def test_single_child_notvisible(self, client, root, anon_request):
        """ single inaccessible child """
        Type1Type.create(navigation=True, node=root.add("c1")).save()
        with mock.patch("wheelcms_axle.auth.has_access", return_value=False):
            res = navigation_items(anon_request, root)

            assert len(res['toplevel']) == 0
    def test_button_state_all(self, client, root, toolbar_registry):
        """ A toolbar action with states=() always shows """
        toolbar = Toolbar(root, superuser_request("/"), "edit")

        toolbar_registry.register(mock.Mock(type="button", states=()))
        assert len(toolbar.button_actions()) == 1
    def test_primary(self, client):
        """ a type with primary should behave differently """

        class DummyNode(object):
            def content(self):
                class DummyType(Spoke):
                    model = DummyContent
                    children = (Type1Type, Type2Type)
                    primary = Type1Type
                    add_to_index = False

                    def name(cls):
                        return cls.model.get_name()


                return DummyContent()

        toolbar = Toolbar(DummyNode(), superuser_request("/"), "view")
        children = toolbar.children()
        assert len(children) == 1
        assert children[0]['name'] ==
        assert children[0]['title'] == Type2Type.title
        assert children[0]['icon_path'] == Type2Type.full_type_icon_path()

        primary = toolbar.primary()
        assert primary
        assert primary['name'] ==
        assert primary['title'] == Type1Type.title
        assert primary['icon_path'] == Type1Type.full_type_icon_path()
    def test_attached_empty_root(self, client, root, anon_request):
        """ content on root, no children """
        res = navigation_items(anon_request, root)

        assert 'toplevel' in res
        assert res['toplevel'] == []
    def test_restriction_type(self, client):
            A single childtype allowed
        registry = self.registry

        class DummyNode(object):
            def content(self):
                class DummyContent(object):
                    meta_type = 'dummycontent'

                    def get_name(cls):
                        return "test." + cls.meta_type

                class DummyType(Spoke):
                    model = DummyContent
                    children = (Type1Type,)

                    def name(self):
                        return DummyContent.get_name()


                return DummyContent()

        toolbar = Toolbar(DummyNode(), superuser_request("/"), "view")
        children = toolbar.children()
        assert len(children) == 1
        assert children[0]['name'] ==
        assert children[0]['title'] == Type1Type.title
        assert children[0]['icon_path'] == Type1Type.full_type_icon_path()
    def test_button_state_mismatch(self, client, root, toolbar_registry):
        """ If an explicit state is given, it must match with toolbar status
        toolbar = Toolbar(root, superuser_request("/"), "edit")

        toolbar_registry.register(mock.Mock(type="button", states=("view",)))
        assert len(toolbar.button_actions()) == 0
    def test_no_button_actions(self, client, root, toolbar_registry):
            A node with content without restrictions
        toolbar = Toolbar(root, superuser_request("/"), "view")

        assert len(toolbar.button_actions()) == 0
    def test_second_level_visible(self, client, root, anon_request):
        """ child with subcontent, accessible """
        n1 = root.add("c1")
        n1_child = n1.add("c2")
        Type1Type.create(navigation=True, node=n1).save()
        c2 = Type1Type.create(navigation=True, node=n1_child).save()

        with mock.patch("wheelcms_axle.auth.has_access", return_value=True):
            res = navigation_items(anon_request, root)

            assert len(res['toplevel']) == 1
            assert len(res['toplevel'][0]['sub']) == 1
            assert res['toplevel'][0]['sub'][0]['url'] == \
    def test_form_choices(self):
        """ the form should get its choices from the workflow """
        form = Type1Type.form(parent=Node.root())
        wfclass = core.workflow[Type1Type]

        assert form.workflow_choices() == wfclass.states
        assert form.workflow_default() == wfclass.default
    def test_single_child_visible(self, client, root, anon_request):
        """ single accessible child """
        c = Type1Type.create(navigation=True, node=root.add("c1")).save()
        with mock.patch("wheelcms_axle.auth.has_access", return_value=True):
            res = navigation_items(anon_request, root)

            assert len(res['toplevel']) == 1
            assert res['toplevel'][0]['url'] == c.instance.get_absolute_url()
    def test_second_level_invisible(self, client, root, anon_request):
        """ toplevel accessible, sublevel not """
        n1 = root.add("c1")
        n1_child = n1.add("c2")
        Type1Type.create(navigation=True, node=n1).save()
        c2 = Type1Type.create(navigation=True, node=n1_child).save()

        def mocked_has_access(request, type, spoke, perm):
            if spoke == c2:
                return False
            return True

        with mock.patch("wheelcms_axle.auth.has_access", mocked_has_access):
            res = navigation_items(anon_request, root)

            assert len(res['toplevel']) == 1
            assert len(res['toplevel'][0]['sub']) == 0
 def test_no_handler_no_change(self, client):
     """ if the state remains unchanged,
         the handler should not be invoked """
     with mock_receiver(state_changed) as receiver:
         t = Type1Type.create(title="hello", state="initial").save()
         assert receiver.call_count == 0
 def test_handler_after_change(self, client):
     """ if state changes, the handler should be invoked """
     with mock_receiver(state_changed) as receiver:
         t = Type1Type.create(title="hello", state="initial").save()
         assert receiver.call_count == 1
         args, kwargs = receiver.call_args
         assert kwargs.get('oldstate') == 'initial'
         assert kwargs.get('newstate') == 'changed'
         assert kwargs.get('sender') == t.instance
    def setup_handler(self, user=None, method="GET", with_instance=False,
        """ setup the mainhandler """
        root = Node.root()
        if with_instance:
            cont = Type1Type.create(node=root, state=state).save()
        request = create_request(method, "/", data={'type':Type1.get_name()})
        if self.provide_user():
            request.user = self.provide_user()
        handler = MainHandler()
        handler.instance = root

        return handler
    def test_active(self, client, root, anon_request):
        """ Correct item should be 'active' if accessed through a
            childnode of it """
        n1 = root.add("c1")
        n2 = root.add("c2")
        n1_child = n1.add("c1_c")
        n2_child = n2.add("c2_c")

        Type1Type.create(navigation=True, node=n1).save()
        Type1Type.create(navigation=True, node=n1_child).save()
        Type1Type.create(navigation=True, node=n2).save()
        Type1Type.create(navigation=True, node=n2_child).save()

        with mock.patch("wheelcms_axle.auth.has_access", return_value=True):
            res = navigation_items(anon_request, n2_child)

            assert len(res['toplevel']) == 2
            assert not res['toplevel'][0]['active']
            assert res['toplevel'][1]['active']
 def test_init_not_change_emptystate(self, client):
     """ Initialization/creation is not a state change """
     with mock_receiver(state_changed) as receiver:
         assert receiver.call_count == 0
 def test_form_choices_instance(self, client):
     """ and it's value should be taken from the instance """
     data = Type1(state="published")
     form = Type1Type.form(parent=Node.root(), instance=data)
     assert form['state'].value() == "published"