Exemple #1
    def _execute_child(self, args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds, cwd, env,
                       universal_newlines, startupinfo, creationflags, shell,
                       p2cread, p2cwrite, c2pread, c2pwrite, errread,
        """Execute program (MS Windows version)"""

        if not isinstance(args, types.StringTypes):
            args = list2cmdline(args)

        # Process startup details
        if startupinfo is None:
            startupinfo = STARTUPINFO()
        if None not in (p2cread, c2pwrite, errwrite):
            startupinfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
            startupinfo.hStdInput = p2cread
            startupinfo.hStdOutput = c2pwrite
            startupinfo.hStdError = errwrite

        if shell:
            startupinfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
            startupinfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE
            comspec = os.environ.get("COMSPEC", "cmd.exe")
            args = comspec + " /c " + args
            if (GetVersion() >= 0x80000000L
                    or os.path.basename(comspec).lower() == "command.com"):
                # Win9x, or using command.com on NT. We need to
                # use the w9xpopen intermediate program. For more
                # information, see KB Q150956
                # (http://web.archive.org/web/20011105084002/http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q150/9/56.asp)
                w9xpopen = self._find_w9xpopen()
                args = '"%s" %s' % (w9xpopen, args)
                # Not passing CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE has been known to
                # cause random failures on win9x.  Specifically a
                # dialog: "Your program accessed mem currently in
                # use at xxx" and a hopeful warning about the
                # stability of your system.  Cost is Ctrl+C wont
                # kill children.
                creationflags |= CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE
Exemple #2
        def _execute_child(self, args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds, cwd,
                           env, universal_newlines, startupinfo, creationflags,
                           shell, p2cread, p2cwrite, c2pread, c2pwrite,
                           errread, errwrite):
            """Execute program (MS Windows version)"""

            if not isinstance(args, str):
                args = list2cmdline(args)

            # Process startup details
            default_startupinfo = STARTUPINFO()
            if startupinfo == None:
                startupinfo = default_startupinfo
            if not None in (p2cread, c2pwrite, errwrite):
                startupinfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
                startupinfo.hStdInput = p2cread
                startupinfo.hStdOutput = c2pwrite
                startupinfo.hStdError = errwrite

            if shell:
                default_startupinfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
                default_startupinfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE
                comspec = os.environ.get("COMSPEC", "cmd.exe")
                args = comspec + " /c " + args
                if (GetVersion() >= 0x80000000
                        or os.path.basename(comspec).lower() == "command.com"):
                    # Win9x, or using command.com on NT. We need to
                    # use the w9xpopen intermediate program. For more
                    # information, see KB Q150956
                    # (http://web.archive.org/web/20011105084002/http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q150/9/56.asp)
                    w9xpopen = self._find_w9xpopen()
                    args = '"%s" %s' % (w9xpopen, args)
                    # Not passing CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE has been known to
                    # cause random failures on win9x.  Specifically a
                    # dialog: "Your program accessed mem currently in
                    # use at xxx" and a hopeful warning about the
                    # stability of your system.  Cost is Ctrl+C wont
                    # kill children.
                    creationflags |= CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE

            # Start the process
                hp, ht, pid, tid = CreateProcess(
                    # no special security
                    # must inherit handles to pass std
                    # handles
            except pywintypes.error as e:
                # Translate pywintypes.error to WindowsError, which is
                # a subclass of OSError.  FIXME: We should really
                # translate errno using _sys_errlist (or simliar), but
                # how can this be done from Python?
                raise WindowsError(*e.args)

            # Retain the process handle, but close the thread handle
            self._handle = hp
            self.pid = pid

            # Child is launched. Close the parent's copy of those pipe
            # handles that only the child should have open.  You need
            # to make sure that no handles to the write end of the
            # output pipe are maintained in this process or else the
            # pipe will not close when the child process exits and the
            # ReadFile will hang.
            if p2cread != None:
            if c2pwrite != None:
            if errwrite != None: