def __init__(self, package, setup=None, teardown=None, globs=None,
              optionflags=None, encoding=None, checker=None,
              allow_teardown=False, **kw):
     BasicTestSetup.__init__(self, package, **kw)
     self.setUp = setup or self.setUp
     self.tearDown = teardown or self.tearDown
     self.encoding = encoding or self.encoding
     self.checker = checker or self.checker
     if globs is not None:
         self.globs = globs
     if optionflags is not None:
         self.optionflags = optionflags
     self.allow_teardown = allow_teardown
 def __init__(self, package, pfilter_func=None, regexp_list=None):
     BasicTestSetup.__init__(self, package, regexp_list=regexp_list)
     self.pfilter_func = pfilter_func or self.isTestModule
     self.filter_func = self.pfilter_func
 def test_file_contains_copes_with_strange_encodings(self):
     # we can also parse files that are not utf-8 or similar
     mysetup = BasicTestSetup(cave, regexp_list=["MARKER", ])
     path = self.create_file(b"Line 1\n \xff\xfeW[ \nMARKER\n\n")
     assert mysetup.fileContains(path) is True
 def test_file_contains_no_match(self):
     # fileContains might find no match
     mysetup = BasicTestSetup(cave, regexp_list=["MARKER", ])
     path = self.create_file(b"Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3\n\n")
     assert mysetup.fileContains(path) is False
 def test_file_contains_match(self):
     # the fileContains method finds matches
     mysetup = BasicTestSetup(cave, regexp_list=["MARKER", ])
     path = self.create_file(b"Line 1\nLine 2\nMARKER in file\n\n")
     assert mysetup.fileContains(path) is True