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SAMs Little Helper

This is a collection of scripts to help and make developing AWS Lambda function using SAM a bit easier.

SAM IAM Helper

A script to help you during local development and function invocation. Normally the function is invoked locally using the AWS cli credentials you have configured.
This works fine but sometimes you like to invoke the function with the exact permissions for the Lambda function, to catch any IAM related problems.


Copy the script to a location of your choice on your development machine. Make the file executable or run it with python3


Run the script with one of the defined commands, list, create, or assume. The script will run using you configured IAM credentials, so make sure you have access enough permissions, CloudFormation, IAM, STS.

./ <command> [parameters]

When a IAM Role has been assumed you can use the profile when invoking SAM Local to ensure you run with the same permissions as the Lambda Function. Either set the profile for the entire terminal:

Linux / Mac

export AWS_PROFILE=sams_helper


setx AWS_PROFILE sams_helper

or specify the --profile parameter for sam local invoke


List Command

The list command print the Lambda functions name and associated roles created in a Cloudformation Stack.

The list command take two parameters.

--stackname, required, specifies the name of the deployed CloudFormation stack to get information from.

--region, optional, specifies the AWS region to use.

./ list --stackname my-cool-stack --region eu-north-1

Create Command

The create command will create a IAM Role with the same permissions as the Role used by the Lambda function. The IAM Role and Policies will be prefixed with sams_helper and will have Tag CreatedBy set to sam_iam_helper. The trust policy will be modified and will add a trust to current account.

The create command take three parameters.

--stackname, required, specifies the name of the deployed CloudFormation stack to get information from.

--functionname, required, specifies the Lambda function to create a cloned IAM Role for.

--region, optional, specifies the AWS region to use.

./ list --stackname my-cool-stack --functionname my-awesome-function --region eu-north-1

Assume Command

The assume command will assume the IAM Role, get temporary credentials and store them under a profile in the AWS cli credentials file. The default profile name used is sams_helper, this value can be overridden. If the IAM Role doesn't exist it will first be created.

The assume command take five parameters.

--stackname, required, specifies the name of the deployed CloudFormation stack to get information from.

--functionname, required, specifies the Lambda function to create a cloned IAM Role for.

--region, optional, specifies the AWS region to use.

--duration The session duration for the assumed role, default is 3600 seconds.

--profile The named credentials profile to store the session credentials under, default sams_helper


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