Exemple #1
 def test_saves_token_to_filesystem(self):
     directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     store = FileTokenStore(directory)
     token = YahooToken('some-token', 'some-secret')
     store.set('foo', token)
     with open(store.get_filepath('foo')) as stored_file:
         self.assertTrue('some-token' in stored_file.read())
Exemple #2
 def test_retrieves_token_from_filesystem(self):
     directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     store = FileTokenStore(directory)
     store.set('foo', '?key=%s&oauth_token=some-oauth-token&'\
               'oauth_token_secret=some-token-secret' % 'some-token')
     token = store.get('foo')
     self.assertTrue('some-token' in token.to_string())
Exemple #3
    def test_update_meme_status(self):
        """Updates status"""
        y = yql.ThreeLegged(YQL_API_KEY, YQL_SHARED_SECRET)
        query = 'INSERT INTO meme.user.posts (type, content) VALUES("text", "test with pythonyql")'
        token_store = FileTokenStore(CACHE_DIR, secret='fjdsfjllds')

        store_name = "meme"
        stored_token = token_store.get(store_name)
        if not stored_token:
            # Do the dance
            request_token, auth_url = y.get_token_and_auth_url()
            print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url
            verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
            token = y.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
            token_store.set(store_name, token)
            # Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it
            # and stash it
            token = y.check_token(stored_token)
            if token != stored_token:
                token_store.set(store_name, token)

        # post a meme
        res = y.execute(query, token=token)
        assert y.uri == "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/yql"
        assert res.rows[0].get("message") == "ok"

        pubid = None
        if res.rows[0].get("post") and res.rows[0]["post"].get("pubid"):
            pubid = res.rows[0]["post"]["pubid"]

        # Delete the post we've just created
        query = 'DELETE FROM meme.user.posts WHERE pubid=@pubid'
        res2 = y.execute(query, token=token, params={"pubid": pubid})
        assert res2.rows[0].get("message") == "ok"
Exemple #4
    def test_update_social_status(self):
        """Updates status"""
        y = yql.ThreeLegged(YQL_API_KEY, YQL_SHARED_SECRET)

        timestamp = time()
        query = """UPDATE social.profile.status
                   SET status='Using YQL. %s Update'
                   WHERE guid=me""" % timestamp

        token_store = FileTokenStore(CACHE_DIR, secret='gsfdsfdsfdsfs')
        stored_token = token_store.get('foo')

        if not stored_token:
            # Do the dance
            request_token, auth_url = y.get_token_and_auth_url()
            print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url
            verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
            token = y.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
            token_store.set('foo', token)
            # Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it
            # and stash it
            token = y.check_token(stored_token)
            if token != stored_token:
                token_store.set('foo', token)

        res = y.execute(query, token=token)
        assert res.rows[0] == "ok"
        new_query = """select message from social.profile.status where guid=me"""
        res = y.execute(new_query, token=token)
        assert res.rows[0].get("message") == "Using YQL. %s Update" % timestamp
Exemple #5
    def get_token(self):
        Login and all that crap
        path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cache'))
        token_store = FileTokenStore(path, secret=TOKEN_SECRET)

        stored_token = token_store.get('fantasy')

        if not stored_token:
            # Do the dance
            request_token, auth_url = self.yql_manager.get_token_and_auth_url()
            print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url
            verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
            self.auth_token = self.yql_manager.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
            token_store.set('fantasy', self.auth_token)
            # Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it
            # and stash it
            self.auth_token = self.yql_manager.check_token(stored_token)
            if self.auth_token != stored_token:
                token_store.set('fantasy', self.auth_token)

        # Create our client.
        self.client = oauth.Client(self.consumer, self.auth_token)
Exemple #6
def get_token(y3, dialog=None):
    """Check if there is a cached token and if so retrieve it else ask the user
    for a new token using dialog.

    The cached token is stored in ~/YahooFF/


        Either the cached token or a newly requested token
    _cache_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/YahooFF')
    if not os.access(_cache_dir, os.R_OK):
    token_store = FileTokenStore(_cache_dir, secret='sasfasdfdasfdaf')
    stored_token = token_store.get('foo')
    if not stored_token:
        request_token, auth_url = y3.get_token_and_auth_url()
        if dialog is not None:
            verifier = dialog(auth_url)
            print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url
            verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
        token = y3.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
        token_store.set('foo', token)
        token = y3.check_token(stored_token)
        if token != stored_token:
            token_store.set('foo', token)
    return token
    def test_update_meme_status(self):
        """Updates status"""
        y = yql.ThreeLegged(YQL_API_KEY, YQL_SHARED_SECRET)
        query = 'INSERT INTO meme.user.posts (type, content) VALUES("text", "test with pythonyql")'
        token_store = FileTokenStore(CACHE_DIR, secret='fjdsfjllds')

        store_name = "meme"
        stored_token = token_store.get(store_name)
        if not stored_token:
            # Do the dance
            request_token, auth_url = y.get_token_and_auth_url()
            print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url
            verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
            token = y.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
            token_store.set(store_name, token)
            # Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it
            # and stash it
            token = y.check_token(stored_token)
            if token != stored_token:
                token_store.set(store_name, token)

        # post a meme
        res = y.execute(query, token=token)
        assert y.uri == "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/yql"
        assert res.rows[0].get("message") == "ok"

        pubid = None
        if res.rows[0].get("post") and res.rows[0]["post"].get("pubid"):
            pubid = res.rows[0]["post"]["pubid"]

        # Delete the post we've just created
        query = 'DELETE FROM meme.user.posts WHERE pubid=@pubid'
        res2 = y.execute(query, token=token, params={"pubid": pubid})
        assert res2.rows[0].get("message") == "ok"
Exemple #8
def OAuth():

	consumer_key = ('dj0yJmk9SGRrbkt5SHFSd2hVJmQ9WVdrOVJqUTRiMVZLTXpRbWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD1iNQ--')
	consumer_secret = ('3deb9f91d5086dec9c9dfe1ac8925eecb5741070')

	y3 = yql.ThreeLegged(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
	_cache_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/FlaskApp/FlaskApp/Yahoo_Fantasy')

	if not os.access(_cache_dir,os.R_OK):
	token_store = FileTokenStore(_cache_dir, secret=consumer_secret)

	stored_token = token_store.get('foo')

	if not stored_token:
		#get access token, visit website and grant yourself access to league information
		request_token, auth_url = y3.get_token_and_auth_url()
		print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url
		verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ") 
		token = y3.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
		token_store.set('foo', token)

		# Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it and stash it
		token = y3.check_token(stored_token)
		if token != stored_token:
			token_store.set('foo', token)
    def test_update_social_status(self):
        """Updates status"""
        y = yql.ThreeLegged(YQL_API_KEY, YQL_SHARED_SECRET)

        timestamp = time()
        query = """UPDATE social.profile.status
                   SET status='Using YQL. %s Update'
                   WHERE guid=me"""  % timestamp

        token_store = FileTokenStore(CACHE_DIR, secret='gsfdsfdsfdsfs')
        stored_token = token_store.get('foo')

        if not stored_token:
            # Do the dance
            request_token, auth_url = y.get_token_and_auth_url()
            print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url
            verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
            token = y.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
            token_store.set('foo', token)
            # Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it
            # and stash it
            token = y.check_token(stored_token)
            if token != stored_token:
                token_store.set('foo', token)

        res = y.execute(query, token=token)
        assert res.rows[0] == "ok"
        new_query = """select message from social.profile.status where guid=me"""
        res = y.execute(new_query, token=token)
        assert res.rows[0].get("message") == "Using YQL. %s Update" % timestamp
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, stored_token_name, key, secret):
        API_KEY = key
        SECRET = secret

        y = yql.ThreeLegged(API_KEY, SECRET)

        path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cache'))
        if not os.path.exists(path):

        token_store = FileTokenStore(path, secret='apples')

        stored_token = token_store.get(stored_token_name)

        if not stored_token:
            request_token, auth_url = y.get_token_and_auth_url()
            verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
            token = y.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
            token_store.set(stored_token_name, token)
            token = y.check_token(stored_token)
            if token != stored_token:
                token_store.set(stored_token_name, token)

        self.y = y
        self.token = token
Exemple #11
 def test_cannot_retrieve_token_if_path_doesnt_exist(self):
     directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     store = FileTokenStore(directory)
     store.set('foo', '?key=%s&oauth_token=some-oauth-token&'\
               'oauth_token_secret=some-token-secret' % 'some-token')
     self.assertTrue(store.get('foo') is None)
    def __init__(self, output_file, logger):
        # TODO: Find a better place for this. Encrypted?
        consumer_key = (
        # TODO: Find a better place for this. Encrypted?
        consumer_secret = "649bf450f84a086f0112c2584e71e34fadbf798b"

        with open("data/defense_list.json", "rb") as fp:
            self.defense_list = json.load(fp)

        with open("data/team_abbr.json", "rb") as fp:
            self.team_names_abbr = json.load(fp)

        with open("data/player_mapped_names.json", "rb") as fp:
            self.player_mismatch_names = json.load(fp)

        self.y3 = yql.ThreeLegged(consumer_key, consumer_secret)

        if getattr(sys, "frozen", None):
            basedir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
            basedir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

        self.all_picked_players = []
        my_path = os.path.join(basedir, "")
        self.token_store = FileTokenStore(my_path, consumer_secret)
        stored_token = self.token_store.get("foo")
        self.request_token, self.auth_url = self.y3.get_token_and_auth_url()
        self.sql_con = lite.connect("data/playerDB.db")
        self.output_file = output_file
        self.logger = logger

        if not stored_token:
            self.authorized = 0
            self.authorized_message = "No access token found"
            # Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it
            # and stash it
            self.logger.info("Stored access token has been found")
            self.access_token = self.y3.check_token(stored_token)
            if self.access_token != stored_token:
                self.logger.info("refreshing access token")
                self.token = self.y3.check_token(stored_token)
                self.token_store.set("foo", self.token)
                self.authorized = 1
                self.authorized_message = "Access token has been refreshed"
                self.authorized_message = "Access token is less than one hour old, no need to refresh"
                self.authorized = 1
def get_token():
    path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cache'))
    token_store = FileTokenStore(path, secret=YAHOO_STORAGE_SECRET)
    stored_token = token_store.get('josh')
    if stored_token is None:
        query = 'select * from social.connections where owner_guid=me'
        request_token, auth_url = y3.get_token_and_auth_url()
        print "Go to {0}".format(auth_url)
        verifier = raw_input("Please put in token that Yahoo gives you")
        access_token = y3.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
        token_store.set('josh', access_token)
        return access_token
        token = y3.check_token(stored_token)
        if token != stored_token:
            token_store.set('josh', token)
        return token
Exemple #14
def refresh_data():
  """ Call with no parameters. Returns a list of JSON rows with score data. """
  auth_vals = get_authvals_csv('auth.csv')
  y = yql.ThreeLegged(auth_vals['consumer_key'], auth_vals['consumer_secret'])
  path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cache'))
  token_store = FileTokenStore(path, secret=auth_vals['file_token_secret'])
  stored_token = token_store.get('foo')

  if not stored_token:
    request_token, auth_url = y.get_token_and_auth_url()
    verifier = raw_input('Please enter your PIN:')
    access_token = y.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
    token_store.set('foo', access_token)
    # Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it
    # and stash it
    access_token = y.check_token(stored_token)
    if access_token != stored_token:
        token_store.set('foo', access_token)

  teams_query = "select * from fantasysports.teams where league_key=%s" % str(auth_vals['league_key'])
  teams_yql = y.execute(teams_query, token=access_token)
  team_names = []
  for team in teams_yql.rows:

  scoreboards_query = "select * from fantasysports.leagues.scoreboard where league_key='273.l.103279' and week in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)"
  scoreboards_yql = y.execute(scoreboards_query, token=access_token)
  current_week = int(scoreboards_yql.rows[-1]['current_week'])
  scoreboards = scoreboards_yql.rows[0:current_week-1]
  standings_query = "select * from fantasysports.leagues.standings where league_key='273.l.103279'"
  standings_yql = y.execute(standings_query, token=access_token)
  standings = standings_yql.rows

  pickle.dump(scoreboards, open('scoreboards.pkl', 'w'))
  pickle.dump(standings, open('standings.pkl', 'w'))
  return scoreboards, standings
Exemple #15
def get_yahoo_auth():
        f = open('/var/Webpage/Yahoo_Fantasy/passwords_yahoo.txt', 'r')  # if running on server
    except IOError:
        f = open('passwords_yahoo.txt', 'r')

    text = f.read()
    d = ast.literal_eval(text)

    consumer_key = d['consumer_key']
    consumer_secret = d['consumer_secret']

    y3 = yql.ThreeLegged(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
    PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    _cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(PROJECT_ROOT)

    if not os.access(_cache_dir, os.R_OK):
    token_store = FileTokenStore(_cache_dir, secret=consumer_secret)

    stored_token = token_store.get('foo')

    if not stored_token:
        # get access token, visit website and grant yourself access to league information
        request_token, auth_url = y3.get_token_and_auth_url()
        print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url
        verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
        token = y3.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
        token_store.set('foo', token)

        # Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it and stash it
        token = y3.check_token(stored_token)
        if token != stored_token:
            token_store.set('foo', token)

    return token, y3
    def __init__(self, user_input_league_id=None, user_input_chosen_week=None):
        # config vars
        self.config = ConfigParser()
        if user_input_league_id:
            self.league_id = user_input_league_id
            self.league_id = self.config.get(
                "Fantasy_Football_Report_Settings", "chosen_league_id")

        # verification output message
            "Generating fantasy football report for league with id: %s (report generated: %s)\n"
            % (self.league_id, "{:%Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S}".format(

        # yahoo oauth api (consumer) key and secret
        with open("./authentication/private.txt", "r") as auth_file:
            auth_data = auth_file.read().split("\n")
        consumer_key = auth_data[0]
        consumer_secret = auth_data[1]

        # yahoo oauth process
        self.y3 = yql.ThreeLegged(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
        _cache_dir = self.config.get("OAuth_Settings", "yql_cache_dir")
        if not os.access(_cache_dir, os.R_OK):

        token_store = FileTokenStore(_cache_dir, secret="sasfasdfdasfdaf")
        stored_token = token_store.get("foo")

        if not stored_token:
            request_token, auth_url = self.y3.get_token_and_auth_url()
            print("Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url)
            verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
            self.token = self.y3.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
            token_store.set("foo", self.token)

            print("Verifying token...\n")
            self.token = self.y3.check_token(stored_token)
            if self.token != stored_token:
                print("Setting stored token!\n")
                token_store.set("foo", self.token)
        run base yql queries
        # get fantasy football game info
        game_data = self.yql_query(
            "select * from fantasysports.games where game_key='nfl'")
        # unique league key composed of this year's yahoo fantasy football game id and the unique league id
        self.league_key = game_data[0].get("game_key") + ".l." + self.league_id
        print("League key: %s\n" % self.league_key)

        # get individual league roster
        roster_data = self.yql_query(
            "select * from fantasysports.leagues.settings where league_key='" +
            self.league_key + "'")

        roster_slots = collections.defaultdict(int)
        self.league_roster_active_slots = []
        flex_positions = []

        for position in roster_data[0].get("settings").get(

            position_name = position.get("position")
            position_count = int(position.get("count"))

            count = position_count
            while count > 0:
                if position_name != "BN":
                count -= 1

            if position_name == "W/R":
                flex_positions = ["WR", "RB"]
            if position_name == "W/R/T":
                flex_positions = ["WR", "RB", "TE"]

            if "/" in position_name:
                position_name = "FLEX"

            roster_slots[position_name] += position_count

        self.roster = {"slots": roster_slots, "flex_positions": flex_positions}

        # get data for all teams in league
        self.teams_data = self.yql_query(
            "select * from fantasysports.teams where league_key='" +
            self.league_key + "'")

        # get data for all league standings
        self.league_standings_data = self.yql_query(
            "select * from fantasysports.leagues.standings where league_key='"
            + self.league_key + "'")
        self.league_name = self.league_standings_data[0].get("name")
        # TODO: incorporate winnings into reports
        # entry_fee = league_standings_data[0].get("entry_fee")

        if user_input_chosen_week:
            chosen_week = user_input_chosen_week
            chosen_week = self.config.get("Fantasy_Football_Report_Settings",
            if chosen_week == "default":
                self.chosen_week = str(
                    int(self.league_standings_data[0].get("current_week")) - 1)
                # self.chosen_week = "1"
            elif 0 < int(chosen_week) < 18:
                if 0 < int(chosen_week) <= int(
                        self.league_standings_data[0].get("current_week")) - 1:
                    self.chosen_week = chosen_week
                    incomplete_week = raw_input(
                        "Are you sure you want to generate a report for an incomplete week? (y/n) -> "
                    if incomplete_week == "y":
                        self.chosen_week = chosen_week
                    elif incomplete_week == "n":
                        raise ValueError(
                            "It is recommended that you not generate a report for an incomplete week."
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Please only select 'y' or 'n'. Try running the report generator again."
                raise ValueError(
                    "You must select either 'default' or an integer from 1 to 17 for the chosen week."
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                "You must select either 'default' or an integer from 1 to 17 for the chosen week."
Exemple #17
conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_SCOREBOARD) #connect to database scoreboard lcoated in data folder
c = conn.cursor()

consumer_key = ('dj0yJmk9SGRrbkt5SHFSd2hVJmQ9WVdrOVJqUTRiMVZLTXpRbWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD1iNQ--')
consumer_secret = ('3deb9f91d5086dec9c9dfe1ac8925eecb5741070')

y3 = yql.ThreeLegged(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
_cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(PROJECT_ROOT)

if not os.access(_cache_dir,os.R_OK):
token_store = FileTokenStore(_cache_dir, secret=consumer_secret)

stored_token = token_store.get('foo')

if not stored_token:
	#get access token, visit website and grant yourself access to league information
	request_token, auth_url = y3.get_token_and_auth_url()
	print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url
	verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ") 
	token = y3.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
	token_store.set('foo', token)

	# Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it and stash it
	token = y3.check_token(stored_token)
	if token != stored_token:
import gspread
from sys import argv
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials

y3 = yql.ThreeLegged('insert client ID', 'insert client secret')

_cache_dir = 'C:\\Users\\Luke\\PycharmProjects\\YahooAPI'

if not os.access(_cache_dir, os.R_OK):


token_store = FileTokenStore(_cache_dir, secret='insert secret here')

stored_token = token_store.get('foo')

if not stored_token:

    # Do the dance

    request_token, auth_url = y3.get_token_and_auth_url()

    print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url

    verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
    token = y3.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
    token_store.set('foo', token)
class ddfImportTools:
    def __init__(self, output_file, logger):
        # TODO: Find a better place for this. Encrypted?
        consumer_key = (
        # TODO: Find a better place for this. Encrypted?
        consumer_secret = "649bf450f84a086f0112c2584e71e34fadbf798b"

        with open("data/defense_list.json", "rb") as fp:
            self.defense_list = json.load(fp)

        with open("data/team_abbr.json", "rb") as fp:
            self.team_names_abbr = json.load(fp)

        with open("data/player_mapped_names.json", "rb") as fp:
            self.player_mismatch_names = json.load(fp)

        self.y3 = yql.ThreeLegged(consumer_key, consumer_secret)

        if getattr(sys, "frozen", None):
            basedir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
            basedir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

        self.all_picked_players = []
        my_path = os.path.join(basedir, "")
        self.token_store = FileTokenStore(my_path, consumer_secret)
        stored_token = self.token_store.get("foo")
        self.request_token, self.auth_url = self.y3.get_token_and_auth_url()
        self.sql_con = lite.connect("data/playerDB.db")
        self.output_file = output_file
        self.logger = logger

        if not stored_token:
            self.authorized = 0
            self.authorized_message = "No access token found"
            # Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it
            # and stash it
            self.logger.info("Stored access token has been found")
            self.access_token = self.y3.check_token(stored_token)
            if self.access_token != stored_token:
                self.logger.info("refreshing access token")
                self.token = self.y3.check_token(stored_token)
                self.token_store.set("foo", self.token)
                self.authorized = 1
                self.authorized_message = "Access token has been refreshed"
                self.authorized_message = "Access token is less than one hour old, no need to refresh"
                self.authorized = 1

    def ddf_setup(self, league_id, ddf_file, output_file, user_team):
        Sets up the ddf file by using the ddf_file provided
        The setup section is imported into the output_ddf
        and the draft order is imported. The draft order is
        mostly useless other than the fact that Draft Dominator
        and Lineup Dominator do not like blank draft orders
        old_ddf = open(ddf_file, "r")

        settings_done = 0
        with open(output_file, "a+") as ddffile_setup:
            for line in old_ddf.readlines():
                if settings_done == 0:
                    if line != "[Team Names]\n":
                        match = re.search(r"TeamNumber", line)
                        if match:
                            ddffile_setup.write("TeamNumber=" + user_team + "\n")
                        settings_done = 1
                elif settings_done == 1:
                    match_pickorder = re.search(r"\[Pick Order\]", line)
                    match_round = re.search(r"Round ", line)
                    if match_pickorder:
                    elif match_round:

    def get_auth_url(self):
        Opens the default browser and directs the user to the
        authorization web page.

    def get_authorization(self, auth_pin):
        Uses auth_pin to complete the authorization process.
        auth_pin is the pin number that is returned once the
        user agrees to authorize the app. The following variables
        are defined:
        oauth_verifier this is the auth pin
        self.access_token This is the request token
        self.authorized This will be 0 or 1 0 = no, 1 = yes
        self.authorized_message Message used for to display in app
        oauth_verifier = auth_pin
        self.access_token = self.y3.get_access_token(self.request_token, oauth_verifier)
        self.token_store.set("foo", self.access_token)
        self.authorized = 1
        self.authorized_message = "Access token created. App is now authorized to access your Fantasy Football Data"

    def team_count(self, league_id):
        league_id = league_id
        num_teams_query = self.y3.execute(
            """select * from fantasysports.leagues where league_key='nfl.l.%s'""" % (league_id), token=self.access_token
        num_teams_result = num_teams_query.results["league"]["num_teams"]
        self.num_teams = int(num_teams_result)

    def write_team_names(self, num_teams, league_id):
        ddffile = open(self.output_file, "a+")
        ddffile.write("[Team Names]" + "\n")

        for x in range(0, num_teams):
            team_num = x + 1
            team_info = self.y3.execute(
                """select * from fantasysports.teams where team_key='nfl.l.%s.t.%s'""" % (league_id, str(team_num)),
            team_name = team_info.results["team"]["name"]
            ddffile.write("Team%s" % (str(team_num)) + "=" + team_name.encode("utf-8") + "\n")
        team_num = team_num + 1
        ddffile.write("Team%s" % (str(team_num)) + "=" + "\n")

    def team_roster(self, league_id, team_id):

        trailing_text = " , , /0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0\n"
        ddffile = open(self.output_file, "a+")
        ddffile.write("[Team%s]" % (team_id) + "\n")

        team = self.y3.execute(
            "select * from fantasysports.teams.roster where team_key='nfl.l.%s.t.%s'" % (league_id, team_id),
        # This is a list embedded with dictionary entries for players data
        player_list = team.results["team"]["roster"]["players"]["player"]
        cur = self.sql_con.cursor()
        no_match = 0
        team = []
        counter = 0

        for x in player_list:
            counter = counter + 1
            cur.execute("SELECT * FROM players WHERE first=? AND last=?", (x["name"]["first"], x["name"]["last"]))
            rows = cur.fetchall()

            if len(rows) == 1:
                ddffile.write("P" + str(counter) + "=" + rows[0][0] + ", ," + rows[0][3] + trailing_text)
                self.all_picked_players.append(rows[0][0] + ", ," + rows[0][3] + trailing_text)
                    "Found an exact match for!"
                    + " "
                    + x["name"]["first"]
                    + " "
                    + x["name"]["last"]
                    + " "
                    + x["editorial_team_abbr"].lower()

            elif len(rows) > 1:
                match_found = 0
                for matched in rows:
                    if matched[4] == self.team_names_abbr[x["editorial_team_abbr"].lower()]:
                        self.all_picked_players.append(matched[0] + ", ," + rows[0][3] + trailing_text)
                        ddffile.write("P" + str(counter) + "=" + matched[0] + ", ," + rows[0][3] + trailing_text)
                        match_found = match_found + 1
                if match_found == 0:
                        "Match not found for multiple result!"
                        + " "
                        + x["name"]["first"]
                        + " "
                        + x["name"]["last"]
                        + " "
                        + x["editorial_team_abbr"].lower()
                        "Match found for multiple result no problem to report here!"
                        + " "
                        + x["name"]["first"]
                        + " "
                        + x["name"]["last"]
                        + " "
                        + x["editorial_team_abbr"].lower()

            elif len(rows) == 0:
                # This should be a defense, if not we have a mismatched player
                if x["name"]["full"] in self.defense_list:
                        "SELECT * FROM players WHERE first='%s' AND team='%s'"
                        % (x["name"]["first"], self.team_names_abbr[x["editorial_team_abbr"].lower()])
                    rows = cur.fetchall()
                    ddffile.write("P" + str(counter) + "=" + rows[0][0] + ", ," + rows[0][3] + trailing_text)
                    self.all_picked_players.append(rows[0][0] + ", ," + rows[0][3] + trailing_text)
                    self.logger.info("Match found, this is a defense!" + " " + x["name"]["full"])

                elif x["name"]["full"] in self.player_mismatch_names:
                        "SELECT * FROM players WHERE first='%s' AND last='%s'"
                        % (
                    rows = cur.fetchall()
                    ddffile.write("P" + str(counter) + "=" + rows[0][0] + ", ," + rows[0][3] + trailing_text)
                    self.all_picked_players.append(rows[0][0] + ", ," + rows[0][3] + trailing_text)
                        "Match found in the misspelled list!"
                        + " "
                        + x["name"]["first"]
                        + " "
                        + x["name"]["last"]
                        + " "
                        + x["editorial_team_abbr"].lower()

                    no_match = no_match + 1
                        "Match not found!"
                        + " "
                        + x["name"]["first"]
                        + " "
                        + x["name"]["last"]
                        + " "
                        + x["editorial_team_abbr"].lower()


    def importSchedule(self, league_id, team_id):
        week_list = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17"]
        week_num_count = 0
        with open(self.output_file, "a+") as fp:

        for week_num in week_list:
            schedule_query = self.y3.execute(
                "select scoreboard.matchups.matchup from fantasysports.leagues.scoreboard where league_key='nfl.l.%s' and week='%s'"
                % (league_id, week_num),
            result_list = schedule_query.rows

            for row in result_list:

                if (
                    team_id == row["scoreboard"]["matchups"]["matchup"]["teams"]["team"][0]["team_id"]
                    or team_id == row["scoreboard"]["matchups"]["matchup"]["teams"]["team"][1]["team_id"]
                    # The correct matchup has been found

                    if team_id != row["scoreboard"]["matchups"]["matchup"]["teams"]["team"][0]["team_id"]:
                        with open(self.output_file, "a+") as fp:
                                + week_num
                                + "="
                                + row["scoreboard"]["matchups"]["matchup"]["teams"]["team"][0]["team_id"]
                                + "\n"
                            week_num_count = week_num_count + 1

                    elif team_id != row["scoreboard"]["matchups"]["matchup"]["teams"]["team"][1]["team_id"]:
                        with open(self.output_file, "a+") as fp:
                                + week_num
                                + "="
                                + row["scoreboard"]["matchups"]["matchup"]["teams"]["team"][1]["team_id"]
                                + "\n"
                            week_num_count = week_num_count + 1

                            "There was an error creating the schedule. Please report this to the developer"

        week_num_count = week_num_count + 1
        for no_schedule in range(week_num_count, 21):
            with open(self.output_file, "a+") as fp:
                fp.write("Week" + str(no_schedule) + "=0\n")

        with open(self.output_file, "a+") as fp:

    def dummyDraftSummary(self):
        counter = 1
        with open(self.output_file, "a+") as ddffile:
            for player in self.all_picked_players:
                ddffile.write("D" + str(counter) + "=" + player)
                counter = counter + 1

Exemple #20

consumer_key = "dj0yJmk9SGRrbkt5SHFSd2hVJmQ9WVdrOVJqUTRiMVZLTXpRbWNHbzlNQS0tJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmeD1iNQ--"
consumer_secret = "3deb9f91d5086dec9c9dfe1ac8925eecb5741070"

y3 = yql.ThreeLegged(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
_cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(PROJECT_ROOT)

if not os.access(_cache_dir, os.R_OK):
token_store = FileTokenStore(_cache_dir, secret=consumer_secret)

stored_token = token_store.get("foo")

if not stored_token:
    # get access token, visit website and grant yourself access to league information
    request_token, auth_url = y3.get_token_and_auth_url()
    print "Visit url %s and get a verifier string" % auth_url
    verifier = raw_input("Enter the code: ")
    token = y3.get_access_token(request_token, verifier)
    token_store.set("foo", token)

    # Check access_token is within 1hour-old and if not refresh it and stash it
    token = y3.check_token(stored_token)
    if token != stored_token:
Exemple #21
 def test_saves_token_string_to_filesystem(self):
     directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     store = FileTokenStore(directory)
     store.set('foo', '?key=some-token')
     with open(store.get_filepath('foo')) as stored_file:
         self.assertTrue('some-token' in stored_file.read())
Exemple #22
 def test_must_be_instanced_with_an_existant_path(self):