Exemple #1
    def __init__(
        :param stoplist: A collection of words to remove from the stream.
            This is converted to a frozenset. The default is a list of
            common English stop words.
        :param minsize: The minimum length of token texts. Tokens with
            text smaller than this will be stopped. The default is 2.
        :param maxsize: The maximum length of token texts. Tokens with text
            larger than this will be stopped. Use None to allow any length.
        :param renumber: Change the 'pos' attribute of unstopped tokens
            to reflect their position with the stopped words removed.
        :param lang: Automatically get a list of stop words for the given

        stops = set()
        if stoplist:
        if lang:
            from whoosh.lang import stopwords_for_language


        self.stops = frozenset(stops)
        self.min = minsize
        self.max = maxsize
        self.renumber = renumber
    def __init__(self, stoplist=STOP_WORDS, minsize=2, maxsize=None,
                 renumber=True, lang=None):
        :param stoplist: A collection of words to remove from the stream.
            This is converted to a frozenset. The default is a list of
            common English stop words.
        :param minsize: The minimum length of token texts. Tokens with
            text smaller than this will be stopped. The default is 2.
        :param maxsize: The maximum length of token texts. Tokens with text
            larger than this will be stopped. Use None to allow any length.
        :param renumber: Change the 'pos' attribute of unstopped tokens
            to reflect their position with the stopped words removed.
        :param lang: Automatically get a list of stop words for the given

        stops = set()
        if stoplist:
        if lang:
            from whoosh.lang import stopwords_for_language


        self.stops = frozenset(stops)
        self.min = minsize
        self.max = maxsize
        self.renumber = renumber
    def __init__(self, rtepair, stop=True, lemmatize=False):
        self.stop = stop
        self.stopwords = lang.stopwords_for_language("pt")

        self.negwords = set(['não', 'nunca', 'falhou' 'rejeitou', 'negou', 'sem', 'jamais', 'nada', 'nenhum', 'nem', 'ninguém', 'menos', 'pouco'])
        # Try to tokenize so that abbreviations like U.S.and monetary amounts
        # like "$23.00" are kept as tokens.
        from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
        tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer('([A-Z]\.)+|\w+|\$[\d\.]+')

        #Get the set of word types for text and hypothesis
        self.text_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(rtepair.text)
        self.hyp_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(rtepair.hyp)
        self.text_words = set(self.text_tokens)
        self.hyp_words = set(self.hyp_tokens)

        if lemmatize:
            self.text_words = set([lemmatize(token) for token in self.text_tokens])
            self.hyp_words = set([lemmatize(token) for token in self.hyp_tokens])

        if self.stop:
            self.text_words = self.text_words - self.stopwords
            self.hyp_words = self.hyp_words - self.stopwords

        self._overlap = self.hyp_words & self.text_words
        self._hyp_extra = self.hyp_words - self.text_words
        self._txt_extra = self.text_words - self.hyp_words
Exemple #4
def LanguageAnalyzer(lang,
    """Configures a simple analyzer for the given language, with a
    LowercaseFilter, StopFilter, and StemFilter.

    >>> ana = LanguageAnalyzer("es")
    >>> [token.text for token in ana("Por el mar corren las liebres")]
    ['mar', 'corr', 'liebr']

    :param expression: The regular expression pattern to use to extract tokens.
    :param gaps: If True, the tokenizer *splits* on the expression, rather
        than matching on the expression.
    :param cachesize: the maximum number of stemmed words to cache. The larger
        this number, the faster stemming will be but the more memory it will

    from whoosh.lang import NoStemmer, NoStopWords
    from whoosh.lang import stopwords_for_language

    # Make the start of the chain
    chain = (RegexTokenizer(expression=expression, gaps=gaps)
             | LowercaseFilter())

    # Add a stop word filter
        stoplist = stopwords_for_language(lang)
        chain = chain | StopFilter(stoplist=stoplist)
    except NoStopWords:

    # Add a stemming filter
        chain = chain | StemFilter(lang=lang, cachesize=cachesize)
    except NoStemmer:

    return chain
def LanguageAnalyzer(lang, expression=default_pattern, gaps=False,
    """Configures a simple analyzer for the given language, with a
    LowercaseFilter, StopFilter, and StemFilter.

    >>> ana = LanguageAnalyzer("es")
    >>> [token.text for token in ana("Por el mar corren las liebres")]
    ['mar', 'corr', 'liebr']

    :param expression: The regular expression pattern to use to extract tokens.
    :param gaps: If True, the tokenizer *splits* on the expression, rather
        than matching on the expression.
    :param cachesize: the maximum number of stemmed words to cache. The larger
        this number, the faster stemming will be but the more memory it will

    from whoosh.lang import NoStemmer, NoStopWords
    from whoosh.lang import stopwords_for_language

    # Make the start of the chain
    chain = (RegexTokenizer(expression=expression, gaps=gaps)
             | LowercaseFilter())

    # Add a stop word filter
        stoplist = stopwords_for_language(lang)
        chain = chain | StopFilter(stoplist=stoplist)
    except NoStopWords:

    # Add a stemming filter
        chain = chain | StemFilter(lang=lang, cachesize=cachesize)
    except NoStemmer:

    return chain