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#Emote This is source for a FACS recognition system.

##Introduction Emote is a toolkit for image processing, facial detection, and facial action code recognition. All the code written to preprocess data sets is included in reuseable modules.

##Setup ###Docker The suggested method of working with emote is using the docker image which automatically set ups all the necessary dependencies on top of a ubuntu image.

To build the docker image, first download and setup docker on your machine then run the following from the root of the project folder:


$ docker build . -t emote


$ docker build -t emote .

You might need to have root privledges to run the build. Depends on the platform.

This will create a docker image called emote on your host machine. It will probably take about 20-30 minutes as it downloads and compiles multiple packages

To start the image, run the following on the host machine:

$ docker run -it -v <path/to/emote/folder>:/emote emote bash

Where <path/to/emote/folder> is replaced with the absolute path to the top-level emote directory. This will mount the emote code at /emote within the docker container.

###Dependencies The precompiled dependencies for are available on discovery at /idata/lchang/Resources/emote-deps. The README in that folder gives some more instructions on how to use the dependencies.

  • OpenCV 3.0+ (w/ python and contrib)
  • DLib (w/ python)
  • numpy 1.7+
  • scikit
  • matplotlib
  • tensorflow

###config.json Updating the configuration file for your system is necessary due to varying locations of data across machines. We also don't like keeping large datasets in the repo, so this allows us to point Emote to the proper locations.

Currently config.json has three main sections, data, model, and detector.

####data This section is indexed by data set (as their names are listed in It includes the location of the dataset on the current disk as well as the image size of the dataset. This is done because locations of data sets may differ across machines.

Here's an example:


####model The model section tells Emote which expression model to use and how to configure it. facs - Includes a list of AUs to search/train on, and a boolean to determine if intensities should be considered.

data - Name of a data set (as found in util.constants) to train the model on, or which the saved model was trained on.

name - The name of the model you want to use

image_size- (int) rectangular image dimension to be used with the model.

####detector The detector class you want to use to find faces. There's only one right now and it does a pretty good job, haar

###Expected Contents of Data Set Folders: ####CK+ Cohn-Kanade + data set. There is on file with all the AUs called fac_data. Each line in the file represents the AUs for on image. The image name is the first column, then pairs of AUs and intensity follow as so:

<SubjectNum> <AU> <Intensity> <AU> <Intensity> <AU> <Intensity> ...

Each line corresponds to a single image and each <AU> <Intensity> pair correspond to one another.

Found in: /idata/lchang/Data/FACS_data/ck_clean on discovery. The corresponding images should be in the same directory.

####DIFSA Cleaned and expanded DIFSA dataset. Two directorys are included: AUs and Images. AUs includes 27x4 CSV files containing data for each processed video. The CSV files contain a row for each video frame. The format is:

Frame | 1 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 | 17 | 20 | 25 | 26

The values of the columns other than the first represent the intensity of the AU if present. The scale is 0-5, where 0 is not present, and 5 is the highest intensity.

The Images folder contains directories which mirror the names of the CSV files in the AUs directory. Each directory contains the individual frames of the source videos. The frames are have the same name of the parent directory, though they are appended with the frame number. For example, for the LeftSN004 video, the CSV will be named LeftSN004, the directory containing its frames will be LeftSN004, and the 45th frame will be inside named LeftSN004_45.

The DIFSA set can be found at /idata/lchang/Data/FACS_data/DIFSA_clean. It includes both left and right camera data as well as their mirror equivalents. DIFSA_nonzero is scrubbed of any frames which have no AUs and is a little more space conscious

##How to Use Run python --help for more information

##To Do

  1. No model is working particularly well.... Definitely more research to be done there

  2. I increased the size of DIFSA by mirroring, and it doesn't fit on AFS anymore b/c its 19GB so I can't run it on Nikola. More disk space very necessary.

  3. data.repositories.DIFSARepository loads entire dataset into memory. Should be converted to only load specific files at once


Toolbox for training CNN to predict emotion expressions. Developed by Dan Whitcomb.







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