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A set of disk analysis tools to get real time information from a disk

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A collection of various tools to collect hard drive data in real time

  • log_analysis/: Various scripts to analyze log files from hd\_hammer
  • hd_hammer/: A custom tool that generates a workload on a hard drive and measures from it.
  • img/: Images that showcase various results. These are used as justification for parameters to hd_hammer
  • fio_scripts/: Some scripts that run fio (replaced by hd_hammer)

Computer Setup

To use the computer:

  1. Connect the computer power, and hook up a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
  2. Connect the accelerometer to a different computer
  3. Place hard drive enclosure onto the vibration platform
  4. Log into the computer with username: mark, password: powers. You can change this, or add a new user. If using the existing installation, please reclone this git repository.
  5. If you want to develop over SSH, you can run the computer headless, and just remote transfer the log files over. Either way, since acceleration and hard drive data are measured on two seperate computers, you will need to do some remote copying.

Install Guide

These steps were used to install this repository from a fresh installation of Xubuntu.

  1. Follow this guide to install the linux RT patch.
  2. Install needed software:
  • Essential tools:
sudo apt install git curl smartmontools
  • Install log_analysis dependencies:
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install --user numpy scipy==1.2.1 matplotlib
pip3 install spectrum nfft
  • Install hd_hammer accelerometer dependencies:
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y libphidget22 libphidget22-dev
  1. Clone this repository. Look below for general usage instructions.

Installing a new hard drive

When installing a new hard drive, not much needs to be done to format it, since we are just using the raw disk for measurements anyway, and reading from the raw /dev file.

This command will print out the serial numbers of disks, and which device they are on. It ignores the main SDD (sda).

ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/ata* | grep -E 'sd[b-z]'

Next, update hd_hammer/ to disable write caching on this device. Assuming it is on /dev/sdg, the command would be:

sudo hdparm -f -F -W 0 /dev/sdg

Update the for loop max bound and the case statement to run this drive and give it a prefix. Add to the top of hd_hammer/config.h to include the device in the array of filenames, and the array of file sizes to use (i.e. the disk size).


hd_hammer usage

  1. Modify config.h parameters as desired
  2. Build by running make in the hd_hammer directory
  • Many executables exist (run ls bin/time_*) to see them. Examine hd_hammer/ for specific differences between them
    • Usage: ./bin/time_XYZ -f FILE\_NO -l LOG -r (replacing the name of the executable file here)
    • Here, FILE\_NO is which file to run on (which disk), LOG is the log file name, and -r indicates to run tests (as opposed to -a which allocates files (used when doing direct IO without using the raw disk))
    • See config.h for configuration options prior to building
  • Measure acceleration with ./bin/accel and redirect the output into a log file.
  1. Modify Here, set type_label so that generated log files have useful names. You can also modify the number of iterations run, and which executable to test with
  2. Run to run many tests in sequence.
  3. Alternatively, is best used when gathering log files that are not continuous. You can also run continuous expirements by running the executable manually with the usage above. You should disable write caching first (copy the line from

log_analysis usage usage

This file runs tests based on groups of log files (identified by filename prefixes). For example, I may have log files prefixed by wd_blue_rand_write- ending with 1.csv, 2.csv, etc. I could also create a similar dataset named wd_blue_rand_write_45Hz- as a different set of data. The tests in are often made to find differences between these two sets.

  1. Add a new list of prefixes to form groups with in (e.g. my_group = ["wd_blue_rand_write-", "wd_blue_rand_write_45Hz-"])
  2. Modify the line groups_with = to use your new group (e.g. groups_with = my_group)
  3. Modify the main() function to run any test functions you want.

Other script files:

  • A script to compare two log files generated from the alternating_sequence seek algorithm. This compares the expected latency based on jump sizes. It was found that jump size alone does not determine the expected latency. This script likley does not need to be run any more.
  • A script that takes the filename of a log from the accelerometer as an argument, and plots the three axes together. After this, it also plots an FFT.
  • Plots a single log file
  • Takes in a continuous data log (a log of counts above percentiles), an acceleration data log, and a threshold as input. Shows the acceleration data, highlighting vibration, and also the continuous data on the same x-axis. Continuous data is highlighted when above a given threshold. You may optionally add a fourth argument, which is the offset from the 95 percentile to use (i.e. 0 for 95, 1 for 96, 2 for 97, 3 for 998, and 4 for 99).
  • When given no argument, looks for differences in the before and after smart data of all smart log files. When given an argument, logs smart data from the device specified. See the section below titled "Smart data" for more information about these log files

Interpreting log files

Log files have lines starting with # to express runtime parameters. These are ignored when reading in the data.

Standard log files

This section refers to log files generated by time executables that do not contain the word "continuous" in the title, which are collected for a set period of time. Log files are named indicating which hard drive it is measured from, the type of vibration (none indicates none) giving both Hz and rough velocity (sometimes this number increased/decreased during the test). The first 10 seconds of the run are a warmup period, and so are not included in the log file. The columns of each csv file are timestamp (sec), latency, position where the latency is either in milliseconds or CPU cycles elapsed (set in config.h), the position is the random position where the read/write occured (if not using random, then this field will just be 0/undefined).

Continuous log files

This section refers to the log files generated by time executables that do contain the word "continuous" in the title. The columns of each csv are timestamp (sec), count over 95%tile, count over 96%tile, count over 97%time, count over 98%tile, count over 99%tile. Percentiles are calculated by first running a control period. Then, for each new operation, we compare it against the percentiles and update the counts, and log these.

Acceleration log files

Acceleration log files are generated by the accel executable (by redirecting its standard output). Columns in these logs are timestamp (sec), x accel, y accel, z accel, where acceleration is measured in Gs and the z axis is vertical.

Smart data

Smart data is gotten from the disk at the start of a series of iterations using It is rerun at the end of the iterations. This data is put into one log file with the heads BEFORE and AFTER to indicate which series of data is from which run. "Vendor specific attributes" are ones that aren't known in detail.

How To Usage

This section demonstrates some example usage that has been run, and how plots are generated, such as the ones showcased in the overleaf document.

Basic scatterplots over time

These are plots where latency plotted on the veritical axis with seconds on the horizontal axis.

  1. Compute data using hd_hammer/ Set type_label based on what sort of test. You may want to run multiple times with different labels to compare two different paramters. For example, run one test with no vibration, and the one test with vibration, changing the label to indicate this.
  2. Edit log_analysis/ to include these groups. Look at the log files that were used from the output of step 1. From this, find a phrase that groups together like tests. For example, for log files sg_barr-rand-write-none_1.csv, sg_barr-rand-write-none_2.csv, sg_barr-rand-write-35Hz-6.0mmps_1.csv and, sg_barr-rand-write-35Hz-6.0mmps_2.csv, we can use the two phrases sg_barr-rand-write-none_ and sg_barr-rand-write-35Hz-6.0mmps_ as the two entries inside a list.
  3. Edit log_analysis/ so that groups_include is set to the new groups from step 2. This will read in all files that match the phrase given, and keep them grouped together. For example, with the above scenario, we would get a map with a key sg_barr-rand-write-none_ with 2 data series (from 1 and 2).
  4. Edit log_analysis/ so that the main function calls plot_each. Pass in data_sets as the first parameter. If you want all data series to be on the same axes, use on_one=True.
  5. Run from inside the log_analysis directory so that the relative path reads the data correctly (based on base_dir).

A single scatterplot over time

This is a plot of a single csv file. Axis labels are assuming the csv file is from a standard hd_hammer executable (not continuous).

  1. Generate the data from hd_hammer
  2. Run ./log_analysis/ FILENAME where FILENAME is the path to your log file.
  3. Using the matplotlib interactive viewer, you can zoom in and move around on the plot.

Acceleration FFT

  1. Generate acceleration data by running ./hd_hammer/bin/accel > FILENAME where FILENAME is the file to redirect acceleration values into.
  2. The plot will first show acceleration over time. Closing this will open the FFT plot.

Acceleration and Count plots

  1. Run hd_hammer/accel. While it is running, run a continuous executable file, for example: bin/time_continuous_random -f 5 -l log.csv -r.
  2. Once the file prints out what the thresholds are, the warmup period is done. Now, introduce vibration as desired.
  3. After vibration tests are done, ctrl-c to kill both running processes.
  4. Run ./ log.csv log_accel.csv THRESHOLD PERCENTILE, where log.csv is your log file from the continuous run, log_accel.csv is your acceleration log file, THRESHOLD is the count to be used as the threshold for highlighting i.e. 10, and PERCENTILE is the percentile index to use 0-4, where 0 is 95th, 1 is 96th, through 4 being 99th percentile.


A set of disk analysis tools to get real time information from a disk






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