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Backend (REST API) for Parking Management System by SKS

RESTful HTTP API using Flask, Flask-Restful and SQLAlchemy

cd app
  • Install requisite packages:
$ make install
  • Config file: (default) or set env variable CARCERES_CONFIG eg:
  • Create tables:
$ make init_db
  • Run service:
$ make run
  • List of endpoints:
  • /api/login (Methods: any) Authorize user by login/pass. Returns tokens.
  • /api/refresh (Methods: POST) Authorize user by refresh token. Returns tokens.
  • /api/user (Methods: GET, PUT) Current user's data.
  • /api/client (Methods: GET, PUT) Current client's data.
  • /api/users (Methods: GET POST GET /<id> PUT /<id> DELETE /<id>) User resource.
  • /api/clients (Methods: GET POST GET /<id> PUT /<id> DELETE /<id>) Client resource.
  • /api/cars (Methods: GET POST GET /<id> PUT /<id> DELETE /<id>) Car resource.
  • /api/zones (Methods: GET POST GET /<id> PUT /<id> DELETE /<id>) Zone resource.
  • /api/places (Methods: GET POST GET /<id> PUT /<id> DELETE /<id>) Place resource.
  • /api/subscriptions (Methods: GET POST GET /<id> PUT /<id> DELETE /<id>) Subscription resource.


To authorize send username and password (Basic auth) to /api/login.

$ curl -u user_name:user_pass http://<url>/api/login

In response you will get a access and refresh tokens. To authenticate in resources endpoints put access token to x-access-tokens header's field.

$ curl -H "x-access-tokens: <token>" http://<url>/api/users/1

To refresh tokens send a valid refresh token to /api/refresh.

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST -d'{refresh_token:"<tok>"}' http://<url>/api/refresh

Don't forget add Content-Type: application/json header to your requests! All requests (except authorization requests) require a set x-access-tokens header.

Pagination, Sorting

In requests to resource's endpoints (method GET) you can set additional parameters:

  • start - first returned elem from list (default: 1)
  • limit - max returned elements (default: 25 or DEFAULT_PAGE_LIMIT in config field)
  • sort_by- coma separated list of table fields, use asc(field), desc(field) to set direction of sort

URI examples:

  • /api/clients?start=21&limit=10 - 10 clients, starting from 21
  • /api/places?sort_by=asc(zone),nr - places sorted by zone and then by nr


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