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  1. Install Python 3.4 (or better)

  2. Install pip tool (sometimes called pyp3 to stress its for Python 3+)

  3. Install npm

Installing dependencies

Python dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Node dependencies:

npm install

Running server

python adhipsta/


All configurable pieces are in adhipsta/config

Heroku deployment

Create an application named adhipsta on Heroku (using their web console)

Then tell Heroku to use multipack builder:

heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL= -a adhipsta

Everything else is controlled by Procfile, package.json, requirements.txt, and runtime.txt

Important environment variables

heroku config:add DOMAIN= -a adhipsta

DOMAIN is needed for OAuth2 callback address. This is the name of the server running the application. Default is http://localhost:9000.

heroku config:add GOOGLE_ID=blah -a adhipsta
heroku config:add GOOGLE_SECRET=foo -a adhipsta

This is needed for Google OAuth2 login. Values are set in Google developers console for the AdHipsta application. Make sure that AdHipsta Credentials are configured to accept correct callback address.

heroku config:add ADWORDS_ID=blah -a adhipsta
heroku config:add ADWORDS_SECRET=foo -a adhipsta

These credentials are used to obtain AdWords api token. They are typically the same as GOOGLE_ID and GOOGLE_SECRET, but can be configured differently if desired (not sure why one would want it - do not know OAuth2 well enough....).