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Final Hackbright Project: wunderLand is an application that uses location as a means to recommend books. Natural language processing is used to generate keywords from the books' descriptions and kmeans clustering algorithm is used to create clusters of 'like' books for a deeper book discovery experience.

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#alt text wunderLand is a book discovery application that uses location as a means through which one can discover new books. wunderLand employs natural language processing in order to enhance book discovery through the generation of keywords and keyword phrases in order to describe books. NLP and machine learning are used in order to generate clusters of 'like' books based on book descriptions in order to aid users in an additional layer of book discovery.

##Technology Stack Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, AJAX, BootStrap, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, PostgresSQL, NLTK, MatPlotLibD3, SciKit Learn

##APIs Google Books


Google Geolocation

##Book Discovery

From the home page, enter in a location (e.g. 'San Francisco, CA') and click "GET BOOKS".


Clicking "GET BOOKS" queries the database for books associated with the input location and within the radius set. On the backend, the user's input location is run through the geocoder python library in order to determine the latitude and longitude of the location. The radius that the user determines sets a perimeter around that location. Locations in the database that are associated with a place that falls within the perimeter are queried. These locations are associated with books in the database, and these books are returned to the user. In the demonstration below, the user searches for 25 mi around "San Francisco", and the query returns 55 books associated with "San Francisco". The user can scroll though the results. Clicking on the book thumbnails reveals additional information about each book (title, author, description, keywords).


Searching for books by location and keyword querying.

##Additional Features:

###Keyword Exploration

A user can deepen their book exploration experience by clicking on keywords, which queries the databse and returns other books that have been associated with that keyword. Keywords were generated from each book's description using the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK). Each description was broken into 'tokens' or individual words, which were then tagged by part-of-speech (pos). Regex was used to create noun phrase patterns based on pos in order to chunk keyword phrases. The following code snippet from illustrates the noun phrase patterns that were used to identify keywords and keyword phrases.

sentence_re = r'''(?x)
    ([A-Z])(\.[A-Z])+\.?  # set flag to allow verbose regexps
    | \w+(-\w+)*          # words with optional internal hyphens
    | \$?\d+(\.\d+)?%?    # currency and percentages
    | \.\.\.              # ellipsis
    | [][.,;"?():-_`]     # separate tokens

grammar = r"""
        {<NN.*|JJ>*<NN.*>}             # Nouns and Adjectives, terminated with Nouns
        {<NNP|NNPS>+<IN>?<NNP|NNPS>+}  # A sequence of proper nouns connected with zero or more prepositions
        {<DT|PP\$>?<JJ>*<NN|NNS>}      # Determiners (e.g. 'the', 'a') or possessive, followed by one or more adjective
        {<NN>+}                        # A sequence of one or more nouns

*Regular expression breakdown

###Book Clusters

If a user enjoys one of the discovered books, they can discover similar books that have been associated with the same queried location. Using k-means algorithm, clusters of books were created. The kmeans algorithm takes the number of books associated with a location and groups them into 8 clusters, in which each book belongs to a cluster with the closest mean. For wunderLand, books were clustered using a bag-of-words approach to create vector representations of each book based on the words in the book description. Each word was weighted using term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf). tf-idf is a numerical representation of a terms importance to a document or book in a collection. Term frequency (tf) is a ratio of the frequency of the word in a document to the total number of words in the document. The inverse document frequency (idf) is the log of the ratio of the number of documents or books in the collection to the number of documents with the given term. Multiplying tf and idf yields the tf-idf. Using scikit, the tf-idf of each term in each book's description is used to create a vector representing each book. Below is a snippet of code from demonstrating the creation of the tf-idf vectorizer with a set of parameters, and passing through a list of the descriptions for a given collection.

tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.5, max_features=200000,
                             min_df=0.2, stop_words='english',
                             use_idf=True, tokenizer=get_tokens, ngram_range=(1,3))

tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(description_tokens)

###Local wunders

One users have identified books of interest, users can click the local wunders tab to find their local bookstores to visit to search for books. Google Maps API and Geolocation API are used to generate the local map. The LibraryThing API is used to source the map.


Book clusters and local wunders features

##How to run wunderLand on your machine

Clone or fork this repo:

Create and activate a virtual environment inside your project directory:

virtualenv env

source env/bin/activate

Install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Get your own keys for for [LibraryThing API] ( and [Google Developer API] (, save them to a file, and add this file to your .gitignore. Your file should look something like this:


Source your secret keys:


I used Postgres to store data locally. You can download Postgres on a Mac [here] ( If you are using a different operating system, refer to this [site] ( for download instructions.

Next, you need to install a Postgres python wrapper called Psycopg. More information about this wrapper can be found [here] (

pip install psycopg2

After setting up your database, you will now need to seed your database with books! There are many ways in which you could go about seeding your database with books. I have provided a list of the top 1000 authors in In order to start seeding, you will need to run


Be aware of the max number of API calls per day for Google Books, LibraryThing and the geocoder library (for storing the longitudes and latitudes of locations).

Once your database has been sufficiently seeded, you are ready to run the app!

Run the app:


Navigate to localhost:5000 to start discovering new books!

##Next Steps

Check out the [issues log for this project] ( to see what's next!


Final Hackbright Project: wunderLand is an application that uses location as a means to recommend books. Natural language processing is used to generate keywords from the books' descriptions and kmeans clustering algorithm is used to create clusters of 'like' books for a deeper book discovery experience.






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