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Android Window Transition Graphs

This program is attempting to create Android Window transition graphs for
the static analyzer DroidInfer.

Running runs the framework. It assumes that all required jars are
in a folder named 'classpath_includes' in the root (the same directory as this file).
An example classpath_includes folder is shown below:

|-- android-4.3.jar
|-- android-all.jar
|-- cfl.jar
|-- cgs.jar
|-- jdk-android.jar
|-- jre
|   `-- lib
|       |-- alt-rt.jar
|       |-- charsets.jar
|       |-- deploy.jar
|       |-- ext
|       |   |-- dnsns.jar
|       |   |-- localedata.jar
|       |   |-- sunec.jar
|       |   |-- sunjce_provider.jar
|       |   |-- sunpkcs11.jar
|       |   `-- zipfs.jar
|       |-- javaws.jar
|       |-- jce.jar
|       |-- jfr.jar
|       |-- jfxrt.jar
|       |-- jsse.jar
|       |-- management-agent.jar
|       |-- plugin.jar
|       |-- resources.jar
|       |-- rt.jar
|       `-- security
|           |-- local_policy.jar
|           `-- US_export_policy.jar
|-- libs
|   |-- core.jar
|   |-- framework2.jar
|   |-- framework3.jar
|   `-- framework.jar
|-- soot-develop.jar
`-- soot-trunk.jar

5 directories, 31 files

This was created by running:

tree -S -P "*.jar" --charset=ascii --prune -n has the following usage:

bash $ ./ -h
Usage: ./ [-v] [-t <ANDROID APK>] [-m <MEMORY>] [-c] [-X] [-h]
	-h print this help message and exit
	-v shows soot's (very) verbose output
	-t <ANDROID APK> sets the target apk
	-m <MEMORY> sets the max java memory (-Xmx)
	-X skip running apktool
	-c clean up dirs


  • Java JDK (you need javac)
  • All of the classes that will be analyzed (anything not explicitly given
    will be treated as a phantom-ref!)
  • Graphviz (this is available for most Linux distributions)
  • APK tool


  • The original WTG paper can be found here.
  • JavaDoc for soot can be found in docs/src


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