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Bachelor Thesis FFHS

Durch effizientere Software Energie sparen – Analyse des Energieverbrauchs pro Befehlssatz eines Prozessors

Energy policy is an important and controversially debated topic all around the globe, with an increasing number of people and enterprises believing that it is inevitable to increase energy efficiency. Thus the goal of this thesis is to lower power consumption. A method to measure power consumption of a CPU is developed and analysed, which can be used to measure the energy usage per instruction. The results show that it is hard to specify generic rules on how to optimize a certain energy wasting instruction set. However, punctual optimizations in the source code which is translated to these instructions can be identified. In addition to that, several factors having an impact on power consumption where found. Among them where the CPU architecture and the word length or precision of the operands to be calculated. Choosing instruction sets that require fewer CPU cycles turned out to be the most energy efficient optimization.




Results of measurement

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