Exemple #1
    def validate(self):
        errors = []
        classSelection = getListFromRangeString(self.SelectedClasses)
        blocks = getBlocksInMetaDataFile(self.ClassifMd)
        self.ExtractDir = getWorkingDirFromRunName(self.ExtractionRun)

        for classNo in classSelection:
            blockName = "class%06d_images" % classNo
            if not blockName in blocks:
                errors.append("%s cannot be found at %s" % (blockName, self.ClassifMd))
        if self.CenterMaxShift > 100 or self.CenterMaxShift < 0:
            errors.append("Maximum shift must be in the range 0-100")
        if self.LowPassFilter > 0.5 or self.LowPassFilter < 0:
            errors.append("Low pass filter must be in the range 0-0.5")

        files = [getImagesFilename(self.ExtractDir, s) for s in ["", "untilted", "tilted"]]
        fnMicrographs = getProtocolFilename("micrographs", WorkingDir=self.ExtractDir)
        for f in files:
            if not exists(f):
                errors.append("Cannot find file: %s" % f)

        if exists(fnMicrographs):
            blocks = getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnMicrographs)
            if not "micrographPairs" in blocks:
                errors.append("Cannot find block micrographPairs@" + fnMicrographs)

        return errors
def runInitAngularReferenceFileStep(self):
    '''Create Initial angular file. Either fill it with zeros or copy input'''
    #NOTE: if using angles, self.selFileName file should contain angles info
    md = xmipp.MetaData(self.selFileName) 
    # Ensure this labels are always 
    expImages = self._getFileName('inputParticlesDoc')
    ctfImages = self._getFileName('imageCTFpairs')
    blocklist = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(ctfImages)
    mdCtf = xmipp.MetaData()
    mdAux = xmipp.MetaData()
    readLabels = [xmipp.MDL_ITEM_ID, xmipp.MDL_IMAGE]
    for block in blocklist:
        #read ctf block from ctf file
        mdCtf.read(block + '@' + ctfImages, readLabels)
        #add ctf columns to images file
        mdAux.joinNatural(md, mdCtf)
        # write block in images file with ctf info
        mdCtf.write(block + '@' + expImages, xmipp.MD_APPEND)
    return [expImages]
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self._filename = filename
        blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(filename)

        if not blocks:  # If there are no block, add an empty one
            blocks = ['']
        ds.DataSet.__init__(self, blocks)
Exemple #4
def readSetOfClassesVol(classesVolSet, filename, classesBlock='classes', **args):
    """read from Xmipp image metadata.
        fnImages: The metadata filename where the particles properties are.
        imgSet: the SetOfParticles that will be populated.
        hasCtf: is True if the ctf information exists.
    blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(filename)
    classesMd = xmipp.MetaData('%s@%s' % (classesBlock, filename))
    samplingRate = classesVolSet.getImages().getSamplingRate()
    for objId in classesMd:
        classVol = ClassVol()
        classRow = rowFromMd(classesMd, objId)
        classVol = rowToClass(classRow, classVol)
        ref = classVol.getObjId()
        b = 'class%06d_images' % ref
        if b in blocks:
            classImagesMd = xmipp.MetaData('%s@%s' % (b, filename))
            for imgId in classImagesMd:
                img = rowToParticle(classImagesMd, imgId, hasCtf=False)
        # Update with new properties of class2D such as _size
        # Check if write function is necessary
Exemple #5
    def _pickMicrograph(self, mic, *args):
        micPath = mic.getFileName()
        # Get particle picking boxsize from the previous run
        boxSize = self.particlePickingRun.outputCoordinates.getBoxSize()
        modelRoot = self._getExtraPath('model')

        micName = removeBaseExt(micPath)
        proceed = True
        if self.micsToPick == MICS_SAMEASPICKING:
            basePos = replaceBaseExt(micPath, "pos")
            fnPos = self.particlePickingRun._getExtraPath(basePos)
            if exists(fnPos):
                blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnPos)
                copy = True
                if 'header' in blocks:
                    mdheader = xmipp.MetaData("header@" + fnPos)
                    state = mdheader.getValue(
                    if state == "Available":
                        copy = False
                if copy:
                    # Copy manual .pos file of this micrograph
                    copyFile(fnPos, self._getExtraPath(basename(fnPos)))
                    proceed = False

        if proceed:
            args = "-i %s " % micPath
            args += "--particleSize %d " % boxSize
            args += "--model %s " % modelRoot
            args += "--outputRoot %s " % self._getExtraPath(micName)
            args += "--mode autoselect --thr %d" % self.numberOfThreads

            self.runJob("xmipp_micrograph_automatic_picking", args)
def runInitAngularReferenceFileStep(self):
    '''Create Initial angular file. Either fill it with zeros or copy input'''
    #NOTE: if using angles, self.selFileName file should contain angles info
    md = xmipp.MetaData(self.selFileName) 
    # Ensure this labels are always 
    expImages = self._getFileName('inputParticlesDoc')
    ctfImages = self._getFileName('imageCTFpairs')
    blocklist = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(ctfImages)
    mdCtf = xmipp.MetaData()
    mdAux = xmipp.MetaData()
    readLabels = [xmipp.MDL_ITEM_ID, xmipp.MDL_IMAGE]
    for block in blocklist:
        #read ctf block from ctf file
        mdCtf.read(block + '@' + ctfImages, readLabels)
        #add ctf columns to images file
        mdAux.joinNatural(md, mdCtf)
        # write block in images file with ctf info
        mdCtf.write(block + '@' + expImages, xmipp.MD_APPEND)
    return [expImages]
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, filename):
     self._filename = filename
     blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(filename)
     if not blocks: # If there are no block, add an empty one
         blocks = ['']
     ds.DataSet.__init__(self, blocks)
Exemple #8
 def getFilePreview(self, objFile):
     self._imgPreview = None
     self._imgInfo = None
     filename = objFile.getPath()
     ext = getExt(filename)
     if ext == '.xmd' or ext == '.ctfparam' or ext == '.pos' or ext == '.doc':
         msg = "*Metadata File* "
         blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(filename)
         nblocks = len(blocks)
         if nblocks <= 1:
             mdStr = self._getMdString(filename)
             msg += "  (single block)\n"
             if self._imgInfo:
                 msg += "\nFirst item: \n" + self._imgInfo
             msg += '\n' + mdStr
             mdStr = self._getMdString(filename, blocks[0])
             msg += "  (%d blocks) " % nblocks
             if self._imgInfo:
                 msg += "\nFirst item: \n" + self._imgInfo
             msg += "\nFirst block: \n" + mdStr
             msg += "\nAll blocks:" + ''.join(["\n  - %s" % b for b in blocks])
     elif ext == '.star':
         msg = "*Relion STAR file* \n"
         msg += self._getMdString(filename)
     return self._imgPreview, msg
Exemple #9
    def getFilePreview(self, objFile):
        self._imgPreview = None
        self._imgInfo = None
        filename = objFile.getPath()
        ext = getExt(filename)

        if ext == '.xmd' or ext == '.ctfparam' or ext == '.pos' or ext == '.doc':
            msg = "*Metadata File* "
            blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(filename)
            nblocks = len(blocks)
            if nblocks <= 1:
                mdStr = self._getMdString(filename)
                msg += "  (single block)\n"
                if self._imgInfo:
                    msg += "\nFirst item: \n" + self._imgInfo
                msg += '\n' + mdStr
                mdStr = self._getMdString(filename, blocks[0])
                msg += "  (%d blocks) " % nblocks
                if self._imgInfo:
                    msg += "\nFirst item: \n" + self._imgInfo
                msg += "\nFirst block: \n" + mdStr
                msg += "\nAll blocks:" + ''.join(
                    ["\n  - %s" % b for b in blocks])
        elif ext == '.star':
            msg = "*Relion STAR file* \n"
            msg += self._getMdString(filename)

        return self._imgPreview, msg
    def autopickMicrographStep(self, micPath):
        # Get particle picking boxsize from the previous run
        boxSize = self.particlePickingRun.outputCoordinates.getBoxSize()
        modelRoot = self._getExtraPath("model")

        micName = removeBaseExt(micPath)
        proceed = True
        if self.micsToPick == MICS_SAMEASPICKING:
            fnPos = self.particlePickingRun._getExtraPath(replaceBaseExt(micPath, "pos"))
            if exists(fnPos):
                blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnPos)
                copy = True
                if "header" in blocks:
                    mdheader = xmipp.MetaData("header@" + fnPos)
                    state = mdheader.getValue(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_MICROGRAPH_STATE, mdheader.firstObject())
                    if state == "Available":
                        copy = False
                if copy:
                    # Copy manual .pos file of this micrograph
                    copyFile(fnPos, self._getExtraPath(basename(fnPos)))
                    proceed = False

        if proceed:
            oroot = self._getExtraPath(micName)
            args = (
                "-i %(micPath)s --particleSize %(boxSize)d --model %(modelRoot)s --outputRoot %(oroot)s --mode autoselect"
                % locals()
            # TODO: What is this?
            #                if self.Fast:
            #                    cmd += " --fast "
            self.runJob("xmipp_micrograph_automatic_picking", args)
    def autopickMicrographStep(self, micPath):
        # Get particle picking boxsize from the previous run
        boxSize = self.particlePickingRun.outputCoordinates.getBoxSize()
        modelRoot = self._getExtraPath('model')

        micName = removeBaseExt(micPath)
        proceed = True
        if self.micsToPick == MICS_SAMEASPICKING:
            fnPos = self.particlePickingRun._getExtraPath(replaceBaseExt(micPath, "pos"))
            if exists(fnPos):
                blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnPos)
                copy = True
                if 'header' in blocks:
                    mdheader = xmipp.MetaData("header@" + fnPos)
                    state = mdheader.getValue(xmipp.MDL_PICKING_MICROGRAPH_STATE,
                    if state == "Available":
                        copy = False
                if copy:
                    # Copy manual .pos file of this micrograph
                    copyFile(fnPos, self._getExtraPath(basename(fnPos)))
                    proceed = False            

        if proceed:
            oroot = self._getExtraPath(micName)
            thr = self.numberOfThreads.get()
            args = "-i %(micPath)s --particleSize %(boxSize)d --model %(modelRoot)s " % locals()
            args += " --outputRoot %(oroot)s --mode autoselect --thr %(thr)d" % locals()
            # TODO: What is this?
#           if self.Fast:
#               args += " --fast "
            self.runJob("xmipp_micrograph_automatic_picking", args)
 def __init__(self, scriptname, project):
     XmippProtocol.__init__(self, protDict.screen_classes.name, scriptname, project)
     self.Import = 'from protocol_screen_classes import *'
     if self.Classes.find('@')==-1:
         if 'classes' in blocks:
     self.Xdim= MetaDataInfo(self.fnImages)[0]
Exemple #13
def readSetOfClasses(classesSet, filename, classesBlock='classes', **kwargs):
    """ Read a set of classes from an Xmipp metadata with the given
    convention of a block for classes and another block for each set of 
    images assigned to each class.
        classesSet: the SetOfClasses object that will be populated.
        filename: the file path where to read the Xmipp metadata.
        classesBlock (by default 'classes'):
            the block name of the classes group in the metadata.
    blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(filename)
    classesMd = xmipp.MetaData('%s@%s' % (classesBlock, filename))
    # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be 
    # done for special cases before converting row to class
    preprocessClass = kwargs.get('preprocessClass', None)
    postprocessClass = kwargs.get('postprocessClass', None)
    for objId in classesMd:
        classItem = classesSet.ITEM_TYPE()
        classRow = rowFromMd(classesMd, objId)
        classItem = rowToClass(classRow, classItem)
        # FIXME: the following is only valid for SetOfParticles
        SetOfParticles.copyInfo(classItem, classesSet.getImages())
        if preprocessClass:
            preprocessClass(classItem, classRow)
        ref = classItem.getObjId()
        b = 'class%06d_images' % ref
        if b in blocks:
            #FIXME: we need to adapt the following line
            # when we face classes of volumes and not just particles
            readSetOfParticles('%s@%s' % (b, filename), classItem, **kwargs) 

        if postprocessClass:
            postprocessClass(classItem, classRow)
        # Update with new properties of classItem such as _size
Exemple #14
def __readSetOfClasses(classBaseSet, readSetFunc, 
                       classesSet, filename, classesBlock='classes', **kwargs):
    """ Read a set of classes from an Xmipp metadata with the given
    convention of a block for classes and another block for each set of 
    images assigned to each class.
        classesSet: the SetOfClasses object that will be populated.
        filename: the file path where to read the Xmipp metadata.
        classesBlock (by default 'classes'):
            the block name of the classes group in the metadata.
    blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(filename)
    classesMd = xmipp.MetaData('%s@%s' % (classesBlock, filename))
    # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be 
    # done for special cases before converting row to class
    preprocessClass = kwargs.get('preprocessClass', None)
    postprocessClass = kwargs.get('postprocessClass', None)
    for objId in classesMd:
        classItem = classesSet.ITEM_TYPE()
        classRow = rowFromMd(classesMd, objId)
        # class id should be set in rowToClass function using MDL_REF
        classItem = rowToClass(classRow, classItem)

        classBaseSet.copyInfo(classItem, classesSet.getImages())
        if preprocessClass:
            preprocessClass(classItem, classRow)
        ref = classItem.getObjId()
        b = 'class%06d_images' % ref
        if b in blocks:
            readSetFunc('%s@%s' % (b, filename), classItem, **kwargs) 

        if postprocessClass:
            postprocessClass(classItem, classRow)
        # Update with new properties of classItem such as _size
Exemple #15
    def analyzeOutOfCores(self, subset):
        """ Analyze which images are out of cores """
        levelMdFiles = self._getLevelMdFiles(subset)
        for fn in levelMdFiles:
            mdAll = xmipp.MetaData()
            blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fn)
            fnDir = dirname(fn)
            # Gather all images in block
            for block in blocks:
                if block.startswith("class0"):
                    mdClass = xmipp.MetaData(block + "@" + fn)
            if mdAll.size() > 0:
                # Compute difference to images
                fnSubset = join(fnDir, "images%s.xmd" % subset)
                fnOutOfSubset = join(fnDir, "imagesOut.xmd")
                    "-i %s --set subtraction %s -o %s" % (self.imgsFn, fnSubset, fnOutOfSubset),

                # Remove disabled and intermediate files
                mdClass = xmipp.MetaData(fnOutOfSubset)
                fnRejected = "images_rejected@" + fn
                mdClass.write(fnRejected, xmipp.MD_APPEND)

                # If enough images, make a small summary
                if mdClass.size() > 100:
                    from math import ceil

                    fnRejectedDir = join(fnDir, "rejected%s" % subset)
                    Nclasses = int(ceil(mdClass.size() / 300))
                        "-i %s --nref0 1 --nref %d --iter 5 --distance correlation --classicalMultiref --classifyAllImages --odir %s"
                        % (fnRejected, Nclasses, fnRejectedDir),
Exemple #16
def readSetOfClassesVol(classesVolSet, filename, classesBlock='classes', **kwargs):
    """read from Xmipp image metadata.
        fnImages: The metadata filename where the particles properties are.
        imgSet: the SetOfParticles that will be populated.
        hasCtf: is True if the ctf information exists.
    __readSetOfClasses(SetOfVolumes, readSetOfVolumes,
                       classesVolSet, filename, classesBlock, **kwargs)  

    # FIXME: Delete from here 
    blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(filename)
    classesMd = xmipp.MetaData('%s@%s' % (classesBlock, filename))
    # Provide a hook to be used if something is needed to be 
    # done for special cases before converting row to class
    preprocessClass = kwargs.get('preprocessClass', None)
    postprocessClass = kwargs.get('postprocessClass', None)
    for objId in classesMd:
        classVol = classesVolSet.ITEM_TYPE()
        classRow = rowFromMd(classesMd, objId)
        classVol = rowToClass(classRow, classVol)
        # FIXME: the following is only valid for SetOfParticles
        SetOfParticles.copyInfo(classVol, classesVolSet.getImages())
        if preprocessClass:
            preprocessClass(classVol, classRow)
        ref = classVol.getObjId()
        b = 'class%06d_images' % ref
        if b in blocks:
            readSetFunc = _readSetFunc()
            readSetOfVolumes('%s@%s' % (b, filename), classVol, **kwargs) 

        if postprocessClass:
            postprocessClass(classVol, classRow)
        # Update with new properties of classItem such as _size
def readPosCoordinates(posFile):
    """ Read the coordinates in .pos file and return corresponding metadata.
    There are two possible blocks with particles:
    particles: with manual/supervised particles
    particles_auto: with automatically picked particles.
    If posFile doesn't exist, the metadata will be empty 
    md = MetaData()
    if exists(posFile):
        blocks = getBlocksInMetaDataFile(posFile)
        for b in ['particles', 'particles_auto']:
            if b in blocks:
                mdAux = MetaData('%(b)s@%(posFile)s' % locals())
    return md
Exemple #18
def readPosCoordinates(posFile):
    """ Read the coordinates in .pos file and return corresponding metadata.
    There are two possible blocks with particles:
    particles: with manual/supervised particles
    particles_auto: with automatically picked particles.
    If posFile doesn't exist, the metadata will be empty 
    md = xmipp.MetaData()
    if exists(posFile):
        blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(posFile)
        for b in ['particles', 'particles_auto']:
            if b in blocks:
                mdAux = xmipp.MetaData('%(b)s@%(posFile)s' % locals())
    return md
Exemple #19
    def analyzeOutOfCores(self, subset):
        """ Analyze which images are out of cores """
        levelMdFiles = self._getLevelMdFiles(subset)
        for fn in levelMdFiles:
            mdAll = xmipp.MetaData()
            blocks = xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fn)
            fnDir = dirname(fn)
            # Gather all images in block
            for block in blocks:
                if block.startswith('class0'):
                    mdClass = xmipp.MetaData(block + "@" + fn)
            if mdAll.size() > 0:
                # Compute difference to images
                fnSubset = join(fnDir, "images%s.xmd" % subset)
                fnOutOfSubset = join(fnDir, "imagesOut.xmd")
                            "-i %s --set subtraction %s -o %s" %
                            (self.imgsFn, fnSubset, fnOutOfSubset),

                # Remove disabled and intermediate files
                mdClass = xmipp.MetaData(fnOutOfSubset)
                fnRejected = "images_rejected@" + fn
                mdClass.write(fnRejected, xmipp.MD_APPEND)

                # If enough images, make a small summary
                if mdClass.size() > 100:
                    from math import ceil
                    fnRejectedDir = join(fnDir, "rejected%s" % subset)
                    Nclasses = int(ceil(mdClass.size() / 300))
                                "-i %s --nref0 1 --nref %d --iter 5 --distance correlation --classicalMultiref --classifyAllImages --odir %s"\
Exemple #20
    def classifyGroupsStep(self):
        # Create two metadatas, one for classes and another one for images
        mdClasses = xmipp.MetaData()
        mdImages = xmipp.MetaData()

        fnNeighbours = self._getExtraPath("neighbours.xmd")
        fnGallery = self._getExtraPath("gallery.stk")

        self.classCount = 0
        self.classImages = set()

        for block in xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnNeighbours):
            # Figure out the projection number from the block name
            projNumber = int(block.split("_")[1])

                                  projMdBlock="%s@%s" % (block, fnNeighbours),
                                  projRef="%06d@%s" % (projNumber, fnGallery),

        galleryMd = xmipp.MetaData(self._getExtraPath("gallery.doc"))
        # Increment the reference number to starts from 1
        mdJoined = xmipp.MetaData()
        # Add extra information from the gallery metadata
        mdJoined.join1(mdClasses, galleryMd, xmipp.MDL_REF)
        # Remove unnecessary columns
        md.keepColumns(mdJoined, "ref", "ref2", "image", "image1",
                    "classCount", "angleRot", "angleTilt")

        # Write both classes and images
        fnDirectional = self._getDirectionalClassesFn()
        self.info("Writting classes info to: %s" % fnDirectional)

        fnDirectionalImages = self._getDirectionalImagesFn()
        self.info("Writing images info to: %s" % fnDirectionalImages)
Exemple #21
    def classifyGroupsStep(self):
        # Create two metadatas, one for classes and another one for images
        mdClasses = xmipp.MetaData()
        mdImages = xmipp.MetaData()

        fnNeighbours = self._getExtraPath("neighbours.xmd")
        fnGallery = self._getExtraPath("gallery.stk")

        self.classCount = 0
        self.classImages = set()

        for block in xmipp.getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnNeighbours):
            # Figure out the projection number from the block name
            projNumber = int(block.split("_")[1])

                                  projMdBlock="%s@%s" % (block, fnNeighbours),
                                  projRef="%06d@%s" % (projNumber, fnGallery),

        galleryMd = xmipp.MetaData(self._getExtraPath("gallery.doc"))
        # Increment the reference number to starts from 1
        mdJoined = xmipp.MetaData()
        # Add extra information from the gallery metadata
        mdJoined.join1(mdClasses, galleryMd, xmipp.MDL_REF)
        # Remove unnecessary columns
        md.keepColumns(mdJoined, "ref", "ref2", "image", "image1",
                       "classCount", "angleRot", "angleTilt")

        # Write both classes and images
        fnDirectional = self._getDirectionalClassesFn()
        self.info("Writting classes info to: %s" % fnDirectional)

        fnDirectionalImages = self._getDirectionalImagesFn()
        self.info("Writing images info to: %s" % fnDirectionalImages)
    def defineSteps(self):
        md = MetaData(self.Input['config'])
        for objId in md:
            self.particleSizeForAuto = md.getValue(MDL_PICKING_PARTICLE_SIZE, objId)
        filesToImport = [self.Input[k] for k in self.keysToImport]
        filesToImport += [self.PrevRun.getFilename(k, model=self.model) for k in ['training', 'pca', 'rotpca', 'svm', 'average', 'config', 'templates']]
        self.insertCopyFile(self.MicrographsMd, self.getFilename('micrographs'))

        md = MetaData(self.MicrographsMd)
        particleSize = self.particleSizeForAuto
        modelRoot = self.extraPath(self.model)
        for objId in md:
            # Get micrograph path and name
            path = md.getValue(MDL_MICROGRAPH, objId)
            micrographName = removeBasenameExt(path)
            proceed = True
            if not self.anotherSet:
                fnPos = self.PrevRun.getFilename('pos', micrograph=micrographName)
                if xmippExists(fnPos):
                    blocks = getBlocksInMetaDataFile(fnPos)
                    copy = True
                    if 'header' in blocks:
                        mdheader = MetaData("header@" + fnPos)
                        state = mdheader.getValue(MDL_PICKING_MICROGRAPH_STATE, mdheader.firstObject())
                        if state == "Available":
                            copy = False
                    if copy:
                        # Copy manual .pos file of this micrograph
                        self.insertCopyFile(fnPos, self.getFilename('pos', micrograph=micrographName))
                        proceed = False
            if proceed:
                oroot = self.extraPath(micrographName)
                cmd = "-i %(path)s --particleSize %(particleSize)d --model %(modelRoot)s --outputRoot %(oroot)s --mode autoselect" % locals()
                if self.Fast:
                    cmd += " --fast "
                self.insertParallelRunJobStep("xmipp_micrograph_automatic_picking", cmd)