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python-anyconfig1 is a MIT licensed python library provides common APIs to access to configuration files in various formats with some useful features such as contents merge, templates and schema validation/generation support.

I, Satoru SATOH <>, developed and keep maintain this library with others' help (see AUTHORS.txt for more details).


python-anyconfig provides very simple and unified APIs to process configuration files in various formats:

  • Loading configuration files:
    • anyconfig.load() loads configuration files or file/file-like objects and return a dict-like object represents loaded configuration
    • anyconfig.loads() loads configuration from a string just like json.loads does
  • Dumping configuration files:
    • anyconfig.dump() dumps a configuration file from a dict or dict-like object represents configuration
    • anyconfig.dumps() dumps a configuration string from a dict or dict-like object represents configuration
  • Schema validation and generation of configuration files:
    • anyconfig.validate() validates configuration loaded with anyconfig.load() with JSON schema2 (object) also loaded with anyconfig.load(). anyconfig.load() may help loading JSON schema file[s] in any formats anyconfig supports.
    • anyconfig.gen_schema() generates a minimum JSON schema object to validate given configuration file[s] later.

It enables to load configuration file[s] in various formats in the same manner, and in some cases, even there is no need to take care of the actual format of configuration file[s] like the followings:

import anyconfig

# Config type (format) is automatically detected by filename (file
# extension) in some cases.
conf1 = anyconfig.load("/path/to/foo/conf.d/a.yml")

# Similar to the above but load from file object opened:
with open("/path/to/foo/conf.d/a.yml") as fileobj:
    conf1_1 = anyconfig.load(fileobj)

# Loaded config data is a dict-like object, for example:
#   conf1["a"] => 1
#   conf1["b"]["b1"] => "xyz"
#   conf1["c"]["c1"]["c13"] => [1, 2, 3]

# Or you can specify the format (config type) explicitly if automatic
# detection may not work.
conf2 = anyconfig.load("/path/to/foo/conf.d/b.conf", ac_parser="yaml")

# Likewise.
with open("/path/to/foo/conf.d/b.conf") as fileobj:
    conf2_2 = anyconfig.load(fileobj, ac_parser="yaml")

# Specify multiple config files by the list of paths. Configurations of each
# files are merged.
conf3 = anyconfig.load(["/etc/foo.d/a.json", "/etc/foo.d/b.json"])

# Similar to the above but all or one of config file[s] is/are missing:
conf4 = anyconfig.load(["/etc/foo.d/a.json", "/etc/foo.d/b.json"],

# Specify config files by glob path pattern:
conf5 = anyconfig.load("/etc/foo.d/*.json")

# Similar to the above, but parameters in the former config file will be simply
# overwritten by the later ones instead of merge:
conf6 = anyconfig.load("/etc/foo.d/*.json", ac_merge=anyconfig.MS_REPLACE)

Also, it can process configuration files which are actually jinja2-based template files:

  • Enables to load a substantial configuration rendered from half-baked configuration template files with given context
  • Enables to load a series of configuration files indirectly 'include'-d from a/some configuration file[s] with using jinja2's 'include' directive.
In [1]: import anyconfig

In [2]: open("/tmp/a.yml", 'w').write("a: {{ a|default('aaa') }}\n")

In [3]: anyconfig.load("/tmp/a.yml", ac_template=True)
Out[3]: {'a': 'aaa'}

In [4]: anyconfig.load("/tmp/a.yml", ac_template=True, ac_context=dict(a='bbb'))
Out[4]: {'a': 'bbb'}

In [5]: open("/tmp/b.yml", 'w').write("{% include 'a.yml' %}\n")  # 'include'

In [6]: anyconfig.load("/tmp/b.yml", ac_template=True, ac_context=dict(a='ccc'))
Out[6]: {'a': 'ccc'}

And python-anyconfig enables to validate configuration files in various format with using JSON schema like the followings:

# Validate a JSON config file (conf.json) with JSON schema (schema.yaml).
# If validatation suceeds, `rc` -> True, `err` -> ''.
conf1 = anyconfig.load("/path/to/conf.json")
schema1 = anyconfig.load("/path/to/schema.yaml")
(rc, err) = anyconfig.validate(conf1, schema1)  # err is empty if success, rc == 0

# Validate a config file (conf.yml) with JSON schema (schema.yml) while
# loading the config file.
conf2 = anyconfig.load("/a/b/c/conf.yml", ac_schema="/c/d/e/schema.yml")

# Validate config loaded from multiple config files with JSON schema
# (schema.json) while loading them.
conf3 = anyconfig.load("conf.d/*.yml", ac_schema="/c/d/e/schema.json")

# Generate jsonschema object from config files loaded and get string
# representation.
conf4 = anyconfig.load("conf.d/*.yml")
scm4 = anyconfig.gen_schema(conf4)
scm4_s = anyconfig.dumps(scm4, "json")

And in the last place, python-anyconfig provides a CLI tool called anyconfig_cli to process configuration files and:

  • Convert a/multiple configuration file[s] to another configuration files in different format
  • Get configuration value in a/multiple configuration file[s]
  • Validate configuration file[s] with JSON schema
  • Generate minimum JSON schema file to validate given configuration file[s]

Supported configuration formats

python-anyconfig supports various (configuration) file formats if the required module is available and the corresponding backend is ready to use:

Supported formats
Format Type Requirement Notes
JSON json json (standard lib) or simplejson3 Enabled by default.
Ini-like ini configparser (standard lib) Ditto.
Java properties4 properties None (native implementation with standard lib) Ditto.
XML xml lxml5 or ElementTree Ditto.
YAML yaml PyYAML6 Enabled automatically if the left requirement is satisfied.
ConifgObj configobj configobj7 Ditto.
MessagePack msgpack msgpack-python8 Ditto.
TOML toml toml9 Ditto.
BSON bson bson in pymongo10 Ditto.

The supported formats of python-anyconfig on your system is able to be listed by 'anyconfig_cli -L' like this:

$ anyconfig_cli -L
Supported config types: bson, configobj, ini, json, msgpack, toml, xml, yaml

or with the API 'anyconfig.list_types()' will show them:

In [8]: anyconfig.list_types()
Out[8]: ['bson', 'configobj', 'ini', 'json', 'msgpack', 'toml', 'xml', 'yaml']

In [9]:

It utilizes plugin mechanism provided by setuptools11 and other formats may be supported by corresponding pluggale backends like the following:



Many runtime dependencies are resolved dynamically and python-anyconfig just disables specific features if required dependencies are not satisfied. Therefore, only python standard library is required to install and use python-anyconfig at minimum.

The following packages need to be installed along with python-anycofig to enable the features.

Feature Requirements Notes
YAML load/dump PyYAML none
ConifgObj load/dump configobj none
MessagePack load/dump msgpack-python none
TOML load/dump toml none
BSON load/dump bson bson from pymongo package may work and bson13 does not
Template config Jinja214 none
Validation with JSON schema jsonschema15 Not required to generate JSON schema.

How to install

There is a couple of ways to install python-anyconfig:

  • Binary RPMs:

    If you're Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux user, you can install RPMs from the copr repository,

    If what you're running is Fedora, maybe you can enable this repo with DNF's copr plugin's help16 like this:

    # dnf copr enable ssato/python-anyconfig
  • PyPI: You can install python-anyconfig from PyPI with using pip:

    $ pip install anyconfig
  • pip from git repo:

    $ pip install git+
  • Build RPMs from source: It's easy to build python-anyconfig with using rpm-build and mock:

    $ python srpm && mock dist/python-anyconfig-<ver_dist>.src.rpm


    $ python rpm

    and install built RPMs.

  • Build from source: Of course you can build and/or install python modules in usual way such like 'python bdist', 'pip install git+' and so on.

Help and feedbak

If you have any issues / feature request / bug reports with python-anyconfig, please open an issue ticket on (

The following areas are still insufficient, I think.

  • Make python-anyconfig robust for invalid inputs
  • Make python-anyconfig scaled: some functions are limited by max recursion depth.
  • Documentation:
    • Especially API docs need more fixes and enhancements! CLI doc is non-fulfilling also.
    • English is not my native lang and there are many wrong and hard-to-understand expressions.

Any feedbacks, helps, suggestions are welcome! Please open github issues for these kind of problems also!

  1. This name took an example from the 'anydbm' python standard library.



  4. ex.














Generic access to configuration files in any formats (to be in the future)







No packages published


  • Python 97.7%
  • Shell 2.3%