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Modularized reddit moderation bot with a focus on spam prevention.


  • Ability to create individual "filters" to perform individual functions
  • Filters customizable through a subreddit wiki page using YAML
  • Default filters
    • YouTube channel bans and monitors: affects link posts, text posts, and comments

Getting started


  • Python 3.4+
  • praw
  • PyYAML

Default filters

  • YouTube channel bans: youtube-channel
  • YouTube vote manipulation monitor: youtube-votemanip

Creating filters

To create a new filter, create or edit a python file in the filters directory. Create a class extending spam_shark.Filter and one or more filter types.

Filter template

from spam_shark import Filter, FilterResult, LinkFilter

class TemplateFilter(Filter, LinkFilter):
    filter_id = "filter-template"   # Required, used in wiki config
    def init_filter(self, configs):
        # Do filter initialization here
        # A list of parsed YAML rules are passed in through 'configs'
    def update(self):
      # OPTIONAL
      # Do stuff each iteration before posts and comments are processed
    def process_link(self, link, thing):
        # Process a link within a thing (post or comment)
        # Returns a filter result and map of message actions
        if "domain.spam" in link:
            return FilterResult.REMOVE, {"log": (log_title, log_body), "reply": reply_body}

Available filter types

Defined in module spam_shark

  • LinkFilter: Requires definition of process_link(self, link, thing)

  • PostFilter: Requires definition of process_post(self, link)

  • CommentFilter: Requires definition of process_comment(self, comment)

  • MessageFilter: Requires definition of process_message(self, message)

Available filter results

Defined in enum spam_shark.FilterResult

  • REMOVE: Removes the processed thing, performs message actions, and logs the action

  • MESSAGE or FLAIR: Performs message actions (including flair) and logs the action

    Requires one or more of the following defined in message actions:

    • "modmail": (modmail_title, modmail_body)
    • "reply": reply_body
    • "pm": (pm_title, pm_body)
    • "flair_user": (flair_text, flair_css_class)
    • "flair_post": (flair_text, flair_css_class) (only applies to posts)
  • LOG: Logs the action

    Requires "log": (log_title, log_body) defined in message actions

  • REPORT: Reports the submission and does nothing else

    Requires "reason": reason_msg defined in message actions

All message texts (title and body) are auto-formatted with basic post information using Python format syntax. The available values are:

  • author
  • permalink
  • title: Not available for comment actions.
  • body
  • link: Only available on posts (empty if self post).
  • subreddit

Filter configuration

Filters can be configured through a subreddit wiki page (defaults to /wiki/spamshark) using YAML syntax. Exact format of a configuration section depends on the filter, but every section must specify a filter ID to which the config applies.

After the configuration page is edited, send a PM to the bot account with the name of the subreddit as a subject and "update" in the body.

Example using the template above:

# Template configuration
    filter: "filter-template"
    # Filter custom stuff
    # ...


Extensible reddit moderation bot







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