def set_argparser(argparser):
        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:
        if "Database parameters" not in present_groups:

            default="ArchWiki:Maintenance Team",
            "the page name on the wiki to fetch and update (default: %(default)s)"
            help="the time span in days (default: %(default)s)")
            "minimum number of edits for moving into the \"active\" table (default: %(default)s)"
Exemple #2
    def set_argparser(klass, argparser):
        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:

        group = argparser.add_argument_group(title="script parameters")
        if klass.force_interactive is False:
                               help="enables interactive mode")
            help="enables dry-run mode (changes are only shown and discarded)")
        mode = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
                          help="the title of the first page to be processed")
                          help="the title of the only page to be processed")
            "comma-separated list of language tags to process (default: all, choices: {})"
Exemple #3
    def set_argparser(argparser):
        import ws.config

        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:

        output = argparser.add_argument_group(title="output mode")
        _g = output.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        # TODO: maybe leave only the short option to forbid configurability in config file
        _g.add_argument("-s", "--save", action="store_true",
                help="try to save the page (requires being logged in)")
        _g.add_argument("-p", "--print", action="store_true",
                help="print the updated text in the standard output (this is the default output method)")

        group = argparser.add_argument_group(title="script parameters")
        group.add_argument("-a", "--anonymous", action="store_true",
                help="do not require logging in: queries may be limited to a lower rate")
        # TODO: maybe leave only the short option to forbid configurability in config file
        group.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true",
                help="try to update the page even if it was last saved in the same UTC day")
        group.add_argument("--toc-languages", default="en", type=ws.config.argtype_comma_list_choices(["all"] + lang.get_internal_tags()),
                help="a comma-separated list of language tags whose ToC pages should be updated (default: %(default)s)")
        group.add_argument("--toc-page", default="目次",
                help="the page name on the wiki to fetch and update (the language suffix "
                     "is added automatically as necessary) (default: %(default)s)")
        # TODO: no idea how to forbid setting this globally in the config...
        group.add_argument("--summary", default="自動更新",
                help="the edit summary to use when saving the page (default: %(default)s)")
Exemple #4
    def set_argparser(argparser):
        import ws.config

        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:

        output = argparser.add_argument_group(title="output mode")
        _g = output.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        # TODO: maybe leave only the short option to forbid configurability in config file
        _g.add_argument("-s", "--save", action="store_true",
                help="try to save the page (requires being logged in)")
        _g.add_argument("-p", "--print", action="store_true",
                help="print the updated text in the standard output (this is the default output method)")

        group = argparser.add_argument_group(title="script parameters")
        group.add_argument("-a", "--anonymous", action="store_true",
                help="do not require logging in: queries may be limited to a lower rate")
        # TODO: maybe leave only the short option to forbid configurability in config file
        group.add_argument("-f", "--force", action="store_true",
                help="try to update the page even if it was last saved in the same UTC day")
        group.add_argument("--toc-languages", default="all", type=ws.config.argtype_comma_list_choices(["all"] + lang.get_internal_tags()),
                help="a comma-separated list of language tags whose ToC pages should be updated (default: %(default)s)")
        group.add_argument("--toc-page", default="Table of contents",
                help="the page name on the wiki to fetch and update (the language suffix "
                     "is added automatically as necessary) (default: %(default)s)")
        # TODO: no idea how to forbid setting this globally in the config...
        group.add_argument("--summary", default="automatic update",
                help="the edit summary to use when saving the page (default: %(default)s)")
    def set_argparser(argparser):
        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:

        group = argparser.add_argument_group(title="script parameters")
        group.add_argument("--interactive", default=True, metavar="BOOL", type=ws.config.argtype_bool, help="Enables interactive mode (default: %(default)s)")
        group.add_argument("--spam-phrases", action="append", required=True, metavar="STR", help="A phrase considered as spam (this option can be specified multiple times).")
        group.add_argument("--spam-occurrences-threshold", type=int, default=5, help="Minimal number of phrases occurring on a page that triggers the spam filter.")
    def set_argparser(argparser):
        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:

        argparser.add_argument("--page-name", default="ArchWiki:Maintenance Team",
                    help="the page name on the wiki to fetch and update (default: %(default)s)")
        argparser.add_argument("--days", action="store", default=30, type=int, metavar="N",
                    help="the time span in days (default: %(default)s)")
        argparser.add_argument("--min-edits", action="store", default=10, type=int, metavar="N",
                    help="minimum number of edits for moving into the \"active\" table (default: %(default)s)")
Exemple #7
    def set_argparser(argparser):
        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:
        if "Database parameters" not in present_groups:

        output = argparser.add_argument_group(title="output")
        # TODO: maybe leave only the short option to forbid configurability in config file
        output.add_argument('-s', '--save', action='store_true',
                        help='try to save the page (requires being logged in)')
        # FIXME: -c conflicts with -c/--config
#        output.add_argument('-c', '--clipboard', action='store_true',
        output.add_argument('--clipboard', action='store_true',
                        help='try to store the updated text in the clipboard')
        output.add_argument('-p', '--print', action='store_true',
                        help='print the updated text in the standard output '
                        '(this is the default output method)')

        usstats = argparser.add_argument_group(title="user statistics")
        usstats.add_argument('--us-days-span', action='store', default=30,
                    type=int, dest='us_days', metavar='N',
                    help='the time span in days (default: %(default)s)')
        usstats.add_argument('--us-min-tot-edits', action='store',
                    default=1000, type=int, dest='us_mintotedits', metavar='N',
                    help='minimum total edits for users with not enough '
                    'recent changes (default: %(default)s)')
        usstats.add_argument('--us-min-rec-edits', action='store',
                    default=1, type=int, dest='us_minrecedits', metavar='N',
                    help='minimum recent changes for users with not enough '
                    'total edits (default: %(default)s)')

        # TODO: main group for "script parameters" would be most logical, but
        #       but argparse does not display nested groups in the help page
        group = argparser.add_argument_group(title="other parameters")

        group.add_argument('-a', '--anonymous', action='store_true',
                    help='do not require logging in: queries may be limited to '
                    'a lower rate')
        # TODO: maybe leave only the short option to forbid configurability in config file
        group.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
                    help='try to update the page even if it was last saved in '
                    'the same UTC day')
        group.add_argument('--statistics-page', default='ArchWiki:Statistics',
                    help='the page name on the wiki to fetch and update '
                    '(default: %(default)s)')
        # TODO: no idea how to forbid setting this globally in the config...
        group.add_argument('--summary', default='automatic update',
                    help='the edit summary to use when saving the page '
                    '(default: %(default)s)')
Exemple #8
    def set_argparser(argparser):
        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:

        output = argparser.add_argument_group(title="output")
        # TODO: maybe leave only the short option to forbid configurability in config file
        output.add_argument('-s', '--save', action='store_true',
                        help='try to save the page (requires being logged in)')
        # FIXME: -c conflicts with -c/--config
#        output.add_argument('-c', '--clipboard', action='store_true',
        output.add_argument('--clipboard', action='store_true',
                        help='try to store the updated text in the clipboard')
        output.add_argument('-p', '--print', action='store_true',
                        help='print the updated text in the standard output '
                        '(this is the default output method)')

        usstats = argparser.add_argument_group(title="user statistics")
        usstats.add_argument('--us-days-span', action='store', default=30,
                    type=int, dest='us_days', metavar='N',
                    help='the time span in days (default: %(default)s)')
        usstats.add_argument('--us-min-tot-edits', action='store',
                    default=1000, type=int, dest='us_mintotedits', metavar='N',
                    help='minimum total edits for users with not enough '
                    'recent changes (default: %(default)s)')
        usstats.add_argument('--us-min-rec-edits', action='store',
                    default=1, type=int, dest='us_minrecedits', metavar='N',
                    help='minimum recent changes for users with not enough '
                    'total edits (default: %(default)s)')

        # TODO: main group for "script parameters" would be most logical, but
        #       but argparse does not display nested groups in the help page
        group = argparser.add_argument_group(title="other parameters")

        group.add_argument('-a', '--anonymous', action='store_true',
                    help='do not require logging in: queries may be limited to '
                    'a lower rate')
        # TODO: maybe leave only the short option to forbid configurability in config file
        group.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
                    help='try to update the page even if it was last saved in '
                    'the same UTC day')
        group.add_argument('--statistics-page', default='ArchWiki:Statistics',
                    help='the page name on the wiki to fetch and update '
                    '(default: %(default)s)')
        # TODO: no idea how to forbid setting this globally in the config...
        group.add_argument('--summary', default='automatic update',
                    help='the edit summary to use when saving the page '
                    '(default: %(default)s)')
    def set_argparser(argparser):
        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:
        if "Database parameters" not in present_groups:

        group = argparser.add_argument_group(title="script parameters")
        mode = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        mode.add_argument("--first", default=None, metavar="TITLE",
                help="the title of the first page to be processed")
                help="the title of the only page to be processed")
        group.add_argument("--lang", default="en",
                help="comma-separated list of language tags to process (default: en, choices: {})".format(lang.get_internal_tags()))
    def set_argparser(argparser):
        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:

        group = argparser.add_argument_group(title="script parameters")
        group.add_argument("--tmp-dir", type=ws.config.argtype_dirname_must_exist, metavar="PATH", default="/tmp/wiki-scripts/",
                help="temporary directory path (will be created if necessary, but parent directory must exist) (default: %(default)s)")
        group.add_argument("-i", "--interactive", action="store_true",
                help="run in interactive mode (should be used for testing)")
        group.add_argument("--aurpkgs-url", default="", metavar="URL",
                help="the URL to packages.gz file on the AUR (default: %(default)s)")
        group.add_argument("--report-dir", type=ws.config.argtype_existing_dir, default=".", metavar="PATH",
                help="directory where the report should be saved (default: %(default)s)")
        group.add_argument("--report-page", type=str, default=None, metavar="PATH",
                help="existing report page on the wiki (default: %(default)s)")
Exemple #11
    def set_argparser(argparser):
        # first try to set options for objects we depend on
        present_groups = [group.title for group in argparser._action_groups]
        if "Connection parameters" not in present_groups:
        if "Database parameters" not in present_groups:

        group = argparser.add_argument_group(title="script parameters")
        group.add_argument("-i", "--interactive", action="store_true",
                help="enables interactive mode")
        group.add_argument("--dry-run", action="store_true",
                help="enables dry-run mode (changes are only shown and discarded)")
        mode = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        mode.add_argument("--first", default=None, metavar="TITLE",
                help="the title of the first page to be processed")
                help="the title of the only page to be processed")
        group.add_argument("--lang", default=None,
                help="comma-separated list of language tags to process (default: all, choices: {})".format(lang.get_internal_tags()))"Plotting hist_active_users.png")
    hist_active_users = []
    num_bins = len(bin_edges) - 1
    for i in range(num_bins):
        # array of indexes for revisions in current bin
        current_bin, = np.where(bin_indexes == i)
        active_users = list(set([revisions[ii]["user"] for ii in current_bin]))

    plot_date_bars(hist_active_users, bin_edges,
            title="ArchWiki active users per month", ylabel="active users",

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import ws.config
    import ws.logging

    argparser = ws.config.getArgParser(description="Create histogram charts for the statistics page")
    # TODO: script-specific arguments (e.g. output path)
    args = argparser.parse_args()

    # set up logging

    api = API.from_argparser(args)
    db = ws.cache.AllRevisionsProps(api, args.cache_dir)

Exemple #13
                    xy=(x, y),
                    xytext=(5, 0),
                    textcoords="offset points",

def plot_save(fname):
    plt.savefig(fname, dpi=192)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import ws.config

    argparser = ws.config.getArgParser()

    args = ws.config.parse_args(argparser)

    api = API.from_argparser(args)
    db = Database.from_argparser(args)

    users = [
        "Alad", "Fengchao", "Indigo", "Kynikos", "Lahwaacz", "Lonaowna",

    all_logs = list(db.query(list="logevents", letype="rights", ledir="newer"))