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1.git clone


  1. pip install Flask
  2. npm install
  3. Flask-Cors==3.0.10
  4. Flask-SocketIO==5.0.1
  5. Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.1
  6. psycopg2
  7. yapf==0.30.0
  8. pylint==2.4.4
  9. npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier
  10. pip install -r requirements.txt -this could be done to match all files that I have to ensure it will run

Flask and create-react-app


  1. Run echo "DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK=true" > .env.development.local in the project directory

Setup for heroku database and app

  1. type heroku login -i to login to heroku
  2. type heroku create (Create a new heroku app)
  3. heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev (add a DB)
  4. heroku config (check your env vars)
  5. Create a .env and put the info inside with the below string
  6. DATABASE_URL='set the URL what we got from heroku config'

Run Application

  1. Run command in terminal (in your project directory): python
  2. Run command in another terminal, cd into the project directory, and run npm run start
  3. Preview web page in browser '/'


  1. navigate to Tests/unmocked and drag the file to the same level as
  2. run the file to see that tests pass.(You could add some tests if further wanting to test)
  3. put file back in unmocked and do the same with mocked.

Test App.js

  1. navigate to src folder and look for App.test.js
  2. in order to test this open up a terminal and change into the directory of the project
  3. type in npm test App.test.js and you will be able to see that all tests pass. (add more tests if you want)

Check linting

  1. Type in pylint and see that all linting errors are fixed
  2. Type in npx eslint src/App.js to see airbnb eslint satisfied
  3. Type in npx eslint src/board.js to see that meets satisfied as well

Deploy to Heroku app (not necessary)

  1. Make sure you don't have any heroku files saved by typing git remote -v
  2. If there is already a heroku app type git remote rm heroku
  3. Create a new heroku app
  4. Add python buildpack heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/python or add it on herokus website
  5. Add nodejs buildpack: heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs or add it on herokus website
  6. Push to Heroku: git push heroku main if you want to put it in your main branch

format files

  1. Files have been formatted already, but if you want to reformat them type yapf -i to format the python file
  2. To format .js files type in npx prettier --write src/App.js. Do this for all .js files (This gave me an issue trying to work with airbn eslint)

Two known problems

  1. I had an issue trying to run certain unmocked tests. If I had more time I would definitely put time into understanding the concepts. One that I was having issues mocking was filter_by(). I'm assuming if I were to do something like this with patch('models.Joined.query') as mocked_query: and usee another defined function to mock up the filter than I could get this done, but was having issues getting it to work.
  2. I had some issues trying to make some test cases using jest. One issue that I couldn't resolve, but wish I had more time to figure out was tring to get my rest button to work by getByText. It kept giving me an error I think because my code wasn't in the format that get the text. I'm assuming my html code wasn't seperated in funtions, or I should've done that, but instead I made divs and put code inside not really keeping track of where I put everything. I learned that it's important to keep track of where your code is going.

Issues resolved

  1. I had an issue trying to run unmock tests on my db in The issue I had with this was that it wouldn't see if the user was already in the database. I'm assuming I wasn't writing the right code to mock the filterBy(). The way I solved this was by moving that filterBy() outside of my mtehod and got it to work without the filterBy() in the function.
  2. I had an issue trying to get airbnb to work. The way I wen't about it was to follow that github file explaining how to go about it and finally got it to work. I amde a .eslintrc file and put "extends": ["airbnb", "airbnb/hooks"] which seemed to get it to work. THis then gave me 200+ errors that I was confused over and wasn't sure if I was doing it right. I was hving trouble trying to get certain errors to go away, and ended up googling a lot to get things to work right. Some things that I had to change were changing ++ to += 1 insead all "" nedded to be changed to '',etc. This took me over 3 hours to figure it out, but I finally did and learned a lot.


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