Exemple #1
  def getLastNHoursSummaryFromRadarPrecip(self, platform_handle, dateTime, prevHourCnt, obs_type, uom):
    sum = None
    #Get the sensor ID for the obs we are interested in so we can use it to query the data.
    sensorID = xeniaSQLite.sensorExists(self, obs_type, uom, platform_handle)

    if(sensorID != None and sensorID != -1):
      start_date = dateTime - timedelta(hours=prevHourCnt)
      #m_date >= strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%S', datetime( '%s', '-%d hours' )) AND \

      sql = "SELECT SUM(m_value) \
             FROM multi_obs \
               m_date >= '%s' AND\
               m_date < '%s' AND\
               sensor_id = %d AND m_value >= 0.0;"\
               % (start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), dateTime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), sensorID)
        dbCursor = self.DB.cursor()
      except sqlite3.Error, e:
        if self.logger:
        sum = dbCursor.fetchone()[0]
        if sum:
          sum = float(sum)
Exemple #2
  def getPrecedingRadarDryDaysCount(self, platform_handle, dateTime, obs_type, uom):
    dry_cnt = -9999
    sensorId = xeniaSQLite.sensorExists(self, obs_type, uom, platform_handle)
    if sensorId != None and sensorId != -1:
      #We want to start our dry day search the day before our dateTime.
      sql = "SELECT m_date FROM multi_obs WHERE m_date < '%s' AND sensor_id=%d AND m_value > 0 ORDER BY m_date DESC LIMIT 1;"\
            % (dateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), sensorId)

        dbCursor = self.DB.cursor()
      except sqlite3.Error, e:
        if self.logger:
        dry_cnt = None
          row = dbCursor.fetchone()
          if row:
            first_val = timezone('UTC').localize(datetime.strptime(row['m_date'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
            #Now let's check and make sure we're not missing data in between out date of interest
            #and the first date we have with rainfall.
            delta = dateTime - first_val
            if delta.total_seconds() > (24 * 3600):
              if not self.findGaps(dateTime, first_val, sensorId):
                #Get rid of the time zone.
                #start_date = datetime.strptime(dateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
                #delta = start_date - first_val
                dry_cnt = delta.days
                if self.logger:
                  self.logger.debug("NEXRAD data gap found between: %s - %s" %\
                                      (dateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), row['m_date']))
              dry_cnt = 0
Exemple #3
  def add_sensor_to_platform(self, platform_handle, sensor_name, uom_name, s_order=1):
    sensor_id = xeniaSQLite.sensorExists(self, sensor_name, uom_name, platform_handle, 1)
    if sensor_id == -1:
      sensor_id = xeniaSQLite.addSensor(self,
                                    sensor_name, uom_name,
                                    s_order, None, True)
      if sensor_id == -1:
        raise ValueError("Unable to add sensor id for Obs:%s(%s) on platform: %s" % (sensor_name,uom_name, platform_handle))
    m_type_id = xeniaSQLite.getMTypeFromObsName(self, sensor_name, uom_name, platform_handle, 1)

    return sensor_id, m_type_id
Exemple #4
  def calcRadarRainfallIntensity(self, platform_handle, date, intervalInMinutes=60, obs_type='precipitation_radar_weighted_average', uom='mm'):
    rainfallIntensity = -9999.0
    #mTypeID = xeniaSQLite.getMTypeFromObsName(self, obs_type, uom, platform_handle,1)
    sensor_id = xeniaSQLite.sensorExists(self, obs_type, uom, platform_handle)

    if sensor_id:
      rainfallIntensity = self.calcIntensity( platform_handle, sensor_id, date, intervalInMinutes)
      #We do not store radar data that has 0 for precipitation, so we want to make sure not to send
      #-1.0 as the return value as -1.0 indicates no data due to a data problem.
      #if rainfallIntensity == -9999.0:
      #  rainfallIntensity = 0.0
      self.logger.error("No sensor for: precipitation_radar_weighted_average(in) found for platform: %s" %(platform_handle))
    return rainfallIntensity
Exemple #5
  def calcAvgWindSpeedAndDir(self, platName, wind_speed_obsname, wind_speed_uom, wind_dir_obsname, wind_dir_uom, startDate, endDate):
    windComponents = []
    dirComponents = []
    vectObj = vectorMagDir();
    #Get the wind speed and direction so we can correctly average the data.
    #Get the sensor ID for the obs we are interested in so we can use it to query the data.
    windSpdId = xeniaSQLite.sensorExists(self, wind_speed_obsname, wind_speed_uom, platName)
    windDirId = xeniaSQLite.sensorExists(self, wind_dir_obsname, wind_dir_uom, platName)
    if windSpdId is not None and windSpdId != -1 and\
      windDirId is not None and windDirId != -1:
      spd_sql = "SELECT m_date ,m_value FROM multi_obs\
             WHERE sensor_id = %d AND\
             (m_date >= '%s' AND \
             m_date < '%s' ) ORDER BY m_date"\
            %(windSpdId, startDate, endDate)
        self.logger.debug("Wind Speed SQL: %s" % (spd_sql))

      dir_sql = "SELECT m_date ,m_value FROM multi_obs\
             WHERE sensor_id = %d AND\
             (m_date >= '%s' AND \
             m_date < '%s' ) ORDER BY m_date"\
            %(windDirId, startDate, endDate)
        self.logger.debug("Wind Dir SQL: %s" % (dir_sql))
        windSpdCursor = self.DB.cursor()
        windDirCursor = self.DB.cursor()
      except sqlite3.Error, e:
        if self.logger:
        scalarSpd = None
        spdCnt = 0
        for spdRow in windSpdCursor:
          if scalarSpd == None:
            scalarSpd = 0
          scalarSpd += spdRow['m_value']
          spdCnt += 1
          for dirRow in windDirCursor:
            if spdRow['m_date'] == dirRow['m_date']:
              if self.logger:
                self.logger.debug("Calculating vector for Speed(%s): %f Dir(%s): %f" % (spdRow['m_date'], spdRow['m_value'], dirRow['m_date'], dirRow['m_value']))
              #Vector using both speed and direction.
              windComponents.append(vectObj.calcVector(spdRow['m_value'], dirRow['m_value']))
              #VEctor with speed as constant(1), and direction.
              dirComponents.append(vectObj.calcVector(1, dirRow['m_value']))
        #Get our average on the east and north components of the wind vector.
        spdAvg = None
        dirAvg = None
        scalarSpdAvg = None
        vectorDirAvg = None

        #If we have the direction only components, this is unity speed with wind direction, calc the averages.
        if len(dirComponents):
          eastCompAvg = 0
          northCompAvg = 0
          scalarSpdAvg = scalarSpd / spdCnt

          for vectorTuple in dirComponents:
            eastCompAvg += vectorTuple[0]
            northCompAvg += vectorTuple[1]

          eastCompAvg = eastCompAvg / len(dirComponents)
          northCompAvg = northCompAvg / len(dirComponents)
          spdAvg,vectorDirAvg = vectObj.calcMagAndDir(eastCompAvg, northCompAvg)
          if self.logger:
            self.logger.debug("Platform: %s Scalar Speed Avg: %f Vector Dir Avg: %f" % (platName,scalarSpdAvg,vectorDirAvg))

        #2013-11-21 DWR Add check to verify we have components. Also reset the eastCompAvg and northCompAvg to 0
        #before doing calcs.
        #If we have speed and direction vectors, calc the averages.
        if len(windComponents):
          eastCompAvg = 0
          northCompAvg = 0
          for vectorTuple in windComponents:
            eastCompAvg += vectorTuple[0]
            northCompAvg += vectorTuple[1]

          eastCompAvg = eastCompAvg / len(windComponents)
          northCompAvg = northCompAvg / len(windComponents)
          #Calculate average with speed and direction components.
          spdAvg,dirAvg = vectObj.calcMagAndDir(eastCompAvg, northCompAvg)
            self.logger.debug("Platform: %s Vector Speed Avg: %f Vector Dir Avg: %f" % (platName,spdAvg,dirAvg))
