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Simple and scalable thumbnail generation via REST API


I couldn't find a thumbnail library suitable to large scale sites because most libraries adopt one (or both) of the following architectures:

  1. Thumbnails of arbitrary sizes are generated on user upload and, alternatively, via management commands
  2. Thumbnails of arbitrary sizes are generated during template rendering

The problems is that on high-traffic sites...

  • You can't generate many thumbnails after user uploads since that blocks workers and causes timeouts
  • You can't generate many thumbnails during template rendering for the same reasons
  • You can't cope with the overhead of issuing hundreds of database/key-value store queries to retrieve image metadata
  • You can't generate thumbnails in batch when you have hundreds of gigabytes of legacy data

This application aims to solve these issues by allowing thumbnails to be generated on-the-fly with a REST API, or served directly via a more efficient HTTP server when the file already exists, all under the same URL.

How does it work?

Once configured, you can request a particular thumbnail with a URL like:


On the backend, the following things take place:

  1. Reverse proxy (e.g., Nginx) try to serve the file if it exists
  2. If the file doesn't exist, it sends the request upstream to Django
  3. The application generates the thumbnail based on the file path and options
  4. The application returns a X-Sendfile/X-Accel-Redirect instructing the proxy to handle the output file to the client

That is, any request hits the slow backend only once, and all responses are handled by a faster HTTP server.

How to setup the server?

You setup a django project to serve it with:

from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url, include

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^', include('restthumbnails.urls')),

You can hook the URL onto the same project that hosts your site, but I recommend setting up a different domain just for thumbnails.

Now, you can request a thumbnail with a URL in the format:


That should be self-explanatory. The secret parameter is to validate that requests come from trusted clients, so malicious users can't bog down the server by requesting thousands of gigantic kitten images.

In this example:

The request will resize and crop the file at <MEDIA_ROOT>/animals/kitten.jpg (using the default file storage), then return a X-Sendfile/X-Accel-Redirect response to the same URL, which your reverse proxy should handle.

Configuring the reverse proxy

To glue everything together, you need to configure your server to first try serving the file, and only fallback to the Django application when it doesn't exist.

Taking Nginx as an example, it can be accomplished with a configuration like:

http {

    sendfile        on;

    server {
        listen       80;

        root    /var/www/;

        location ~ \.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png) {
            add_header  Cache-Control public;
            expires     30d;
            try_files   $uri @backend;

        location @backend {
            proxy_pass; # Where Django is running

Then selecting the Nginx backend on your project's

THUMBNAILS_RESPONSE_BACKEND = 'restthumbnails.responses.nginx.sendfile'

Handling concurrency

To avoid dogpilling the server with simultaneous requests to the same thumbnail, the view implements a lock (using CACHE_BACKEND).

While the first request is busy generating the thumbnail, subsequent requests will temporarly return 404 Not Found. Once the thumbnail is written to disk, further requests don't hit the backend anymore.

What about the client?

There's a template tag to output these URLs automatically, since you need to provide a valid secret hash. Add restthumbnails to the INSTALLED_APPS of your main site and use the template tag as:

{% load thumbnail %}

{% thumbnail model.image_field "100x100" "crop" ".jpg" as thumb %}
<img src="{{ thumb.url }}"/>

Assuming THUMBNAILS_PROXY_BASE_URL = "", this would output:

<img src=""/>

Because the secret hash is derived from the SECRET_KEY setting, if you choose to run the thumbnail server in a different domain / worker process, you need to make sure this value is in sync. If the secret doesn't match, the server will return 401 Unauthorized.

Thumbnail tag

The thumbnail tag accepts either a FileField instance…

{% thumbnail model.image_field "100x100" "crop" ".jpg" as field_kitten %}

or a path (relative to THUMBNAILS_SOURCE_ROOT)…

{% thumbnail "animals/kitten.jpg" "100x100" "crop" ".jpg" as path_kitten %}

Size options

At least one dimension is required. The app will scale and crop appropriately:

{% thumbnail model.image_field "500x" "crop" ".jpg" as fat_kitten %}

{% thumbnail model.image_field "x500" "crop" ".jpg" as tall_kitten %}

To maintain consistency, you may want to use predefined variables:

{% thumbnail model.image_field avatar_size "crop" ".jpg" as kitten_avatar %}

Method options


Crop the image. It will maintain the aspect ratio if only one dimension is defined.


Just scale the image until it matches at least one of the dimensions.


Smart crop the image, by keeping the areas with the highest entropy intact.

Server settings


Default: ''

The Django FileStorage class used to open the source files images (the path requested on the URL).



The absolute path for the directory holding your source images.


Default: ''

The Django FileStorage class used to store the output thumbnail files.


Default: '%(MEDIA_ROOT)s/../thumbnails/'

The absolute path for the directory holding the output files. By default, it's a directory called thumbnails sitting beside your MEDIA_ROOT.


Default: '/thumbnails/'

Base path used for X-Sendfile/X-Accel-Redirect responses. This gets concatenated to the file path, and should always be a URI relative to the same host. Effectively, this should return the same URL that was requested so you can use the try_files trick.


Default: 10

The maximum amount of time workers are allowed to return 404 while another worker is busy generating the same thumbnail. This is to avoid dogpilling the server with multiple requests to the same thumbnail.


Default: 'restthumbnails'

Prefix for cache key. You may change this to avoid clashes with other keys if you share the same memcached instance.


Default: 'restthumbnails.responses.dummy.sendfile'

A function responsible to return an appropriate HttpReponse after the thumbnail is generated. The default streams the file directly using Django's built-in server and is only appropriate for development. The other options are:

  • 'restthumbnails.responses.nginx.sendfile'

  • 'restthumbnails.responses.apache.sendfile'

Client settings


Default: '/'

The base URL for your thumbnail server. By default, we assume it's running on the same host. It can be relative to the same server (like /thumbnails) or an absolute one (


The processors module is adapted from easy-thumbnails by Chris Beaven, under the BSD license.


Simple and scalable thumbnail generation via REST API







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