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Note about Mommy

Mommy uses fuzzy testing techniques. If you don't know what that is, read here:

Creating objects for testing shouldn't hurt

model_mommy is a tool for creating objects for testing in Django, inspired in ruby's ObjectDaddy and FactoryGirl. It generate the values according with the field type, but i will add support to custom values as well.


pip install model_mommy

Basic Usage

If you have a model like this in your app:

class Kid(models.Model):
    happy = models.BooleanField()
    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    age = models.IntegerField()
    bio = models.TextField()
    wanted_games_qtd = models.BigIntegerField()
    birthday = models.DateField()
    appointment = models.DateTimeField()

just call mommy =):

from model_mommy import mommy
from model_mommy.models import Kid

kid = mommy.make_one(Kid)

and your object is created! No boring attributes passing like 'foobar' every damn time.

mommy also handles relationships. Suppose the kid has a dog:

class Dog(models.Model):
    owner = models.ForeignKey('Kid')
    kind = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True)

when you do:

rex = mommy.make_one(Dog)

it will also create the Kid, automatically.

You can also specify values for one or more attribute.

another_kid = mommy.make_one(Kid, age=3)
assert another_kid.age == 3

But, if don't need a persisted object, mommy can handle this for you as well:

from model_mommy import mommy
from model_mommy.models import Kid

kid = mommy.prepare_one(Kid)

It works like make_one, but it doesn't persist the instance nor related fields.

Note 1

ForeignKey and OneToOne fields are not populated by default if null=True. This behavior helps avoiding problems with recursive loops and the "diamond effect".

How's that?

from django.db.models import Model
from model_mommy import mommy

class Person(Model):
    gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=((0, 'M'), (1, 'F'))
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    age = models.IntegerField()
    partner = models.ForeignKey('Person', null=True)

person = mommy.make(Person)
assert person.partner is None

Note 2

A field with blank=True or declared default value has a 25% chance of being left blank or with the default value. Same behavior goes for fields with null=True.

Not so Basic Usage

Model instances can also be generated from Mommy factories. Make your mass producer mom like this:

from model_mommy.mommy import Mommy
from model_mommy.models import Kid

mom = Mommy(Kid)
first_kid = mom.make()
second_kid = mom.make()
third_kid = mom.make()

assert isinstance(first_kid, Kid)
assert isinstance(second_kid, Kid)
assert isinstance(third_kid, Kid)

Note that this kind of construction is more efficient than mommy.make_one(Model), so, if you need to create a lot of instances, this might be a nice approach, or...

from model_mommy.mommy import Mommy
from model_mommy.models import Kid

mom = Mommy(Kid)
kids = mom.make_many(3)
assert len(kids) == 3

Extending Mommy

All attributes used to automatically populate mommy generated instances are created with generator methods from the model_mommy/base.Base class. If you want a specific field to be populated with a value different from the default generator, you must extend the Mommy class to get this behavior.

Let's see a example:

class BabeMommy(Mommy):
    def value_for_agefield(self, field):
        return 0

mom = BabeMommy(Kid)
baby = mom.make_one()
assert(baby.age == 0)

The naming convention for the generator methods is value_for_field and value_for_. If you want to overwrite the behavior for a field type, the example above would look like this:

from random import choice
from model_mommy.models import Kid
from model_mommy.mommy import Mommy

int_range = range(0, 10)

class CustomMommy(Mommy):
    def value_for_integerfield(self, field):
        return choice(int_range)

mom = CustomMommy(Kid)
kid = mom.make_one()

assert(kid.wanted_games_qtd in int_range)

The example above overwrites the behavior for the generator of all integer fields.


If you wish to test a model with specific values, you can simply pass the attribute values you wish set.

from model_mommy import mommy

person = mommy.make_one(Person, name='john', age=15)
assert == 'john'
assert person.age == 15

In the example above, your instance is guaranteed to have the attributes name and age set to 'john' and 15. Another approach would look like this:

from model_mommy import mommy

attrs = {'name': 'john', 'age': 15}
person = mommy.make_one(Person, **attrs)
assert == 'john'
assert person.age == 15

A third approach would look like this:

from model_mommy import mommy

def attrs():
    return {'name': 'john', 'age': 15}

person = mommy.make_one(Person, **attrs())
assert == 'john'
assert person.age == 15

This third approach is useful if you wish to set distinct relation attributes, as a foreignkey, for many fields. An actual example:

from model_mommy import mommy

def attrs():
    return {
        'partner': mommy.make_one(Person)

# each person with a different partner
person_with_partner_1 =  mommy.make_one(Person, **attrs())
person_with_partner_2 =  mommy.make_one(Person, **attrs())
person_with_partner_3 =  mommy.make_one(Person, **attrs())

The example above would not work with make_many and prepare_many as attrs is evaluated only once. In real code, you DO NOT WANT to do the above example with make/prepare_many as random similar multiple data is usually a bad idea for testing.

For contributors

If you want to contribute with model_mommy, fork the project. Here are a few guidelines for you:

  • Write tests for all code you commit (untested code might be refused)
  • Check your tests coverage
  • Follow pep8 guidelines

For more examples, see tests.

You can also override the type_mapping, if you want to all values from a given Field to be populate with a value you prefer. To it like this:

class TimeCopMommy(Mommy):
    def __init__(self, model, fill_nullables=True):
        super(Mommy, self).__init__(model, fill_nullables)
        self.type_mapping[DateField] =, 02, 02)

Doubts? Loved it? Hated it? Suggestions?

Mail us!:

  • vanderson.mota at gmail dot com
  • italo.maia at gmail dot com

##Currently supports the fields:

  • BooleanField
  • NullBooleanField
  • SmallIntegerField
  • PositiveSmallIntegerField
  • IntegerField
  • PositiveIntegerField
  • BigIntegerField
  • FloatField
  • DecimalField
  • CommaSeparatedIntegerField
  • DateField
  • TimeField
  • DateTimeField
  • IPAddressField
  • CharField
  • SlugField
  • TextField
  • URLField
  • FileField
  • ImageField
  • EmailField


Object factory for django

This is a fork for the nice model_mommy, a project that has it all to became something really nice!






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