def public_keys():
    if not current_flamenco.jwt.usable:
        raise wz_exceptions.NotImplemented(
            'JWT keystore is not usable at the moment')

    last_modified = current_flamenco.jwt.public_keys_last_modified
    if request.headers.get('If-Modified-Since', '') == last_modified:
        return Response('', status=304)  # Not Modified

    pubs = current_flamenco.jwt.public_keys
    if not pubs:
        raise wz_exceptions.NotImplemented('No public JWT keys available')
    return Response(pubs,
                    headers={'Last-Modified': last_modified})
Exemple #2
    def post(self, entity_id):
        # TODO
        # - read paramterrs
        # - start a session
        # - get a lock of the resource
        # - actuation
        # - verify the actuation
        # - post the updated value to the timeseries database
        # - close the session - abort the session if anything goes wrong.
        args = reqparser.parse_args()
        actuation_value = args.value
        scheduled_time = args.get('scheduled_time', None)
        if scheduled_time:
            # TODO: Implement this
            raise exceptions.NotImplemented(
                'Currently only immediate actuation is implemented.')

        with self.lock_manager.advisory_lock(entity_id) as lock_acquired:
            assert lock_acquired, exceptions.BadRequest(
                'Lock for {0} cannot be acquired'.format(entity_id))
            self.actuation(entity_id, actuation_value)
            actuated_time = arrow.get()
            data = [[entity_id, actuated_time.timestamp, actuation_value]]
            return None

        raise exceptions.InternalServerError('This should not be reached.')
Exemple #3
 def _get_method(self, method):
         meth = getattr(self.model, method)
     except AttributeError:
         raise exceptions.NotImplemented(
             "Not implemented by underlying model (loaded '%s')" %
     return meth
 def post(self):
     args = reqparser.parse_args()
     content_type = args.content_type
     # TODO: Verify/Authorize the user for the turtle file
     if content_type == 'application/json':
         entities = marshal(args, entities_model)['entities']
         entities = self.add_entities_json(entities)
     elif content_type == 'text/turtle':
         raise exceptions.NotImplemented(
             'TODO: Implement entities addition for Content-Type {0}.'.
         raw_ttl ='utf-8')
         raise exceptions.NotImplemented(
             'TODO: Implement entities addition for Content-Type {0}.'.
     return {'entities': entities}, 201
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, limit):
        self.limit = limit

        # Set defaults
        self.code = 429
        self.body = self.get_body()
        self.headers = self.get_headers()

        # Get the description
        if limit.error_message:
            self.description = limit.error_message if not callable(
                limit.error_message) else limit.error_message()
            self.description = text_type(limit.limit)

        # If error is given, get body & headers
        if self.limit.error_code:
            self.code = limit.error_code
            exception = exceptions.HTTPException(description=self.description)

            # Some common error codes, can add more here
            if self.code == 400:
                exception = exceptions.BadRequest()
            elif self.code == 401:
                exception = exceptions.Unauthorized()
            elif self.code == 403:
                exception = exceptions.Forbidden()
            elif self.code == 404:
                exception = exceptions.NotFound()
            elif self.code == 405:
                exception = exceptions.MethodNotAllowed()
            elif self.code == 406:
                exception = exceptions.NotAcceptable()
            elif self.code == 418:
                exception = exceptions.ImATeapot()  # <3
            elif self.code == 500:
                exception = exceptions.InternalServerError()
            elif self.code == 501:
                exception = exceptions.NotImplemented()

            # Update body & headers
            self.body = exception.get_body()
            self.headers = exception.get_headers()
            exception = exceptions.TooManyRequests(

            # Update body & headers
            self.body = exception.get_body()
            self.headers = exception.get_headers()
                             response=Response(self.body, self.code,
def workflows_put(wf_uuid, wf_version, body):
    # TODO: to be implemented
    logger.debug("PUT called for workflow (%s,%s)", wf_uuid, wf_version)
    # try:
    #     wf = model.WorkflowVersion.query.get(wf_id)
    # except sqlalchemy.exc.DataError:
    #     return "Invalid ID", 400
    # = body['name']
    # db.session.commit()
    # return connexion.NoContent, 200
    raise http_exceptions.NotImplemented()
def generate_token(manager_id: str):
    manager_oid = str2id(manager_id)
    manager = mongo.find_one_or_404('flamenco_managers', manager_oid)

    # There are three ways in which a user can get here. One is authenticated via
    # Authorization header (either Bearer token or Basic token:subtoken), and the
    # other is via an already-existing browser session.
    # In the latter case it's a redirect from a Flamenco Manager and we need to
    # check the timeout and HMAC.
    if not request.headers.get('Authorization'):
        hasher = current_flamenco.manager_manager.hasher(manager_oid)
        if hasher is None:
            raise wz_exceptions.InternalServerError(
                'Flamenco Manager not linked to this server')

        expires = request.args.get('expires', '')
        string_to_hash = f'{expires}-{manager_id}'
        actual_hmac = hasher.hexdigest()

        query_hmac = request.args.get('hmac', '')
        if not hmac.compare_digest(query_hmac, actual_hmac):
            raise wz_exceptions.Unauthorized('Bad HMAC')

        # Only parse the timestamp after we learned we can trust it.
        expire_timestamp = dateutil.parser.parse(expires)
        validity_seconds_left = (expire_timestamp - utcnow()).total_seconds()
        if validity_seconds_left < 0:
            raise wz_exceptions.Unauthorized('Link expired')
        if validity_seconds_left > 900:
            # Flamenco Manager generates links that are valid for less than a minute, so
            # if it's more than 15 minutes in the future, it's bad.
            raise wz_exceptions.Unauthorized('Link too far in the future')

    user = authentication.current_user()

    if not current_flamenco.manager_manager.user_may_use(mngr_doc=manager):
            'Account %s called %s for manager %s without access to that manager',
            user.user_id, request.url, manager_oid)
        raise wz_exceptions.Unauthorized()

    jwt = current_flamenco.jwt
    if not jwt.usable:
        raise wz_exceptions.NotImplemented(
            'JWT keystore is not usable at the moment')'Generating JWT key for user_id=%s manager_id=%s remote_addr=%s',
             user.user_id, manager_id, request.remote_addr)
    key_for_manager = jwt.generate_key_for_manager(manager_oid, user.user_id)

    return Response(key_for_manager, content_type='text/plain')
Exemple #8
def numpy_pandas_function_from_str(f):
    reconstruct function from string representation
    if f.startswith(np.__name__):
        mod = np
    elif f.startswith(pd.__name__):
        mod = pd
    elif f.startswith(builtins.__name__):
        mod = builtins
        msg = ("Function {} not recognized; only numpy, pandas, or builtin "
               "functions are supported.")
        raise wz_ex.NotImplemented(msg.format(f))
    fcn = reduce(getattr, f.split('.')[1:], mod)
    return fcn
    def actuate(self, entity_id, value):
        """Actuates an entity with a given value.

        This function sets the current value of the entity with `entity_id` as `value` in "the actual system" such as BACnet devices. The value may have a physical impact in the real world.

            entity_id: The identifier of an entity.
            value: A numeric value that the request wants to actuate of the entity.

            None. If the actuation is successful, the function completes. Otherwise, it raises an exception.

        raise exceptions.NotImplemented('This should be overriden by an actual implementation.')
Exemple #10
 def get(self, report_uid, assertions_uid):
     Get an Assertion report (JSON) for a specific Testplan report given
     their uids.
     raise exceptions.NotImplemented()  # pylint: disable=notimplemented-raised
Exemple #11
 def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
         return f(*args, **kwargs)
     except NotImplementedError:
         raise exceptions.NotImplemented("Model does not implement "
                                         "this functionality")
Exemple #12
 def wrapped(a, b):
     raise wz_exceptions.NotImplemented('nee')
Exemple #13
def not_implemented(message=exceptions.NotImplemented().description):
    response = jsonify({'error': 'Not Implemented', 'message': message})
    response.status_code = 501
    return response
Exemple #14
 def get(self):
     # TODO: Implement
     raise exceptions.NotImplemented('TODO: List all entities and types')
     return res
Exemple #15
 def delete(self, entity_id):
     raise exceptions.NotImplemented('TODO: Delete corresponding entity.')
     return None