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Catalogue Service

Build Status

A catalogue service with CRUD operations.

1. Install

Needs Python >= 3.8.

Install requirements and package:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

2. Configure

The application is configured using environment variables:

  • SECRET_KEY (optional): a randomly-generated secret used for encryption
  • DATABASE_URL: the connection URL for PostGIS (>=3.0) backend (postgresql://host:port/database)
  • DATABASE_USERNAME: the username for database connection
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD_FILE: the file containing the password for database connection
  • SERVER_NAME (optional): the server name (host:port) under which the service is accessed.
  • SWAGGER_UI_DOC_EXPANSION: one of none, list or full
  • RESTX_VALIDATE: a True/False flag
  • RESTX_MASK_SWAGGER: a True/False flag
  • ERROR_404_HELP: a True/False flag
  • FLASK_DEBUG: a True/False flag (should be False in a production environment!)

For convenience, these variables can be kept in an enviroment-like file, say or Look at the example at

To initialize the database schema (this only needs SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI variable to be set):


3. Run

Run a development server (environment variables must be set in current shell):


If environment variables are kept in a seperate file, say, run by pointing to that file:

env ./

4. Run with Docker

To run with Docker we must prepare a docker-compose recipe.

Copy .env.example into .env. Edit as needed.

The additional environment variables here (i.e. not described in section 2):

  • FLASK_ENV: One of production or development
  • VERSION: The semantic version of the application (used to tag the Docker image)
  • DATABASE_INITIALIZE_SCHEMA: If True, will initialize database schema before starting the WSGI server

Copy docker-compose.yml.example into docker-compose.yml. Edit as needed. You will at least need to configure the network (inside docker-compose.yml) to attach to.

For example, you can create a private network named opertusmundi_network:

docker network create --attachable opertusmundi_network

Build the image:

docker-compose build

Initialize database schema (if not initialized before):

docker-compose run --rm catalogueapi python -c 'import catalogueapi; catalogueapi.generate_db_schema()'


docker-compose up -d

5. API Documentation

The API documentation is using the OpenAPI standard. You can brownse the documentation here.

6. Test

Install the additionaly required packages for testing ('nose' etc.):

pip install -r requirements-testing.txt

Prepare a environment file, say, analogous to the one used for running the application (start by copying the example

Generate database schema for testing database (if not already):

env ./

Run nose tests:

env nosetests