# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
Baseado no exemplo disponibilizado pela biblioteca
Exemplo de escrita dos dados da leitura do conversor ADC
em uma arquivo txt

Gustavo Voltani von Atzingen 15/04/2017

Curso IoT 2017 - IFSP Piracicaba
import time
from wiringx86 import GPIOGalileo as GPIO

pinos = GPIO(debug=False)
pinos.pinMode(14, pinos.ANALOG_INPUT)

while 1:
    with open('dados.txt', 'a') as f:
        valor = pinos.analogRead(14)
        f.write(str(valor) + '\n')
    print str(valor) + '\n'
def main(argv):
    gpio = GPIO(debug=True)
    pin = 13
    state = gpio.HIGH
    servo_pin = 9
    gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
    gpio.pinMode(servo_pin, gpio.PWM)

    # PWM period for G2 is same for all pins so second call is redundant
    pwm_period = 3000000
    gpio.setPWMPeriod(servo_pin, pwm_period)

    # Turn on LED
    gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.HIGH)

    # Read analog input from pin 14
    adc_l = 14 # A0

    # Set pin 14 to be used as an analog input GPIO pin.
    gpio.pinMode(adc_l, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT)

    # With a 100 Ohm resistor and 3.3K resistor and 10k Pot the min max vals 
    # read from the ADC are around
    min_val = 204
    max_val = 994
    val_range = float(max_val - min_val)

    # Servo min and max pulse in ms
    min_pulse = 500000
    max_pulse = 2500000
    pulse_range = float(max_pulse-min_pulse)

    print 'Analog reading from pin %d now...' % adc_l
        old_pulse_length = 0

            value_l = gpio.analogRead(adc_l)
            print value_l
            print ""

            norm_val = float(value_l - min_val) / val_range
            norm_val = min( max(0.0, norm_val), 1.0 )

            print norm_val

            # What is duty cycle?
            pulse_length = (norm_val * pulse_range) + min_pulse
            pulse_pct = float(abs(pulse_length - old_pulse_length)) / \

            # Only write new duty cycle if there is significant change from 
            # previous value 
            if pulse_pct > 0.02:
                gpio.analogWrite(servo_pin, \
                                 int(float(pulse_length)/pwm_period * 255.0))
            old_pulse_length = pulse_length


    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        gpio.analogWrite(servo_pin, 0)

        # Leave the led turned off.
        gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.LOW)

    print '\nCleaning up...'
gpio = GPIO(debug=True)
pin = 4
analogpin = 16  # 13 digital, Analog inputs: 14-A0,15-A1,16-A2,17-A3,18-A4,19-A5
state = gpio.HIGH

# Set pin 13 to be used as an output GPIO pin.
print 'Setting up pin %d' % pin
gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.pinMode(analogpin, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT)

print 'Blinking pin %d now...' % pin
    while (True):
        # Write a state to the pin. ON or OFF.
        gpio.digitalWrite(pin, state)
        value = gpio.analogRead(analogpin)
        temp = value * 5 / 1024.0
        temp_2 = temp - 0.5
        temp_3 = (temp_2 / 0.01)
        print "Value from " + str(analogpin) + " is: " + str(
            value) + " | temp: " + str(temp_3)

        # Toggle the state.
        state = gpio.LOW if state == gpio.HIGH else gpio.HIGH

        # Sleep for a while.

# When you get tired of seeing the led blinking kill the loop with Ctrl-C.
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # Leave the led turned off.
Exemple #4
def main(argv):
    gpio = GPIO(debug=True)
    pin = 13
    state = gpio.HIGH
    servo_pin = 9
    gpio.pinMode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
    gpio.pinMode(servo_pin, gpio.PWM)

    # PWM period for G2 is same for all pins so second call is redundant
    pwm_period = 3000000
    gpio.setPWMPeriod(servo_pin, pwm_period)

    # Turn on LED
    gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.HIGH)

    # Read analog input from pin 14
    adc_l = 14  # A0

    # Set pin 14 to be used as an analog input GPIO pin.
    gpio.pinMode(adc_l, gpio.ANALOG_INPUT)

    # With a 100 Ohm resistor and 3.3K resistor and 10k Pot the min max vals
    # read from the ADC are around
    min_val = 204
    max_val = 994
    val_range = float(max_val - min_val)

    # Servo min and max pulse in ms
    min_pulse = 500000
    max_pulse = 2500000
    pulse_range = float(max_pulse - min_pulse)

    print 'Analog reading from pin %d now...' % adc_l
        old_pulse_length = 0

        while (True):
            value_l = gpio.analogRead(adc_l)

            print value_l
            print ""

            norm_val = float(value_l - min_val) / val_range
            norm_val = min(max(0.0, norm_val), 1.0)

            print norm_val

            # What is duty cycle?
            pulse_length = (norm_val * pulse_range) + min_pulse
            pulse_pct = float(abs(pulse_length - old_pulse_length)) / \

            # Only write new duty cycle if there is significant change from
            # previous value
            if pulse_pct > 0.02:
                gpio.analogWrite(servo_pin, \
                                 int(float(pulse_length)/pwm_period * 255.0))

            old_pulse_length = pulse_length


    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        gpio.analogWrite(servo_pin, 0)

        # Leave the led turned off.
        gpio.digitalWrite(pin, gpio.LOW)

    print '\nCleaning up...'