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This is a verilog implementation of a two-layered Spiking Restrictive Boltzmann Machine with

Prerequisite Softwares

  1. Linux OS(tested on Centos 6.8).
  2. Modelsim from, student edition is ok.
  3. Python 2.7 and scipy, numpy
  4. Git
  5. DC Compiler (dc_shell)
  6. DC Primetime (pt_shell)
  7. pwgen a linux command line tool.
  8. Code editor with shell-script, python, verilog syntax support like sublime.
  9. vcd2saif program.

Matlab is used to run matlab verification, but it's not required if you don't modify the source code.


1. Get Source code.

## go to home page.
cd ~
## create workspace
mkdir RBM_Workspace && cd RBM_Workspace
## checkout verilog source code & tcl scripts from github repo
git clone ./vRBM  
## checkout bash scripts(used to run simulation code) from github repo
git clone -b parallel_script ./parallel_script
## create temporary folder and saif files output directory
mkdir tmp saif_output

2. Prepare configuration in parallel_script

edit is the code editor program here, for example sublime_text.

cd ./parallel_script
## set the simulation running configuration
edit ./
## set the power measurement running configuration
edit ./

Simulation Configuration

## the source directory (specially used by modelsim)
## the temporary directory
## the saif output

## where is the bash script directory

## where is python2.7 installed

## where is the vcd2saif installed

## how many iterations you want to run

## how many images you want to use

## how many threads you want to use

############### Basic Parameter Setup ###############

## which adders to simulate
SIM_ADDERS=(ZHU) ## (ETAIIM ZHU ZHU4 8A 4B 6B) available

## which criticality to use
SIM_CRITICAL_ID=(1 2 3 4 5 6)

## how many critical neuron for each criticality
SIM_CRITICAL_NUM=(1 41 81 121 161 201 241 281 321 361 401 441)

############### Advance Parameter Setup ###############

## specify all parameters by hand
SIM_ADVANCED_SETUPS=("4B 2 1" "4B 4 41")

############### Conclusion ###############

## use the advanced parameter or the basic parameter setup

## whether combine the two setup

Power Measurement Configuration

Some variables are similar to those in simulation.

## the source directory (specially used by dc_shell)
## where the saif file located (needed by power measurements, generated from modelsim)
## which adders you want to measure power at
## where the bash script located
## where the python 2.7 locate
## where is dc compiler located

3. Run Simulation

## load scripts into bash
source ~/RBM_Workspace/parallel_script/

## run modelsim simulations, usually takes 10hours+ depending on your parameter setup.
## watch all the error at the very beginning! If anything goes wrong Ctrl-C stop it.
## it will generate all the saif files to $SIM_DEST

## zip all saif files and copy the single .zip file (large) into your current dir.

## see your generated saif zip, this will be useful to someone else who want to measure power with different tool.
ls -al | grep all_saif_*.zip

############# This part is needed if the power measurement and simulation happens in different servers. #############

## transfer the saif to another server
scp ./all_saif_[$timestamp].zip  ${a remote server:~/RBM_Workspace/}

## go to the another server
ssh  ${a remote server}

## go to where the saif files located at
cd ~/RBM_Workspace/ && unzip ./all_saif_[$timestamp].zip

4. Measure Power in DC Compiler

First, make sure you have the DC_SOURCE, DC_DEST and etc correctly setup, especially if you measure the power in a different server.

## load it again, if you are in another server
source ~/RBM_Workspace/parallel_script/

## run dc_shell power measurement, usually takes 1-2hours depending on your parameter setup.
## watch all the error at the very beginning! If anything goes wrong Ctrl-C stop it.
## it will read all saif files from $DC_DEST and produce summary.{txt,csv} to $DC_DEST/summary/

Working on the Code

Some advice if you want to work on the source code.


Starts from RBMLayer.v, which is almost the same with ClassiLayer.v and gives you the big picture. The sigmoid, Random Number generator and iadder_* module are too detailed and can be understood easily from usage.

And then go to Main.v, which is the top level module and just the concatenation of those two layers.

Finally the test_bench/Main_real_tb.v, you will see a lot of parameters are defined at the top and those KEY:

localparam input_image_path = "../build/data/mnist/selected/image_2.txt";  //KEY:MNIST_IMAGE

The KEY:xxx is used to easy string matching/replacing to run multiple simulation in shell script.


Entry of the matlab code is example_dis_XX.m, just read it and rbmPredict_spikingAAXX would be enough for understanding. Others are used to generate models & verification etc...

Bash Script

Bash scripts are hard to read, there are three files you could read in order:,,

Important Notes on Primetime Power measurement

  1. use correct change_names -rules in dc <reference>

  2. use -propagated in write_saif (output gate level saif from dc to primetime) <reference>

  3. use -auto_map_names in read_saif (read rtl level saif from dc) <reference>

  4. instance_name/strip_path is the path of top module from testbench (for example test_real_main/main) <reference>