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This project was developed as part of the DTU course 02819 Data Mining using Python. The purpose of the project is to perform data mining of the danish online car shopping site, The available data contains information about all the cars currently on sale, such as price, age, mileage done, location of sale, etc. This data is crawled once by the script and stored more convenient in a local MySQLdb database. The data is used to conduct different statistics, such as the distribution of car brands on sale, distrution of car brands based on the sales location, but also simple statistics to answer questions like "which car is the cheapest?" and "which car is the most expensive?". Data mining techniques are used to evaluate the textual descriptions of the cars and based on that together with other attributes of the cars (mileage, price), a linear regression model is calculated and used to predict prices of car models, in order to calculate a best offer for a certain model. A cherrypy web application was also developed in order to provide a more graphical view of the findings in the project.

The project consist of the following modules: contains only code to download data from to a local database. Downloading only needs to be done once. Run script with 'python <n_pages>', where n_pages is the number of pages to crawl. This argument is optional, and if not provided, all pages will be crawled (usually around 1300 pages with 32 cars on each). contains convenient methods for communication with the database. contains methods to create different plots to visualize data and results from the data mining functions. contains convenient methods to generate html representations of different data. contains unittests of the modules. contains all the data mining functions. is the main python file, run this to start the webapp on http://localhost:8888

Running the web application:

1: Install MySQL and the MySQLdb module:

Linux: 	sudo apt-get install mysql-server

		sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb

2: Create a database user and a database to be used for the application:

mysql>	CREATE DATABASE bilbasendb;

mysql>  CREATE USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'bilbasen';

mysql>  USE bilbasendb;

mysql>  GRANT ALL ON bilbasendb.* TO 'user'@'localhost';

mysql> quit;

3: Run the script to get some qgdata into the database:


- if you are in a hurry, specify the number of pages:

python <n_pages>

4: Run the cherrypy application:


5: Open your browser on localhost:8888 and play around! :)