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Jupyter Kernel Gateway

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The kernel gateway is a web server that supports different mechanisms for spawning and communicating with Jupyter kernels, such as:

  • A Jupyter Notebook server-compatible HTTP API used for requesting kernels and talking the Jupyter kernel protocol with the kernels over Websockets
  • A HTTP API defined by annotated notebook cells that maps HTTP verbs and resources to code to execute on a kernel

The server launches kernels in its local process/filesystem space. It can be containerized and scaled out using common technologies like tmpnb, Cloud Foundry, and Kubernetes.

Example Uses of Kernel Gateway

  • Attach a local Jupyter Notebook server to a compute cluster in the cloud running near big data (e.g., interactive gateway to Spark)
  • Enable a new breed of non-notebook web clients to provision and use kernels (e.g., web dashboards using jupyter-js-services)
  • Create microservices from notebooks using the Kernel Gateway notebook-http mode


See the Features page in the documentation for a detailed explanation of Jupyter Kernel Gateway's features.


Detailed installation instructions can be found in the Jupyter Kernel Gateway documentation found on ReadTheDocs.

# install from pypi
pip install jupyter_kernel_gateway

# show all config options
jupyter kernelgateway --help-all

# run it with default options
jupyter kernelgateway


Development Installation

Setting up a Dockerized development environment for the Jupyter Kernel Gateway is straightforward using these steps:

  1. Prerequisite - Docker installation (if needed)

For example, on a Mac, do this one-time setup to set up Docker locally:

brew update

# make sure you're on Docker >= 1.7
brew install docker-machine docker
docker-machine create -d virtualbox dev
eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
  1. Clone the repo

    # make a directory under ~ to put source
    mkdir -p ~/projects
    cd !$
    # clone this repo
    git clone
  2. Test the installation

    make test-python3
    make test-python2
  3. Run the gateway server

    cd kernel_gateway
    make dev
  4. Access the gateway instances:

    a. Run docker-machine ls and note the IP of the dev machine.

    b. Visit http://THAT_IP:8888/api in your browser where THAT_IP is the IP address returned from the previous step. (Note that the route /api/kernels is not enabled by default for greater security. See the --KernelGatewayApp.list_kernels parameter documentation if you would like to enable the /api/kernels route.)


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  • Python 77.7%
  • Jupyter Notebook 21.0%
  • Makefile 1.3%