Exemple #1
def bakeManualRotateDelta(src, ctrl, presetStr):
	When you need to apply motion from a skeleton that is completely different from a skeleton driven
	by the rig you're working with (transferring motion from old assets to newer assets for example)
	you can manually align the control to the joint and then use this function to generate offset
	rotations and bake a post trace cmd.
    srcInvMat = Matrix(getAttr('%s.worldInverseMatrix' % src))
    ctrlMat = Matrix(getAttr('%s.worldMatrix' % ctrl))

    #generate the offset matrix as
    mat_o = ctrlMat * srcInvMat

    #now figure out the euler rotations for the offset
    ro = getAttr('%s.ro' % ctrl)
    rotDelta = constants.MATRIX_ROTATION_ORDER_CONVERSIONS_TO[ro](mat_o, True)

    #now get the positional delta
    posDelta = Vector(xform(src, q=True, ws=True, rp=True)) - Vector(
        xform(ctrl, q=True, ws=True, rp=True))
    posDelta *= -1
    ctrlParentInvMat = Matrix(getAttr('%s.parentInverseMatrix' % ctrl))
    posDelta = posDelta * ctrlParentInvMat

    #construct a list to use for the format str
    formatArgs = tuple(rotDelta) + tuple(posDelta)

    #build the post trace cmd str
    PostTraceNode(ctrl).setCmd(presetStr % formatArgs)

    return rotDelta
Exemple #2
def getWorldRotMatrix( obj ):
	returns the world matrix for the given obj
	worldMatrix = Matrix( getAttr( '%s.worldMatrix' % obj ), 4 )
	worldMatrix.set_position( (0, 0, 0) )

	return worldMatrix
Exemple #3
def getLocalRotMatrix( obj ):
	returns the local matrix for the given obj
	localMatrix = Matrix( getAttr( '%s.matrix' % obj ), 4 )
	localMatrix.set_position( (0, 0, 0) )

	return localMatrix
Exemple #4
def getWorldRotMatrix(obj):
	returns the world matrix for the given obj
    worldMatrix = Matrix(getAttr('%s.worldMatrix' % obj), 4)
    worldMatrix.set_position((0, 0, 0))

    return worldMatrix
Exemple #5
def getLocalRotMatrix(obj):
	returns the local matrix for the given obj
    localMatrix = Matrix(getAttr('%s.matrix' % obj), 4)
    localMatrix.set_position((0, 0, 0))

    return localMatrix
def getWorldRotMatrix(obj):
	returns the world matrix for the given obj
    worldMatrix = Matrix(getAttr("%s.worldMatrix" % obj), 4)
    worldMatrix.set_position((0, 0, 0))

    return worldMatrix
def getLocalRotMatrix(obj):
	returns the local matrix for the given obj
    localMatrix = Matrix(getAttr("%s.matrix" % obj), 4)
    localMatrix.set_position((0, 0, 0))

    return localMatrix
def _asPy(self, size=4):
    values = []
    for i in range(size):
        for j in range(size):
            values.append(self(i, j))

    return Matrix(values, size)
def __asNice(self):
    values = []
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4):
            values.append(self(i, j))

    return Matrix(values)
Exemple #10
def mirrorMatrix(matrix, axis=AX_X, orientAxis=AX_X):
	axis is the axis things are flipped across
	orientAxis is the axis that gets flipped when mirroring orientations
    assert isinstance(matrix, Matrix)
    mirroredMatrix = Matrix(matrix)

    #make sure we've been given a Axis instances...  don't bother testing, just do it, and make it absolute (non-negative - mirroring in -x is the same as mirroring in x)
    mirrorAxis = abs(Axis(axis))
    axisA = abs(Axis(orientAxis))

    #flip all axes
    axisB, axisC = axisA.otherAxes()
    mirroredMatrix[axisB][mirrorAxis] = -matrix[axisB][mirrorAxis]
    mirroredMatrix[axisC][mirrorAxis] = -matrix[axisC][mirrorAxis]

    #the above flipped all axes - but this results in a changing of coordinate system handed-ness, so flip one of the axes back
    nonMirrorAxisA, nonMirrorAxisB = mirrorAxis.otherAxes()
        nonMirrorAxisA] = -mirroredMatrix[axisA][nonMirrorAxisA]
        nonMirrorAxisB] = -mirroredMatrix[axisA][nonMirrorAxisB]

    #if the input matrix was a 4x4 then mirror translation
    if matrix.size == 4:
        mirroredMatrix[3][mirrorAxis] = -matrix[3][mirrorAxis]

    return mirroredMatrix
Exemple #11
def setWorldRotMatrix(obj, matrix):
	given a world matrix, will set the transforms of the object
    parentInvMatrix = Matrix(getAttr('%s.parentInverseMatrix' % obj))
    localMatrix = matrix * parentInvMatrix

    setLocalRotMatrix(obj, localMatrix)
Exemple #12
    def compute(self, plug, dataBlock):
        dh_mirrorTranslation = dataBlock.inputValue(self.mirrorTranslation)
        mirrorTranslation = Axis(dh_mirrorTranslation.asShort())

        inWorldMatrix = dataBlock.inputValue(self.inWorldMatrix).asMatrix()
        inParentInvMatrix = dataBlock.inputValue(

        dh_mirrorAxis = dataBlock.inputValue(self.mirrorAxis)
        axis = Axis(dh_mirrorAxis.asShort())

        R, S = inWorldMatrix.asPy(
            3).decompose()  #this gets just the 3x3 rotation and scale matrices
        x, y, z = R  #extract basis vectors

        #mirror the rotation axes and construct the mirrored rotation matrix
        idxA, idxB = axis.otherAxes()
        x[idxA] = -x[idxA]
        x[idxB] = -x[idxB]

        y[idxA] = -y[idxA]
        y[idxB] = -y[idxB]

        z[idxA] = -z[idxA]
        z[idxB] = -z[idxB]

        #factor scale back into the matrix
        mirroredMatrix = Matrix(x + y + z, 3) * S
        mirroredMatrix = mirroredMatrix.expand(4)

        #now put the rotation matrix in the space of the target object
        dh_targetParentMatrixInv = dataBlock.inputValue(
        tgtParentMatrixInv = dh_targetParentMatrixInv.asMatrix()
        matInv = tgtParentMatrixInv.asPy()

        #put the rotation in the space of the target's parent
        mirroredMatrix = mirroredMatrix * matInv

        #if there is a joint orient, make sure to compensate for it
        tgtJoX = dataBlock.inputValue(self.targetJointOrientX).asDouble()
        tgtJoY = dataBlock.inputValue(self.targetJointOrientY).asDouble()
        tgtJoZ = dataBlock.inputValue(self.targetJointOrientZ).asDouble()

        jo = Matrix.FromEulerXYZ(tgtJoX, tgtJoY, tgtJoZ)
        joInv = jo.inverse()
        joInv = joInv.expand(4)
        mirroredMatrix = mirroredMatrix * joInv

        #grab the rotation order of the target
        rotOrderIdx = dataBlock.inputValue(self.targetRotationOrder).asInt()

        #grab euler values
        R, S = mirroredMatrix.decompose(
        )  #we need to decompose again to extract euler angles...
        eulerXYZ = outX, outY, outZ = mayaRotationOrders[rotOrderIdx](
            R)  #R.ToEulerYZX()

        dh_outRX = dataBlock.outputValue(self.outRotateX)
        dh_outRY = dataBlock.outputValue(self.outRotateY)
        dh_outRZ = dataBlock.outputValue(self.outRotateZ)

        #set the rotation


        ### NOW DEAL WITH POSITION ###

        #set the position
        if mirrorTranslation == self.M_COPY:
            inLocalMatrix = inWorldMatrix * inParentInvMatrix
            pos = MPoint(inLocalMatrix(3, 0), inLocalMatrix(3, 1),
                         inLocalMatrix(3, 2))
        elif mirrorTranslation == self.M_INVERT:
            inLocalMatrix = inWorldMatrix * inParentInvMatrix
            pos = MPoint(-inLocalMatrix(3, 0), -inLocalMatrix(3, 1),
                         -inLocalMatrix(3, 2))
        elif mirrorTranslation == self.M_MIRROR:
            pos = MPoint(inWorldMatrix(3, 0), inWorldMatrix(3, 1),
                         inWorldMatrix(3, 2))
            pos = [pos.x, pos.y, pos.z]
            pos[axis] = -pos[axis]
            pos = MPoint(*pos)
            pos = pos * tgtParentMatrixInv


        dh_outTX = dataBlock.outputValue(self.outTranslateX)
        dh_outTY = dataBlock.outputValue(self.outTranslateY)
        dh_outTZ = dataBlock.outputValue(self.outTranslateZ)

Exemple #13
	def compute( self, plug, dataBlock ):
		dh_mirrorTranslation = dataBlock.inputValue( self.mirrorTranslation )
		mirrorTranslation = Axis( dh_mirrorTranslation.asShort() )

		inWorldMatrix = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inWorldMatrix ).asMatrix()
		inParentInvMatrix = dataBlock.inputValue( self.inParentMatrixInv ).asMatrix()

		dh_mirrorAxis = dataBlock.inputValue( self.mirrorAxis )
		axis = Axis( dh_mirrorAxis.asShort() )

		R, S = inWorldMatrix.asPy( 3 ).decompose()  #this gets just the 3x3 rotation and scale matrices
		x, y, z = R  #extract basis vectors

		#mirror the rotation axes and construct the mirrored rotation matrix
		idxA, idxB = axis.otherAxes()
		x[ idxA ] = -x[ idxA ]
		x[ idxB ] = -x[ idxB ]

		y[ idxA ] = -y[ idxA ]
		y[ idxB ] = -y[ idxB ]

		z[ idxA ] = -z[ idxA ]
		z[ idxB ] = -z[ idxB ]

		#factor scale back into the matrix
		mirroredMatrix = Matrix( x + y + z, 3 ) * S
		mirroredMatrix = mirroredMatrix.expand( 4 )

		#now put the rotation matrix in the space of the target object
		dh_targetParentMatrixInv = dataBlock.inputValue( self.targetParentMatrixInv )
		tgtParentMatrixInv = dh_targetParentMatrixInv.asMatrix()
		matInv = tgtParentMatrixInv.asPy()

		#put the rotation in the space of the target's parent
		mirroredMatrix = mirroredMatrix * matInv

		#if there is a joint orient, make sure to compensate for it
		tgtJoX = dataBlock.inputValue( self.targetJointOrientX ).asDouble()
		tgtJoY = dataBlock.inputValue( self.targetJointOrientY ).asDouble()
		tgtJoZ = dataBlock.inputValue( self.targetJointOrientZ ).asDouble()

		jo = Matrix.FromEulerXYZ( tgtJoX, tgtJoY, tgtJoZ )
		joInv = jo.inverse()
		joInv = joInv.expand( 4 )
		mirroredMatrix = mirroredMatrix * joInv

		#grab the rotation order of the target
		rotOrderIdx = dataBlock.inputValue( self.targetRotationOrder ).asInt()

		#grab euler values
		R, S = mirroredMatrix.decompose()  #we need to decompose again to extract euler angles...
		eulerXYZ = outX, outY, outZ = mayaRotationOrders[ rotOrderIdx ]( R )  #R.ToEulerYZX()

		dh_outRX = dataBlock.outputValue( self.outRotateX )
		dh_outRY = dataBlock.outputValue( self.outRotateY )
		dh_outRZ = dataBlock.outputValue( self.outRotateZ )

		#set the rotation
		dh_outRX.setDouble( outX )
		dh_outRY.setDouble( outY )
		dh_outRZ.setDouble( outZ )

		dataBlock.setClean( plug )


		#set the position
		if mirrorTranslation == self.M_COPY:
			inLocalMatrix = inWorldMatrix * inParentInvMatrix
			pos = MPoint( inLocalMatrix(3,0), inLocalMatrix(3,1), inLocalMatrix(3,2) )
		elif mirrorTranslation == self.M_INVERT:
			inLocalMatrix = inWorldMatrix * inParentInvMatrix
			pos = MPoint( -inLocalMatrix(3,0), -inLocalMatrix(3,1), -inLocalMatrix(3,2) )
		elif mirrorTranslation == self.M_MIRROR:
			pos = MPoint( inWorldMatrix(3,0), inWorldMatrix(3,1), inWorldMatrix(3,2) )
			pos = [ pos.x, pos.y, pos.z ]
			pos[ axis ] = -pos[ axis ]
			pos = MPoint( *pos )
			pos = pos * tgtParentMatrixInv


		dh_outTX = dataBlock.outputValue( self.outTranslateX )
		dh_outTY = dataBlock.outputValue( self.outTranslateY )
		dh_outTZ = dataBlock.outputValue( self.outTranslateZ )

		dh_outTX.setDouble( pos[0] )
		dh_outTY.setDouble( pos[1] )
		dh_outTZ.setDouble( pos[2] )