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#The battle of hashtags


  • Django 1.9.1 running on Python 2.7
  • PostgreSQL
  • Celery with RabbitMQ as a broker


  • Docker (developed with 1.9.1)
  • Docker compose (developed with 1.5.2)

###Admin credentials

  • username: admin
  • password: password
  • url: /admin

###Installation First, run the containers:

docker-compose up

Then find IP of your docker machine

docker-machine ip default

and navigate to http://DOCKER_IP:8000 (i.e.

###Functionality All CRUD operations are performed within the Django admin interface (/admin).

####Endpoints There is a simple frontend that exposes all endpoints (both JSON and battle details template).

Battle details with all its hashtags and the current winner are accessible at /battle/BATTLE_ID.

Similar JSON endpoint is accessible at /api/battle/BATTLE_ID.

###Victory definition Hashtags that have more tweets are likely to have more typos, which is why I've added additional victory definition. It takes a ratio of the number of typos to the number of words for a specific hashtag. The lowest ratio wins, what is much fairer.

JSON endpoint and the frontend shows both winners (according to the specificaion + by ratio).


  • Editing a battle will terminate any tasks running for that battle (if any) and it will schedule a new task.
  • Twitter error code 420 means that Twitter has rate-limitted the app. In this case, please try again in 10 minutes.
  • Hashtags with 0 tweets can't win (which is why current winner might say null).

###Future improvements

  • Implement tests.
  • Improve reliability of the worker (i.e. when the worker restarts or shuts down during execution).
  • Improve Twitter stream task termination.
  • Use celery with BROKER_USE_SSL and SSL certs.
  • Find a better dictionary for the spell checker. Currently words like iPhone and http are considered to have typos.
  • Can't run multiple battle in parallel due to Twitter's rate limitting. One way of solving this is sharing a single stream for all battles.
  • Handle a tie (i.e. when both hashtags have same number of typos and same ratios).
  • Set DEBUG to False (left it out to make errors observable).


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