms that we aren't
    relying on __str__, but are properly de/serializing the included fields
    web_request.json = {"ids": "1,2,2020-05-04"}
    schema_cls = dict2schema({
            (fields.Int, fields.Int, fields.DateTime(format="%Y-%m-%d")))
    schema = schema_cls()

    parsed = parser.parse(schema, web_request)
    assert parsed["ids"] == (1, 2, datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 4))

    data = schema.dump(parsed)
    assert data["ids"] == "1,2,2020-05-04"