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WorldViews Spirals Repo

This has been a play repo for doing various experiments for the WorldViews organization.


Setting up Cesium

To run TeleViewer, you need to first install Cesium. We are currently using Cesium 1.21.1. Install Cesium on your system, and then copy the Build/Cesium directory to Spirals/Cesium/Cesium.

Setting up the Database

To run TeleViewer, you should first install RethinkDB. For windows this is a single executable rethinkdb.exe that can be put in the top directly and run there. After running this to start the server, you sould make sure it has the initial tables required. This can be done using node by

npm install # this will install required packages

node createTables.js # create a few requred tables

The rethinkdb server makes a admin interface available at localhost:8080

Using flask servers

We have several versions of flask server. To use these, first install necessary flask packages, which include: Flask Flask-Login Flask-Mail Flask-OAuth Flask-Principal Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-Security Flask-SocketIO Flask-WTF Jinja2

(you could do pip install with the requirements.txt but that probably has more packages than you need.)

Then run one of the servers. The simplest one is:

This version has no user accounts. With this verions, use the URL http://server (where probably server is localhost for you.) And you will get an index page with a link to TeleViewer near the top.

Or to run one with user accounts:

This version has some simple authentication and users. For it use the URL http://server/Viewer/TV. There should be a link at the top of the layers tab for logging in.

Using node server

We have a node server with some functionality. To try it use runServer80.bat or runServer3000.bat, or make your own configuration.

Using Python server:

This is the simplest and most limited version, so many features are not supported, and may not fail gracefully. To use it run:

and try http://localhost

You should get a page with a link to TeleViewer.


Software related to visualizations and physical simulations with music

Some of this requires python, for an HTML server, and for OSC and WebSocket servers.

After cloning or installing, run in top level (for more specific control of servers, see below)

Then open http://yourhost:8000

This should give you a listing with some demos that can be run.

For additional demos using a Kinect or to have more control over ports here are some other options:

WSServer will run just the WebSocket server on default port of 8100 will just run HTTP serveron on port 8000 will just run HTTP serveron on port 8001 WebSockets/ will run a WebSocket server on port 8100 that also includes an OSC server that can receive Kinect messages and forward them to any connected websockets.

Setting up Windows 10 machine

Step 1 install Anaconda Step 2 pip install Flask-socketio Step 3 pip install flask-mail Now you should be able to run but it won't be using the rethinkdb Step 4 pip install rethinkdb Step 5 install rethinkdb.executable Step 6 run Now check localhost:8080 for rethinkdb admin page Step 7 re-run

Note: We tried using the virtualenv with anaconda to create a clean environment but pip install flask failed. We also did a pip install basemap to get to work.