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VarConLib - The Varying Constants Library

Daniel Berke

A library of functions and scripts for dealing with HARPS observations in pursuit of my PhD.

Within the varconlib folder, there are:

  • config: contains a config file for defining the paths of various frequently-used directories.
  • conversion: library model containing functions for converting between air and vacuum wavelengths.
  • data: various files containing data used by other functions.
  • exceptions: custom exceptions.
  • fitting: library module containing code relevant to fitting models.
  • miscellaneous: library module containing various bits of random code that don't fit elsewhere, such as utility function to convert between wavelengths and velocities.
  • obs1d: library module containing code for opening 1D HARPS FITS files. (Old, deprecated.)
  • obs2d: library module containing code for opening 2D HARPS FITS files from an intermediate stage of the reduction pipeline.
  • scripts: scripts for data analysis (Kind of a mess.)
  • star: library module for the Star class which handles collating all the observational data for a star (which can have an arbitrary number of observations) and extracting the pair separation measurements necessary for measuring a change in alpha.
  • transition_line: library module containing the Transition class which holds code relating to a single atomic transition.
  • transition_pair: library module containing the TransitionPair class which holds two Transition objects as well as additional meta-data about them.