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# OTFBot - The friendly Bot


For the core functionality are a python interpreter and the following modules necessary.

OTFBot is build around the twisted framework, so you need this with a version of 9.0.0 or newer as well. Currently the the words, conch and web modules are used (Debian packages python-twisted, python-twisted-bin, python-twisted-conch, python-twisted-core, python-twisted-web and python-twisted-words)

As the configuration is stored in a yaml-file, you need the python-bindings for yaml. libyaml 0.1.1 and python-yaml 3.05 are tested and working. If you intend to use a encrypted connection you need also python-pyopenssl, pyasn1 and python-crypto.

Some plugins require additional modules. You'll need python-feedparser for feed, youtube and quotesfromweb, [python-xmltv](thtp:// for tv, pysvn for svn, python bindings for megahal for ki lxml with soupparser for url-plugin or treq and lxml for weather. xmppClient needs [wokkel](http:s// Debian has a package python-wokkel for it.

for building the needed modules from pypi with easy_install you need on debian: build-essential libssl-dev python-dev python-setuptools

Note: if installed via pypi, the logging may behave a bit strange at the start. this is a known issue and does not make any trouble except a few very long lines at start of the log. see

Initialize dropin.cache

If you installed the bot as root (i.e. via easy_install), run once "twistd --help" as root. This avoids error messages because dropin.cache cannot be written. If you cannot do this, because the bot is installed by root and you're only having user priviledges, just ignore the error messages, the bot will run fine nevertheless.


To create a initial configuration for connecting to a network, joining a channel and creating a superuser, run

twistd gen-otfbot-config -c otfbot.yaml

from the root directory of the bot and answer the questions.

Review the config and adjust some settings as necessary. Do not modify the configuration while the bot is running, as it will be overwritten while the bot shuts down.


The bot is launched via twisteds twistd:

twistd otfbot -c otfbot.yaml

twistd lets you also specify the user and group and some other settings. Be aware that the logging is configured via otfbot.yaml and not via twistd. Running the bot as root is neither needed nor supported. in fact it will not even start as root, but give you an error.

Developing plugins

OtfBot is very easy extendable by developing your own plugins. Just have a look at example/ All Callbacks are listed in this file. If you aren't sure what a specific callback does, just copy the plugin to otfbot/plugins/ircClient/, add it to config and start otfbot to test it.

If you have finished follow the steps to enable a plugin above. If you think your plugin is of general interest, you are welcome to contact us to include it into the repository.


You can contact the developers via IRC in #otfbot at or by filing a bug.


otfbot (rebased)







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Contributors 4

