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Szczypiorek - environment management for humans

szczypiorek allows one:

  1. to define ones settings / credentials as a part of incredibly readable and flexible yaml format
  2. using as an extra template variables and imports
  3. and then define with minimal amount of code environment parsers which can be used to parse such yaml files
  4. and allow one to use them directly in their python code
  5. all of that on top of the mechanism allowing the secured storage and usage of most likely containing sensitive information yaml files.

Getting Started

In order to start one needs to perform below steps.

Creating yaml env file

It should contain some sort of settings, let's create one under deploy/development.yml folder:

  secret: this is my secret
  is_sensitive: true
  age_days: 121

Creating parser

Somewhere in your code create a parser (e.g.

import szczypiorek as ev

class MyEnvParser(ev.EnvParser):

    aws_secret = ev.CharField()

    aws_is_sensitive = ev.BooleanField()

    aws_age_days = ev.IntegerField()

env = MyEnvParser().parse()

Protect data stored in yamls

One must make sure that the yaml file will be protected therefore run in the terminal:

szczypiorek encrypt ./deploy

Make sure to add to .gitignore


Replace secrets on the fly

In certain situations, like when one created dynamical resources during the deployment phase, one would like to be able to replace certain parts of existing .szczyp file with some dynamical values. In order to achieve that one would have to use the replace command:

szczypiorek replace -r a.b:12 -r a.g.f.secret:password

By default it would use the default encryption key and default szczyp file but one can overwrite it by passing extra arguments. Please run:

szczypiorek replace --help

To learn more.


How and in which order szczypiorek resolves encryption key and environment gpg?

  1. Encryption key is searched in various places in this order:
  • SZCZYPIOREK_ENCRYPTION_KEY environment variable where it's expected that the content of the encryption key will be stored.
  • SZCZYPIOREK_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE environment variable where the path to chosen encryption key file is stored
  • if above is not found szczypiorek tries default .szczypiorek_encryption_key file.
  1. Environment gpg is searched in various places in this order:
  • SZCZYPIOREK_ENVIRONMENT_GPG environment variable where it's expected that the content of the environment gpg will be stored.
  • SZCZYPIOREK_ENVIRONMENT_GPG_FILE environment variable where the path to chosen environment gpg file is stored
  • if above is not found szczypiorek tries default env.gpg file.

How szczypiorek behaves when deployed?

When deployed for the parser to work correctly one needs two things:

  1. A single env.gpg file available in the root of the project
  2. A .szczypiorek_encryption_key storing the secret generated during the encrypt phase. WARNING! Make sure that this file is not kept in the repository itself but rather created dynamically during the deployment phase. Till that time it could be stored in for example github secrets or similar system such as AWS secrets, Azure Key Vault etc.

How szczypiorek behaves locally?

For the szczypiorek to work locally one needs 3 things:

  1. One gpg file for example development.gpg
  2. A environment variable SZCZYPIOREK_ENVIRONMENT_GPG_FILE=development.gpg pointing to that file's location
  3. A .szczypiorek_encryption_key file where a secret for decryption is stored.

One contributor changed gpg files would after PUSH & PULL sequence see the changes?

TODO: add it

One contributor is changing the yaml files but the other cannot see those reflected in the gpg file?

TODO: add it

The CLI - Available commands

FIXME: add it!!!

szczypiorek print-env cosphere_api.conf.env.api_env

The Environment Parser - Available fields

TODO: add it


Use the below example as a inspiration regarding type of fields one can define.

import szczypiorek as env

class MyEnvParser(env.EnvParser):

    secret_key = env.CharField()

    is_important = env.BooleanField()

    aws_url = env.URLField()

    number_of_workers = env.IntegerField()

    unit_price = env.FloatField()

Each field supports the following arguments:

  • required (boolean) - if environment variable is required to be present
  • default (target type) - default to be used in case environment variable was not found
  • allow_null (boolean) - if environment variable can be nullable
  • description (str) - where one can describe the purpose of a given field when the name itself is not enough to capture it.

Besides those some fields are supporting extra fields:

  • CharField:

    • min_length - validates if minimum amount of characters was provided
    • max_length - validates if maximum amount of characters was provided

The Environment YAML files - Reference

TODO: add it - decribe the usage of template variables


There's still a lot of work to do, even though the basic functionality of szczypiorek is production ready:

  • [HIGH PRIO] add integration with various keyvaults

  • [HIGH PRIO] add integration precommit hooks for checking if you're not commiting the secrets!

  • [HIGH PRIO] enable versioning of secrets and a command which is able to clean up all unused secrets

  • [HIGH PRIO] use for docs

  • [HIGH PRIO] host the docs on github pages

  • [HIGH PRIO] replace the parsing mechanism with Pydantic models to make it more modern and more like python static typing.

  • [HIGH PRIO] add an option to sync the secret of the admin

  • [LOW PRIO] Enable imports in the yml files. It should take the following form:

  - shared.yml
  - development.yml

And then when running encrypt one stores at the level of gpg files all its dependencies therefore making it self contained. Before creating the gpg file it could create structure like:

- filename: shared.yml
  content: ...

- filename: development.yml
  content: ...

- filename: integration.yml
  content: ...

When running decrypt it "unpacks" all files with warnings that existing ones would be overwritten. There will be an option to force it without messages. When decrypting in the parser the imports are taken into account and therefore applied right away so the resulting env is just a result of applying all dependencies.

  • [LOW PRIO] support DB_POSTGRES_CONNECT validator:
  • it expects certain fields to be present
  • it allows fields mapping
  • [LOW PRIO] support SENTRY_PING validator:
  • [LOW PRIO] support OAUTH2_PING validator:
  • it just creates a OAUTH2 session and tries not to fail while doing this
  • [LOW PRIO] support API_PING validator:
  • it just pings the API
  • it allows fields mapping
  • [LOW PRIO] support AWS_S3_CLOUDFRONT_PING validator:
  • it just pings the endpoint
  • [LOW PRIO] support AWS_S3_BUCKET_LIST validator:
  • it just lists the bucket
  • [LOW PRIO] support AWS_POLLY_RENDER_SAMPLE validator:
  • it renders simple text
  • [LOW PRIO] handle ROTATION of the szczypiorek secret itself. One can with one command run:
  • decrypt
  • render new key
  • encrypt
  • [LOW PRIO] support PRODUCTION gpg file where all validators etc are removed only the essential parts are left


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