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PyOpenGL and PyOpenGL_accelerate

PyOpenGL is normally distributed via PyPI using standard pip:

$ pip install PyOpenGL PyOpenGL_accelerate

You can install this repository by branching/cloning and running

$ cd pyopengl
$ python develop
$ cd accelerate
$ python develop

Note that to compile PyOpenGL_accelerate you will need to have a functioning Python extension-compiling environment.

Learning PyOpenGL

If you are new to PyOpenGL, you likely want to start with the OpenGLContext tutorial page. Those tutorials require OpenGLContext, (which is a big wrapper including a whole scenegraph engine, VRML97 parser, lots of demos, etc) you can install that with:

$ pip install "OpenGLContext-full==3.1.1

The documentation pages are useful for looking up the parameters and semantics of PyOpenGL calls.

Running Tests

You can run the test suite only if you have prebuilt Pygame and Numpy wheels, along with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5. The wheels for the test suite to use should be stored in a directory called "wheelhouse" at the same level as the root checkout here.

To build the wheels on Ubuntu:

$ hg clone
$ apt-get build-dep pygame python-numpy
$ pip2.6 wheel ./pygame numpy
$ pip2.7 wheel ./pygame numpy
$ pip3.4 wheel ./pygame numpy
$ pip3.5 wheel ./pygame numpy

if you do that in the same directory where you checked out pyopengl you will have all of your wheels in the directory the pyopengl tox suite is expecting.

You'll obviously need tox installed to run tox, which looks like this:

$ tox

The result being a lot of tests being run in a matrix of environments, with Python versions:

  • 2.7
  • 2.6
  • 3.4

Where we test with and without the accelerate module and with and without numpy installed in the environment. Python 3.5 should work, but there's something screwy with the Ubuntu that prevents the tests running under tox.