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Overview turns python functions into HTCondor jobs. It writes out a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) defining the individual jobs and their dependencies, ready for [submission] ( to dagman which schedules their execution across a cluster of compute nodes.

Basic operation

This example runs two instances of a job in parallel, with different arguments.

from htcondor_dag import Dag, autorun

def print_sum(a, b):
    print a + b

autorun()   # at point where all functions have been defined

dag = Dag("mytest")
dag.defer(print_sum)(1, 2)
dag.defer(print_sum)(3, 4)

Make the script executable, and run it to create the DAG (this also creates the input file(s) for the jobs and the submit file):


Finally, run the DAG:

condor_submit_dag mytest.dag

Monitor progress using tail -f mytest.dag.dagman.out, and condor_q -run -dag

The output will be written to files mytest.print_sum_0.out and mytest.print_sum_1.out.

Environment (or at least the bits used by htcondor_dag.autorun) needs to be available when the job runs. You could install it on all the target nodes, but the default approach is to get htcondor to copy it for you, since the submit file includes:

transfer_input_files = /path/to/,$(input_files)

If your python app is split into modules then you can transfer them all together in a zipfile:

transfer_input_files =,,$(input_files)
environment = ""

which you can adjust programatically:

dag.submit.var(transfer_input_files=..., environment=...)

Examining file contents

Set the magic environment variable UNPICKLE to examine any of the htcondor job input files, or output files from jobs which generate pickled output. You need to re-run the same script which generates the dag (to ensure all the relevant classes are defined) but with this environment variable set.

UNPICKLE="" ./ [jobid]

Shell jobs

Although the examples so far have shown trivial computation, also makes it very convenient to marshal collections of shell jobs and define their dependencies.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
from htcondor_dag import Dag, autorun

def bash(cmd):
    subprocess.check_call(["/bin/bash","-c","set -o pipefail; " + cmd])


dag = Dag("mytest")
j1 = dag.defer(bash)("foo </nfs/i1 | bar >/nfs/o1")
j2 = dag.defer(bash)("foo </nfs/i2 | bar >/nfs/o2")
j3 = dag.defer(bash)("baz /nfs/o1 /nfs/o2 >/nfs/out").parent(j1, j2)

DAG features

The return value of defer(func)(args) is a Job object instance. You can call methods on this instance to alter the attributes of the job.


This is the diamond-shaped DAG example

job_a = dag.defer(a)(...)
job_b = dag.defer(b)(...)
job_c = dag.defer(c)(...)
job_d = dag.defer(d)(...)

Macros (VARS)

These can be set either as defaults on a function:

def a(...):

defer_a = dag.defer(a, state="Wisconsin", country="US")
j1 = defer_a(...)
j2 = defer_a(...)

Or for individual job instances, which can either add to or override the defaults.

j1 = defer_a(...).var(state="Wisconsin",country="US")

There is some support for converting dicts or lists to macro values:


However, for htcondor up to at least v7.8.7, dagman does not allow the use of single quotes within VARS, which means that values containing spaces cannot be quoted properly.


Jobs can be assigned to categories, and you can limit the number of jobs which will run concurrently in a particular category.

from htcondor_dag import Dag, autorun

def adder(a, b):
    return a + b

dag = Dag("mytest")
dag.maxjobs["adder"] = 3

dag.defer(adder, category="adder")(1, 2)
... etc

Job options

Per-job options

To suppress generation of output from a job (e.g. one which writes all its output to a shared filesystem)

dag.defer(myjob, output=None)(...)

Options can also be set on a job after it has been created:


Defaults for all jobs

To set default VARS for every job, modify the .sub file to contain them.


You can point any job to another submit file:

dag.defer(myjob, submit='foo.sub')(...)

There is also a helper object which can write submit files for you.

s = Submit(filename="foo.sub", request_memory=1024)
dag.defer(myjob, submit=s)(...)

Returning python values (experimental)

def adder(a, b):
    return a + b

dag.defer(adder)(1, 2)

In this case, the output file will contain the pickled value. If the return value is None then normally no output will be written. You can force a value of None to be written using autorun(output_none=True)

The values which are output from one job can be used as the input to another job:

j1 = dag.defer(adder)(1, 2)
j2 = dag.defer(adder)(3, 4)
j3 = dag.defer(print_sum)(j1, j2)

Parent/child dependencies and input_files are set automatically, and at runtime the arguments are expanded to the values written by the previous jobs.

If a job is a cluster, the value is a list containing all the generated job values in sequential order.

Job clusters

An HTCondor DAG node can submit a "cluster" of identical jobs:


You can pass the sentinel value htcondor_dag.procid as an argument, and this is expanded at run-time to the process number, between 0 and N-1.

from htcondor_dag import procid

dag.defer(print_sum, processes=10)(procid, 5)   # outputs 5 to 14 inclusive

However, you should note that if any one job in a cluster fails, htcondor dagman will kill all the other jobs in that cluster - and so when you resubmit the DAG, all the jobs in that cluster will restart from the beginning.

If you want to be able to restart individual failed jobs, you need to submit them as separate jobs, and if necessary declare the dependencies explicitly.

for i in range(10):
    dag.defer(print_sum)(i, 5)


  • dag-level options (e.g. DOT)
  • Make a local execution environment using multiprocess.Pool
  • We could simplify DAG if the submit file had output=dagname.$(jobname).out error=dagname.$(jobname).err but that would mean having to parse the existing submit file


Framework for htcondor jobs in Python







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