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Welcome to Fufufuu version 3 repository.

Development Environment Setup

Developing for Fufufuu version 3 on OS X requires:

  • Xcode with GCC compiler installed
  • brew
  • npm

Install the following brew packages

> brew update
> brew install libjpeg libpng freeetype postgresql python3 elasticsearch

Install the following npm packages

> sudo npm install -g coffee-script less markdown uglify-js

Start by installing pip

> sudo easy_install pip
> sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
> mkdir ~/.envs

Add the following lines to .bash_profile

export WORKON_HOME=~/.envs
source /usr/local/bin/

Restart your terminal, then create a new virtual environment. Check that the installed version are correct.

> mkvirtualenv --python=python3.3 fufufuu
(fufufuu) > python --version
Python 3.3.3
(fufufuu) > pip --version
pip 1.5.1 from ... (python 3.3)

The (fufufuu) prefix indicates the fufufuu virtual environment is active. To work a virtual environment

> workon fufufuu
(fufufuu) >

Install the required python packages

(fufufuu) > pip install -r requirements.txt

There are two scripts that need to be run in the background:

(fufufuu) > ./scripts/         # compile less files
(fufufuu) > ./scripts/       # compile coffee scripts


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