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Reference/Debug use: Using the Django ORM to explore the Dataverse database

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This repository may be configured to directly read an existing Dataverse 4.4+ database. This read access includes the ability to pull metrics from a Dataverse installation.

The repository was initially created as a way to explore/debug/prototype.

Live version:

database setup]


  • In use:
  • Explore/Prototype
    • Using the Django ORM to explore the Dataverse database, create queries that are later translated to Java code
    • Store cached metadata in JSON documents.

Miniverse set-up


This describes a set-up with two databases:

  1. An existing Dataverse db in Postgres and credentials to at least read the db tables
    • This Database is unmanaged. e.g. Django does not update or attempt to update the tables.
    • With proper user credentials, you can edit records via the Django Admin--but DON'T do this against a production Dataverse
  2. A database for Django to create tables needed for the map and administration.
    - This can be any relational db. (Tested with Postgres and sqlite)

Step 1: Pip install, y'all

This assumes you have installed pip and virtualenvwrapper.

# Create a virtualenv
mkvirtualenv miniverse

# cd into the repo
cd miniverse

# install the basic requirements
pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Step 2: Make a settings file

  • Create a settings file for a two database set-up.
# Make your own settings file: copy "miniverse/settings/"
cp miniverse/settings/ miniverse/settings/
  • Within your new file, change the following values:
  1. SECRET_KEY - Set a new secret key value.
  • Dataverse URL related to the Dataverse db being read. No trailing slash.
  • Set the default credentials to a new database for holding the Django/Miniverse apps
  • Set the dataverse credentials to your existing Dataverse Postgres db
  • This defaults to If you are not using the Django dev server, set it to your host. e.g. ""
  • Related to the host aboe. Set this value to http or https. Default is http
  1. Testing database
  • If you are running the Django tests, go to (about) line 135 where it reads if 'test' in sys.argv or 'test_coverage' in sys.argv:
  • Make these changes:
    • Make sure the test db is a Postgres db
    • Make sure the test db user has access to create a database and tables

Step 3: Make your settings file load when you invoke your virtualenv

  • From the top miniverse project directory, edit this file. (Note: your virtualenv must be active.)
# open with vim
vim $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
# OR open with Atom (or open with anything else)
atom vim $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
  • Add this line to the bottom of the file:
    • export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=miniverse.settings.local_settings
  • The complete file, including your line, should be
# This hook is run after this virtualenv is activated.
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=miniverse.settings.local_settings
  • Save and close the file

  • Type: source $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate

  • Now, each time you use your virtualenv, Django will know which settings to use

Step 4: Test your settings and run the dev server

  • Type python check
  • If everything looks good, run these lines.
    • If any provide errors (not warnings), then re-examine.
    • You will see a warning related to a "OneToOneField", that's OK
python migrate    # creates needed tables
python createsuperuser    # create a superuser for yourself
python collectstatic    # collect your static files

See if things are working. Try this:

python runserver

Try these urls:

Step 5: Run tests

If you have your Testing Database setting in place from Step 2, you can run the local tests:

python test dv_apps.metrics

If they work, you'll see something similar to this:

Installing json fixture 'test_2016_0819' from '/Users/rmp553/Documents/iqss-git/miniverse/dv_apps/metrics/fixtures'.
Processed 10033 object(s).
Resetting sequences
Installed 10033 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)
Test date params
.01 - Count total dataverses: published, unpublished, all
.02 - Test published dataverse counts by month
.03 - Test unpublished dataverse counts by month
.04 - Test all dataverse counts by month
.05 - Count total datasets: published, unpublished, all
.06 - Test published dataset counts by month
.07 - Test unpublished dataset counts by month
.08 - Test all dataset counts by month
.09 - Count total files: published, unpublished, all
.10 - File downloads by month: published,
.11 - File downloads by month: unpublished,
.12 - File downloads by month: all
.13 - Content types of published files
.14 - Content types of published files
.15 - Content types of all files
.16 - Affiliations of published dataverses types
.17 - Affiliations of unpublished dataverses types
.18 - Affiliations of all dataverses types
.19 - File extensions within type
.flush fixtures

... (lots of other stuff) ...

Ran 20 tests in 12.722s

Destroying test database for alias 'default'...

Step 6: Load map test database

  • Load the latest fixture files. The name will be in this format installations_YYYY_MMDD.json where YYYY_MMDD will be the date--use the latest.
  • From your virtual env run:
python loaddata dv_apps/installations/fixtures/installations_2016_0825.json
  • If the command above worked, try this url:

  • On Heroku, the command would be: heroku run python loaddata dv_apps/installations/fixtures/installations_2016_0825.json

Logo update notes

For logos (related to dv_apps.installations), we are developing locally and then moving the logos and model references to dev/prod via github. What does that mean?

Scenario 1: Logo file changed directly (on local environment)

If the logo is changed directly--not uploaded through the admin--then:

  1. Check it into github
  2. Push version to Heroku: git push heroku master
  3. Copy the logos to S3 (which Heroku uses for media files): - heroku run python scripts/ - The script above reads the AWS creds from the Heroku environment - If needed script may be run locally by putting the credentials in the local environ--or directly in the file (but don't check it in)

That should do it.

Scenario 2: Logo uploaded through local admin

In this scenario, the logo has changed, but also the references to it. The steps are similar, but note: 1 and 5:

  1. Create new installation fixtures, naming the output file with the current date: python dumpdata installations --indent=4 > dv_apps/installations/fixtures/installations_YYYY_MM.json
  2. Check the fixture and new image(s) into github. (The file should have been uploaded to media/logos)
  3. Push version to Heroku: git push heroku master
  4. Copy the logos to S3 (which Heroku uses for media files): - heroku run python scripts/ 5 Load the new fixtures on Heroku--using the name of the JSON file created in step 1: - ``````heroku run python loaddata dv_apps/installations/fixtures/installations_YYYY_MM.json```

(end of documentation, so far)

Maps Documentation

Swagger API docs

The swagger UI is available through the following url:

Restricted Django Admin - RestrictAdminMiddleware

Using middleware, the Django Admin access may be restricted to addresses listed in settings.INTERNAL_IPS.

When this middeware is active, users going to Django admin urls who are not coming from an IP listed in settings.INTERNAL_IPS will receive a 404 error.

  • To enable this restriction:
    • In settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES, add: dv_apps.admin_restrict.middleware.RestrictAdminMiddleware
    • Example for settings.local_settings which is importing from settings.base:
    # Restrict by IP address
  • To add acceptable addresses to settings.INTERNAL_IPS
    • You can add full addresses. e.g.

      • e.g., INTERNAL_IPS = ('',)
    • You can add the 1st two segments of the address:

      • e.g., INTERNAL_IPS = ('140.247', '',)
    • You can add the 1st three segments of the address:

      • e.g., INTERNAL_IPS = ('140.247.10', '',)
    • For running django's test server, the default is:

      • e.g., INTERNAL_IPS = ('',)
    • Dev note: The code for RestrictAdminMiddleware is in dv_apps/

To fix: Site matching query does not exist.

This happens when the db doesn't have an entry for a Site object with an id of 1.

  1. Open the shell: python shell
  • On Heroku: heroku run python shell
  1. Add a Site object:
# import the Site object
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.conf import settings

# make sure there isn't a Site--should give an error ending with:
# "DoesNotExist: Site matching query does not exist."
my_site = Site.objects.get(pk=settings.SITE_ID)

# Clear any existing sites.  Case: Site exists but with wrong pk

# Now really make a site
site = Site() = settings.SITE_ID
site.domain = '' = ''

# ensure it exists - shouldn't be an error
my_site = Site.objects.get(pk=settings.SITE_ID)

Load Heroku markers

Preload to S3.

  • Can use boto script in:
heroku run python scripts/
  • Add creds to script and run

Load fixtures

Load the latest fixture files. The name will be in this format installations_YYYY_MMDD.json where YYYY_MMDD will be the date--use the latest.

  • heroku run python loaddata dv_apps/installations/fixtures/installations_2016_0826.json