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Blog based on Tornado, MongoDB, and Motor. To be used with MarsEdit.

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Blog platform based on Tornado, MongoDB, and Motor. To be used with MarsEdit.


  • MongoDB
  • Python 2.7
  • Tornado
  • Motor, my experimental asynchronous MongoDB driver for Tornado
  • Greenlet
  • Other packages in requirements.txt


  • Frontend: Motor-Blog runs in Tornado. It is very fast.

  • Editing: Motor-Blog has no admin panel, but supports MarsEdit.

  • Comments: Motor-Blog does not support comments natively, I recommend a third-party Javascript comments API like Disqus.

  • Retina Ready: See image-handling below.

  • Customization: Appearance is completely customizable.


  • Install MongoDB and run it on the default port on the same machine as Motor-Blog

  • pip install -r requirements.txt

  • To migrate from a prior WordPress blog with you'll need Pandoc


Development Deployment

Start MongoDB

mkdir data
mongod --dbpath data --logpath data/mongod.log --fork

Set your PYTHONPATH to include PyMongo and Motor:

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/mongo-python-driver

Copy motor_blog.conf.example to motor_blog.conf, edit it as desired. Start the application:

python --debug

Visit http://localhost:8888/blog

Production Deployment

I run Motor-Blog on with Nginx at the front and four processes. Those processes and MongoDB are managed by Supervisor. I've provided example config files in this repository in etc/.

MarsEdit setup

In MarsEdit, do "File -> New Blog." Give it a name and the URL of your Motor-Blog's home page. MarsEdit auto-detects the rest. You'll need to enter the username and password you put in motor_blog.conf. In the "General" tab of your blog's settings, I suggest setting "Download the 1000 most recent posts on refresh," since Motor-Blog can handle it. Under "Editing," set Preview Text Filter to "Markdown", and Image Size "Defaults To Full Size". Under "Custom Fields," add a "description" field. This lets you set the meta-description field for each post, which search engines show as the excerpt:

MarsEdit custom field setup

When you're editing a post, do "View -> Slug Field" to set a custom slug as the final part of the post's URL. If you leave the slug empty, Motor-Blog slugifies the title.


Motor-Blog supports the same Markdown dialect as cMarkdown with its flags set to the defaults. Plain inline code is surrounded by backticks (``). Syntax-highlighted code is indented with four spaces, and the first line is like:

    ::: lang="py" highlight="4,5,6"

... to specify the language syntax and which lines to highlight in yellow. The list of languages is whatever Pygments supports, including the following of interest to Python coders like me: py, py3, pytb and py3tb for tracebacks, and pycon for console sessions.

Image Handling

Motor-Blog tries to show images beautifully on every device.

When you upload an image, Motor-Blog resizes the image to 600px wide and centers it. If your theme has columns of some width other than 600px, override maxwidth in motor_blog.conf. Motor-Blog strips the width and height attributes from \<img\> tags so images can be resized responsively on mobile screens.

Retina display support

To support visitors with Retina displays, upload your images at double resolution and named like <filename>@2x.<extension>, for example image@2x.jpg. Motor-Blog replaces such images with regular images but stores the retina image for later. The default theme includes retina.js, which replaces regular images with double-res images on retina devices.


  • Set your theme directory in motor_blog.conf.
  • The theme directory should contain a templates subdir with the same set of filenames as the example theme.
  • Follow the example theme for inspiration.
  • The setting() function is available to all templates, and gives access to values in motor_blog.conf.

A Tour of the Code

  • Web application server
  • motor_blog/: Package code
    • web/
      • RequestHandlers for the blog's website
      • admin-templates/: Templates for login/out and viewing drafts
    • theme/: Default theme for, overridable with your theme
    • api/: The XML-RPC API that MarsEdit uses
    • schema definitions
    • text/
      • convert from Markdown into HTML for display, including some custom syntax
      • convert from the WordPress's particular HTML to markdown, for
      • convert from HTML to truncated plain text for all-posts page
    • tools/:
      • Tool for migrating from my old Wordpress blog to Motor-Blog. I wrote this tool when Motor didn't support GridFS, so it puts all media from Wordpress into single documents in the "media" collection, which brings us to...
      • Tool to migrate media from a single document per image in the "media" collection to GridFS.
    • Cache results from MongoDB, invalidate when events are emitted
    • Index definitions for --ensure_indexes
    • Configuration parsing


Blog based on Tornado, MongoDB, and Motor. To be used with MarsEdit.






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