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DFI Web Interface: Dynamic Flexibliiy Index Web Interface


Dynamic flexibility index (DFI) is a measure of each residue’s contribution to a protein’s dynamics, where blue is the lowest (most rigid) and red is the highest (most flexible). Traditionally, proteins were thought to obey the sequence-structure-function paradigm—the function of a protein is embedded in its structure. The new paradigm is the sequence-structure encoded-dynamics-functions paradigm—a protein’s structure encodes its dynamics, which encodes its function, leading to a deeper understanding of protein function. Our proteome-wide conformational dynamics analysis using DFI indicates that certain sites play a critical role in functionally related dynamics (i.e., those with low dfi values), therefore, mutations at those sites are more likely to be associated with disease.


DFI Web Interface is built on Proview, Boostrap, D3, and a modified version of iview.
