Exemple #1
    def relpath(self, path, start='.'):
        # Since os.path.relpath() calls os.path.normpath()
        # (see http://docs.python.org/library/os.path.html#os.path.abspath )
        # it also removes trailing slashes and converts forward and backward
        # slashes to the preferred slash os.sep.
        start = self.abspath(start)
        path = self.abspath(path)

        common_root = start
        dot_dot = ''
        while not common_root == '':
            if path.startswith(common_root):
            common_root = self.dirname(common_root)
            dot_dot += '..' + self.sep

        rel_path = path[len(common_root):]

        if not rel_path:
            return '.'

        if rel_path[0] == self.sep:
            # It is probably sufficient to remove just the first character
            # since os.path.normpath() collapses separators, but we use
            # lstrip() just to be sure.
            rel_path = rel_path.lstrip(self.sep)
        elif not common_root == '/':
            # We are in the case typified by the following example:
            # path = "/tmp/foobar", start = "/tmp/foo" -> rel_path = "bar"
            common_root = self.dirname(common_root)
            dot_dot += '..' + self.sep
            rel_path = path[len(common_root) + 1:]

        return dot_dot + rel_path
Exemple #2
    def relpath(self, path, start="."):
        # Since os.path.relpath() calls os.path.normpath()
        # (see http://docs.python.org/library/os.path.html#os.path.abspath )
        # it also removes trailing slashes and converts forward and backward
        # slashes to the preferred slash os.sep.
        start = self.abspath(start)
        path = self.abspath(path)

        common_root = start
        dot_dot = ""
        while not common_root == "":
            if path.startswith(common_root):
            common_root = self.dirname(common_root)
            dot_dot += ".." + self.sep

        rel_path = path[len(common_root) :]

        if not rel_path:
            return "."

        if rel_path[0] == self.sep:
            # It is probably sufficient to remove just the first character
            # since os.path.normpath() collapses separators, but we use
            # lstrip() just to be sure.
            rel_path = rel_path.lstrip(self.sep)
        elif not common_root == "/":
            # We are in the case typified by the following example:
            # path = "/tmp/foobar", start = "/tmp/foo" -> rel_path = "bar"
            common_root = self.dirname(common_root)
            dot_dot += ".." + self.sep
            rel_path = path[len(common_root) + 1 :]

        return dot_dot + rel_path
Exemple #3
 def is_secure_path(self, path):
     return path.startswith("ssl") or ".https." in path
Exemple #4
 def isabs(self, path):
     return path.startswith(self.sep)
Exemple #5
 def isabs(self, path):
     return path.startswith(self.sep)
Exemple #6
 def http_test_path_to_uri(self, path):
     return "" + path if path.startswith(
         "ssl") or ".https." in path else "" + path