Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, obs_map, init_pos, goal, constraints, sub_search=None,
                 conn_8=False, inflation=1.0, out_paths=None,
        '''initialize variables (obstacle map, positions, ...)
        Every action except waiting at the goal configuration incurs
        cost 1. Waiting at the goal configuration incurs zero cost

        obs_map     - binary obstacle map
        init_pos    - start positions
        goal        - goal position
        constraints - constraints defining where robot cannot go, should
                      consist of a single tuple, with only the
                      appropriate robots
        conn_8      - 8-connected grid if True; otherwise 4-connected
        out_paths   - paths of other robots to avoid, if possible
                       without incuring extra cost
        self.obs_map = obs_map
        self.goal = tuple(goal)
        self.init_pos = tuple(init_pos)
        self.constraints = constraints
        assert(len(cbs.con_get_robots(constraints)) == 1)
        # Store as tuple, as just need as dictionary key
        self.rob_id = cbs.con_get_robots(constraints)
        self.conn_8 = conn_8
        # Sub-policies as weighting functions
        self.sub_search = sub_search
        # Graph is stored as dictionary indexed by strings of coord and
        # tuple
        self.graph = {}
        # initialize with "normal" indices; is overwritten if other
        # priority ordering is applied. Need time one greater than that
        # of the last constraint to ensure happy
        self.goal_t = cbs.con_get_max_time(self.constraints) + 1
        self.max_t = self.goal_t
        if out_paths is not None:
                self.max_t = max(self.goal_t, len(out_paths))
        self.inflation = inflation
        self.out_paths = out_paths
        self.col_check = workspace_graph.Edge_Checker()
        # Generate policy for each robot
        if self.sub_search is None:
            self.sub_search = {
                self.rob_id: workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(obs_map, goal,
        elif not self.rob_id in self.sub_search:
            self.sub_search[self.rob_id] = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(
                obs_map, goal, self.conn_8)
 def test_astar_threshold_neighbors(self):
     """Tests that cost threshold neighbors work properly for epea*"""
     graph = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(self.world_descriptor, (2, 2),
     neibs = graph.get_limited_offset_neighbors((4, 2), 0)
     self.assertTrue(len(neibs) == 3)
     for t in [(0, (3, 2)), (0, (3, 3)), (0, (3, 1))]:
         self.assertTrue(t in neibs)
     neibs = graph.get_limited_offset_neighbors((4, 2), 1)
     self.assertTrue(len(neibs) == 6)
     for t in [(0, (3, 2)), (0, (3, 3)), (0, (3, 1)), (1, (4, 3)),
               (1, (4, 2)), (1, (4, 1))]:
         self.assertTrue(t in neibs)
     neibs = graph.get_limited_offset_neighbors((4, 2), 2)
     self.assertTrue(len(neibs) == 9)
     # check minimum offset functionality
     neibs = graph.get_limited_offset_neighbors((4, 2), 1, min_offset=1)
     self.assertTrue(len(neibs) == 3)
     for t in [(1, (4, 3)), (1, (4, 2)), (1, (4, 1))]:
         self.assertTrue(t in neibs)
     neibs = graph.get_limited_offset_neighbors((4, 2), 2, min_offset=1)
     self.assertTrue(len(neibs) == 6)
     for t in [(1, (4, 3)), (1, (4, 2)), (1, (4, 1)), (2, (5, 3)),
               (2, (5, 2)), (2, (5, 1))]:
         self.assertTrue(t in neibs)
 def test_astar_graph_no_obstacles(self):
     """Tests that astar graph performs correctly without obstacles"""
     graph = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(self.world_descriptor, (5, 5))
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_step((5, 5)) == (5, 5))
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost((5, 5)) == 0)
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_step((5, 4)) == (5, 5))
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost((5, 4)) == 1)
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost((0, 0)) == 10)
 def test_astar_graph_obstacles(self):
     """Tests that astar graph performs correctly with simple obstacles"""
     self.world_descriptor[1][0] = 1
     graph = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(self.world_descriptor, (2, 0))
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_step((0, 0)) == (0, 1))
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost((0, 0)) == 4)
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_step((1, 1)) == (2, 1))
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost((1, 1)) == 2)
 def test_astar_graph_obstacles_8conn(self):
     """Tests that 8-conencted astar graph performs correctly with simple
     self.world_descriptor[1][0] = 1
     graph = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(self.world_descriptor, (2, 0),
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_step((0, 0)) == (1, 1))
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost((0, 0)) == 2)
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_step((1, 1)) == (2, 0))
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost((1, 1)) == 1)
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self,
     obs_map      - list of lists specifying obstacle positions,
                    as per workspace graph
     goals        - [p1, p2, .., pn] list of goal positions
     sub_search   - specifies individual robot planners
     conn_8       - whether to use an 8-connected graph instead of
                    a 4-connected  graph
     meta_agents  - whether to use meta_agents
     merge_thresh - number of collisions before merging
     meta_planner - which coupled planner to use, options are
                    'od_rmstar' and 'epermstar'
     sum_of_costs - use the sum of costs formulation
     return_cost  - if True, return both the path and its cost
     self.obs_map = obs_map
     self.goals = tuple(map(tuple, goals))
     self.conn_8 = conn_8
     self.meta_agents = meta_agents
     self.merge_thresh = merge_thresh
     self.return_cost = return_cost
     # Cache result paths for reuse/cost calculation
     # store in the form (cost, path) with the key being the sorted
     # tuple of constraints (sorted to ensure duplicates are found)
     self.paths = {}
     # Catch duplicate nodes, as we never need to revisit these, using a
     # dictionary, for easy constant time inclusion tests
     self.closed = {}
     self.meta_planner = meta_planner
     self.sum_of_costs = sum_of_costs
     assert self.meta_planner in [
         None, 'od_rmstar', 'op_decomp', 'epea', 'epermstar'
     # Counts the number of collisions for determining when to merge
     self.col_count = [[0 for i in xrange(len(goals))]
                       for j in xrange(len(goals))]
     if sub_search == None:
         self.sub_search = {}
         for i in xrange(len(self.goals)):
             self.sub_search[tuple([i])] = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(
                 obs_map, goals[i], connect_8=conn_8)
         self.sub_search = sub_search
     # Most of the time is taken by computing constraints.  A lot of
     # checks will be duplicates, so maintain a cache
     self.solution_validation_results = {}
 def test_astar_threshold_neighbors_obstacles(self):
     """Tests that cost threshold neighbors work properly for epea* when
     obstacles are present"""
     self.world_descriptor[2][2] = 1
     graph = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(self.world_descriptor, (1, 2),
     neibs = graph.get_limited_offset_neighbors((3, 2), 0)
     self.assertTrue(len(neibs) == 2)
     for t in [(0, (2, 3)), (0, (2, 1))]:
         self.assertTrue(t in neibs)
     neibs = graph.get_limited_offset_neighbors((3, 2), 1)
     self.assertTrue(len(neibs) == 5)
     for t in [(0, (2, 3)), (0, (2, 1)), (1, (3, 3)), (1, (3, 2)),
               (1, (3, 1))]:
         self.assertTrue(t in neibs)
 def test_astar_graph_no_obstacles_8conn(self):
     """Tests that 8-connected astar graph performs correctly without
     graph = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(self.world_descriptor, (5, 5),
     for i in (-1, 0, 1):
         for j in (-1, 0, 1):
             coord = (5 + i, 5 + j)
             if coord == (5, 5):
                 self.assertTrue(graph.get_step(coord) == (5, 5))
                 self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost(coord) == 0)
                 self.assertTrue(graph.get_step(coord) == (5, 5))
                 self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost(coord) == 1)
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_step((0, 0)) == (1, 1))
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost((0, 0)) == 5)
Exemple #9
def gen_policy_planners(self, sub_search, world, goals):
    """Creates the sub-planners and necessary policy keys.  This is
    because pretty much every sub-planner I've made requires
    adjusting the graph used to create the policies and passing
    around dummy sub_searches

    side effects to generate self._sub_search and self.policy_keys
    self.policy_keys = tuple([(i, ) for i in self._rob_id])
    self._sub_search = sub_search
    if self._sub_search is None:
        self._sub_search = {}
        # Wrapping the robot number in a tuple so we can use the same
        # structure for planners for compound robots
        for dex, key in enumerate(self.policy_keys):
            self._sub_search[key] = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(
                world, goals[dex], connect_8=False,
Exemple #10
 def test_priority_max_t(self):
     """Tests that the time limit works as expected"""
     graph = workspace_graph.Priority_Graph(
         workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(self.world_descriptor, (5, 5),
     for t in [0, 1, 2]:
         for i in (-1, 0, 1):
             for j in (-1, 0, 1):
                 coord = (5 + i, 5 + j, t)
                 if coord == (5, 5, t):
                     self.assertTrue(graph.get_step(coord) ==
                                     (5, 5, min(2, t + 1)))
                     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost(coord) == 0)
                     self.assertTrue(graph.get_step(coord) ==
                                     (5, 5, min(2, t + 1)))
                     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost(coord) == 1)
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_cost((0, 0, 0)) == 5)
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, obs_map, init_pos, goal, constraints, out_paths=None,
                 sub_search=None, conn_8=False, inflation=1, prune_paths=True):
        '''initialize variables (obstacle map, positions, ...)
        obs_map     - binary obstacle map
        init_pos    - (x,y,t) start position and time
        goal        - goal position
        constraints - constraints defining where robot cannot go, should
                      consist of a single tuple, with only the
                      appropriate  robots
        out_paths   - paths of out of group robots to treat as soft
        conn_8      - 8-connected grid if True; otherwise 4-connected
        only_init   - will only find paths to the original initial
                      position (pruning paths which cannot reach the
                      specified position in time).  If false, will not
                      perform pruning
        self.obs_map = obs_map

        self.init_pos = tuple(init_pos)
        self.constraints = constraints
        self.out_paths = out_paths
        assert(len(cbs.con_get_robots(constraints)) == 1)
        # Store as tuple, as just need as dictionary key
        self.rob_id = cbs.con_get_robots(constraints)
        self.conn_8 = conn_8
        # Sub-policies as weighting functions
        self.sub_search = sub_search
        # Graph is stored as dictionary indexed by strings of coord and
        # tuple
        self.graph = {}
        # initialize with "normal" indices; is overwritten if other
        # priority
        # ordering is applied. Need time one greater than that of the
        # last constraint to ensure happy
        self.max_t = 0
        self.con_max_t = 0
        if self.constraints is not None:
            self.max_t = cbs.con_get_max_time(self.constraints) + 1
            if self.max_t == 1:
                # only possible if the constraint is placed at time 0,
                # which is meaningless, and will only happen if the
                # planner is passed an empty set of constraints
                self.max_t = 0
            self.con_max_t = self.max_t
        if self.out_paths is not None:
            # Set max_t one greater than len(self.out_paths) to make
            self.max_t = max(self.max_t, len(self.out_paths))
        self.inflation = inflation
        self.col_check = workspace_graph.Edge_Checker()
        # Generate policy for each robot, for moving towards the initial
        # configuration
        self.policy_key = self.rob_id + ('backpolicy', )
        if self.sub_search is None:
            self.sub_search = {
                self.policy_key: workspace_graph.Back_Priority_Graph(
                        obs_map, self.init_pos[:2], self.conn_8),
        # elif not self.policy_key in self.sub_search:
        elif not self.policy_key in self.sub_search:
            # Don't have the individual robot policy here
            self.sub_search[self.policy_key] = \
                        obs_map, self.init_pos[:2], self.conn_8))
        self.sub_search[self.policy_key].prune_paths = prune_paths
        assert (self.init_pos[:2] ==
        # Need persisitant open list for repeated planning, add the goal
        # node now, as it will be the initial search posotion
        # Convert goal to goal in space time
        self.goal = tuple(goal) + (self.con_max_t, )
        goal_node = self.get_node(self.goal)
        goal_node.cost = (0, 0)
        goal_node.back_ptr = goal_node
        self.open_list = SortedCollection.SortedCollection(
            [goal_node], key=lambda x: [
                -x.cost[0] - x.h * self.inflation, -x.cost[1]])
        # potentially need to depart the goal at multiple different
        # times.  Including all possible departure times will be a bit
        # more efficient than forcing exploration
        prev = goal_node
        for t in xrange(self.con_max_t + 1, self.max_t + 1):
            t_coord = tuple(goal) + (t, )
            t_node = self.get_node(t_coord)
            t_node.cost = (0, 0)
            t_node.back_ptr = t_node
            prev.back_ptr = t_node
            prev = t_node
Exemple #12
 def test_astar_graph_get_makespan_edge_cost(self):
     """Tests to ensure that edge cost function works correctly"""
     graph = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(self.world_descriptor, (5, 5),
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_edge_cost((5, 5), (5, 6)) == 1)
     self.assertTrue(graph.get_edge_cost((5, 5), (5, 5)) == 1)
Exemple #13
def gen_coverage_world(size, num_bots, obs_density, connect_8=False):
    """Generates a random, square world of size cells per side.

    size        - cells per side
    num_bots    - number of robots
    obs_density - liklihood of given cell being an obstacle
    connect_8   - whether to be built for 8 connected graph instead of 4
    returns     - [obs_map, init_pos, goals]"""
    print 'gen_coverage'
    if obs_density > 1 or obs_density < 0:
        raise ValueError('Improper obstacle obs_density')

    def foo():
        if random.uniform(0, 1) < obs_density:
            return 1
        return 0

    obs_map = [[foo() for i in xrange(size)] for j in xrange(size)]
    #Generate the initial positions of the robots
    init_pos = []
    goals = []
    # Keeps track of how many times tried to generate valid initial,
    # goal positions
    counter = 0
    #Number of times to try for a given obstacle arrangement
    max_tries = 100 * num_bots
    while len(init_pos) < num_bots:
        #Generate possible initial and goal positions
        ip = (random.randint(0, size - 1), random.randint(0, size - 1))
        g = (random.randint(0, size - 1), random.randint(0, size - 1))
        if g == ip or obs_map[g[0]][g[1]] == 1 or obs_map[ip[0]][ip[1]] == 1:
            # Don't allow the goal and initial positions to be in the
            # same spot or in an obstacle
            if counter > max_tries:
                #obs_map is too hard, try a new one
                init_pos = []
                goals = []
                obs_map = [[foo() for i in range(size)] for j in range(size)]
                counter = 0
            counter += 1
        if g in goals or ip in init_pos:
            #Don't allow duplicate elements
            if counter > max_tries:
                #obs_map is too hard, try a new one
                init_pos = []
                goals = []
                obs_map = [[foo() for i in range(size)] for j in range(size)]
                counter = 0
            counter += 1
        #Check if we can generate a valid path
        graph = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(obs_map, g, connect_8=connect_8)
        tpath = graph.get_step(ip)
        if tpath == None or tpath == []:
            #No individual path, so skip
            if counter > max_tries:
                #obs_map is too hard, try a new one
                init_pos = []
                goals = []
                obs_map = [[foo() for i in range(size)] for j in range(size)]
                counter = 0
            counter += 1
        #initial position, goal pair is valid
    return obs_map, tuple(init_pos), tuple(goals)
Exemple #14
def gen_dragon_age_map(filename, num_bots):
    """Generates a random set of initial and goal configurations for a
    dragonage map

    connect_8 - whether to be built for 8 connected graph instead of 4

    [obs_map, init_pos, goals]

    obs_map = import_dragon_age_map(filename)
    sizex = len(obs_map)
    sizey = len(obs_map[1])
    # Generate the initial positions of the robots
    init_pos = []
    goals = []
    # Keeps track of how many times tried to generate valid initial,
    # goal positions
    counter = 0
    # Number of times to try for a given obstacle arrangement
    max_tries = 100 * num_bots

    while len(init_pos) < num_bots:
        # Generate possible initial and goal positions
        ip = (random.randint(0, sizex - 1), random.randint(0, sizey - 1))
        g = (random.randint(0, sizex - 1), random.randint(0, sizey - 1))
        if obs_map[g[0]][g[1]] == 1 or obs_map[ip[0]][ip[1]] == 1:
            # Don't allow the goal and initial positions to be in an
            # obstacle
            if counter > max_tries:
                # obs_map is too hard, try a new one
                init_pos = []
                goals = []
                raise ValueError('Couldn\'t Create conditions')
            counter += 1
        if g in goals or ip in init_pos:
            # Don't allow duplicate elements
            if counter > max_tries:
                # obs_map is too hard, try a new one
                init_pos = []
                goals = []
                obs_map = [[foo() for i in range(sizey)] for j in range(sizex)]
                counter = 0
            counter += 1
        # Check if we can generate a valid path
        graph = workspace_graph.Astar_Graph(obs_map, g)
        tpath = graph.get_step(ip)
        if tpath == None or tpath == []:
            # No individual path, so skip
            if counter > max_tries:
                # obs_map is too hard, try a new one
                init_pos = []
                goals = []
                obs_map = [[foo() for i in range(sizey)] for j in range(sizex)]
                counter = 0
            counter += 1
        # initial position, goal pair is valid
    return obs_map, tuple(init_pos), tuple(goals)