def test_save_load_octree():
    pos = np.random.normal(0.5, scale=0.05,
                           size=(NPART, 3)) * (DRE - DLE) + DLE
    octree = ParticleOctreeContainer((1, 1, 1), DLE, DRE)
    octree.n_ref = 32
    for i in range(3):
        np.clip(pos[:, i], DLE[i], DRE[i], pos[:, i])
    # Convert to integers
    pos = np.floor((pos - DLE) / dx).astype("uint64")
    morton = get_morton_indices(pos)
    saved = octree.save_octree()
    loaded = OctreeContainer.load_octree(saved)
    always = AlwaysSelector(None)
    ir1 = octree.ires(always)
    ir2 = loaded.ires(always)
    yield assert_equal, ir1, ir2

    fc1 = octree.fcoords(always)
    fc2 = loaded.fcoords(always)
    yield assert_equal, fc1, fc2

    fw1 = octree.fwidth(always)
    fw2 = loaded.fwidth(always)
    yield assert_equal, fw1, fw2
def test_add_particles_random():
    pos = np.random.normal(0.5, scale=0.05,
                           size=(NPART, 3)) * (DRE - DLE) + DLE
    # Now convert to integers
    for i in range(3):
        np.clip(pos[:, i], DLE[i], DRE[i], pos[:, i])
    # Convert to integers
    pos = np.floor((pos - DLE) / dx).astype("uint64")
    morton = get_morton_indices(pos)
    for ndom in [1, 2, 4, 8]:
        octree = ParticleOctreeContainer((1, 1, 1), DLE, DRE)
        octree.n_ref = 32
        for dom, split in enumerate(np.array_split(morton, ndom)):
        # This visits every oct.
        tc = octree.recursively_count()
        total_count = np.zeros(len(tc), dtype="int32")
        for i in sorted(tc):
            total_count[i] = tc[i]
        yield assert_equal, octree.nocts, total_count.sum()
        # This visits every cell -- including those covered by octs.
        #for dom in range(ndom):
        #    level_count += octree.count_levels(total_count.size-1, dom, mask)
        yield assert_equal, total_count, [1, 8, 64, 64, 256, 536, 1856, 1672]
def test_save_load_octree():
    pos = np.random.normal(0.5, scale=0.05, size=(NPART,3)) * (DRE-DLE) + DLE
    octree = ParticleOctreeContainer((1, 1, 1), DLE, DRE)
    octree.n_ref = 32
    for i in range(3):
        np.clip(pos[:,i], DLE[i], DRE[i], pos[:,i])
    # Convert to integers
    pos = np.floor((pos - DLE)/dx).astype("uint64")
    morton = get_morton_indices(pos)
    saved = octree.save_octree()
    loaded = OctreeContainer.load_octree(saved)
    always = AlwaysSelector(None)
    ir1 = octree.ires(always)
    ir2 = loaded.ires(always)
    yield assert_equal, ir1, ir2

    fc1 = octree.fcoords(always)
    fc2 = loaded.fcoords(always)
    yield assert_equal, fc1, fc2

    fw1 = octree.fwidth(always)
    fw2 = loaded.fwidth(always)
    yield assert_equal, fw1, fw2
def test_add_particles_random():
    pos = np.random.normal(0.5, scale=0.05, size=(NPART,3)) * (DRE-DLE) + DLE
    # Now convert to integers
    for i in range(3):
        np.clip(pos[:,i], DLE[i], DRE[i], pos[:,i])
    # Convert to integers
    pos = np.floor((pos - DLE)/dx).astype("uint64")
    morton = get_morton_indices(pos)
    for ndom in [1, 2, 4, 8]:
        octree = ParticleOctreeContainer((1, 1, 1), DLE, DRE)
        octree.n_ref = 32
        for dom, split in enumerate(np.array_split(morton, ndom)):
        # This visits every oct.
        tc = octree.recursively_count()
        total_count = np.zeros(len(tc), dtype="int32")
        for i in sorted(tc):
            total_count[i] = tc[i]
        yield assert_equal, octree.nocts, total_count.sum()
        # This visits every cell -- including those covered by octs.
        #for dom in range(ndom):
        #    level_count += octree.count_levels(total_count.size-1, dom, mask)
        yield assert_equal, total_count, [1, 8, 64, 64, 256, 536, 1856, 1672]
Exemple #5
def test_get_morton_indices():
    from yt.utilities.lib.geometry_utils import get_morton_indices, get_morton_indices_unravel
    INDEX_MAX_64 = np.uint64(2097151)
    li = np.arange(6, dtype=np.uint64).reshape((2, 3))
    mi_ans = np.array([10, 229], dtype=np.uint64)
    mi_out = get_morton_indices(li)
    mi_out2 = get_morton_indices_unravel(li[:, 0], li[:, 1], li[:, 2])
    assert_array_equal(mi_out, mi_ans)
    assert_array_equal(mi_out2, mi_ans)
    li[0, :] = INDEX_MAX_64 * np.ones(3, dtype=np.uint64)
    assert_raises(ValueError, get_morton_indices, li)
    assert_raises(ValueError, get_morton_indices_unravel, li[:, 0], li[:, 1],
                  li[:, 2])
Exemple #6
def test_morton_neighbor():
    from yt.utilities.lib.geometry_utils import get_morton_indices, morton_neighbor

    order = 20
    imax = np.uint64(1 << order)
    p = np.array(
            [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax / 2],
            [imax / 2, imax / 2, 0],
            [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax],
    p_ans = np.array(
            [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1],
            [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1],
            [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax - 1],
            [imax / 2, imax / 2, 1],
            [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1],
            [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2],
            [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1],
            [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax - 1],
            [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, 1],
    mi_ans = get_morton_indices(p_ans)
    assert_equal(morton_neighbor(p[0, :], [2], [+1], imax), mi_ans[0])
    assert_equal(morton_neighbor(p[0, :], [2], [-1], imax), mi_ans[1])
    assert_equal(morton_neighbor(p[1, :], [2], [-1], imax, periodic=False), -1)
    assert_equal(morton_neighbor(p[2, :], [2], [+1], imax, periodic=False), -1)
    assert_equal(morton_neighbor(p[1, :], [2], [-1], imax, periodic=True),
    assert_equal(morton_neighbor(p[2, :], [2], [+1], imax, periodic=True),
    assert_equal(morton_neighbor(p[0, :], [1, 2], [+1, +1], imax), mi_ans[4])
    assert_equal(morton_neighbor(p[0, :], [0, 1], [-1, -1], imax), mi_ans[5])
    assert_equal(morton_neighbor(p[0, :], [0, 2], [-1, +1], imax), mi_ans[6])
        morton_neighbor(p[1, :], [1, 2], [-1, -1], imax, periodic=False), -1)
        morton_neighbor(p[2, :], [1, 2], [+1, +1], imax, periodic=False), -1)
        morton_neighbor(p[1, :], [1, 2], [-1, -1], imax, periodic=True),
        morton_neighbor(p[2, :], [1, 2], [+1, +1], imax, periodic=True),
Exemple #7
def test_get_morton_neighbors():
    from yt.utilities.lib.geometry_utils import get_morton_indices, get_morton_neighbors

    order = 20
    imax = 1 << order
    p = np.array(
            [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax / 2],
            [imax / 2, imax / 2, 0],
            [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax],
    pn_non = [
                # x +/- 1
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1],
                # y +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                # x +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1],
                # x +/- 1
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, 0],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, 0],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, 0],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, 0],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, 0],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, 0],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, 1],
                # y +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, 0],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, 0],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, 1],
                # z +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2, 0 + 1],
                # x +/- 1
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax - 1],
                # y +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax - 1],
                # z +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax - 1],
    pn_per = [
                # x +/- 1
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1],
                # y +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1],
                # z +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1],
                # x +/- 1
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, 0],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, 0],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, 0],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, 0],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, 0],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, 0],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax - 1],
                # y +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, 0],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, 0],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax - 1],
                # z +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2, 0 + 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax - 1],
                # x +/- 1
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, 1],
                [imax / 2 + 1, imax / 2, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 + 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2 - 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, 1],
                [imax / 2 - 1, imax / 2, imax - 1],
                # y +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 + 1, imax - 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2 - 1, imax - 1],
                # z +/- 1
                [imax / 2, imax / 2, 1],
                [imax / 2, imax / 2, imax - 1],
    mi = get_morton_indices(p)
    N = mi.shape[0]
    # Non-periodic
    for i in range(N):
        out = get_morton_neighbors(np.array([mi[i]], dtype=np.uint64),
        ans = get_morton_indices(np.vstack([p[i, :], pn_non[i]]))
                           err_msg=f"Non-periodic: {i}")
    # Periodic
    for i in range(N):
        out = get_morton_neighbors(np.array([mi[i]], dtype=np.uint64),
        ans = get_morton_indices(np.vstack([p[i, :], pn_per[i]]))
                           err_msg=f"Periodic: {i}")