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This CLI tool is build with python ,to use it first

Install dependencies with

pip install -r requirements.txt

also download install VCForPython and you can now run your commands


Hash and sign a file

to generate a public and private keys

...> hash -g -ws [output dir:optional]

a pubic and a private key will be generated and store in the given folder specified


To sign a file run

...> hash -s -f [file path] -ws [output dir :optional]

the specified file will be sign with the owners private key which will be located in the output directory given and generate a signature file which will be stored in the output folder specified


verify a file using the public key and the signature, enter the file path and the workspace folder where the public key file is stored

...> hash -v -f [file path] -ws [output dir :optional]


Password Generator

Password generator Commands

...>pgen -l [length of password]

the length is the length of password to be generated.

the generated password is printed on the console


Analyze a file

to analyse a file to extract its infoemation run. where file path is the path to the file to be used

...> analyse -f [file path]


Creating a Plugin

plugin is a file that starts with plug_* and exist in the /file_analyser directory

plugin file must contain a function name run which takes in a file_path and return a list of a logger function output. The logger can be imported from utilities

from utilities import logger

the logger function takes the name of an attribute and the value of the attribute and return a log format

def run(file_path,*args,**kwargs):
    return [logger(name,value)]


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