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This is a repository of sql tables and views and scripts that could be added onto an existing BioSQL database. There are a number of scripts that should hopefully work on any BioSQL database and have been developed for easy access to various information.

In addition there tables that were made solely for sqlite3 and are primarily related to adding functionality for performing proteomics experiments. I have not tried to write the proteomics tables in a porable way, they were designed to model the data created by the SIPROS program.

Command line

There is a main script biosqlx that serves as the main extry point for quickly accessing information in the database. There are a number of subcommands that allow you to add, modify or export information from the database. For example biosqlx add sequence allows you to add new sequence data into the database, while biosqlx export sequence lets you extract data out.

connecting to the database

The top level command biosqlx contains a few options that let you change how to connect to the database.

  • -d: This is the name of the database to connect to
  • -r: This is the database driver to use, according to the biosql documentation
  • -u: The user name to use to connect to the database.
  • -P: Password for the user to login to the database
  • -H: The host name that the database can be found on
  • -p: The port on the host that the database is found on

Config file

It's onerous to keep adding in the database user and password for every command. To alleviate this, biosqlx can use a configuration file to store sensitive data like the user name and password. Create a file in your home directory called ".biosqlx.cfg" and add in the following lines replacing the template variables:


now change the permisions of that file so only you can read or write to that file

chmod 600 ~/.biosqlx.cfg

biosqlx export

biosqlx export sequence

This subcommand allows you to slice and dice the sequence data using multiple filtering metrics, including the assigned taxonomy or the sequence feature annotations.

Output formats

The currently supported output formats are:

  1. gb (Genbank), outputs a genbank formatted file for the sequence records, these are likely contigs or whole chromosomes.
  2. fasta, outputs the sequence information in fasta format.
  3. feat-prot, outputs the translated sequence features (i.e. proteins/CDS)
  4. feat-nucl, outputs sequence features untranslated (i.e. proteins/CDS, tRNA, rRNA)
  5. csv, output the annotations for all of the features.
  6. gff, output annotations as a gff3 formatted file. Just like the genbank or fasta output formats, this will print the whole contig.

Filtering on taxonomy

The input is either an NCBI taxonomy ID or the complete taxonomic name given with -t or --taxonomy on the command line. below are some examples to show how it works

Extract translated gene sequences from all of the Deltaproteobacteria in the database

biosqlx export sequence -o feat-prot -t Deltaproteobacteria

Extract all of the sequences from the database that match the NCBI taxonomy ID, 872. In this case that refers to the Desulfovibrio.

biosqlx export sequence -o feat-prot -t 872

When using the taxonomic name has the limitation that it must be a complete name so for example if you wanted sequences from a species then you must give both the genus and species name. In the below example, if you just type 'vulgaris', no results will be returned.

biosqlx export sequence -o feat-prot -t 'Desulfovibrio vulgaris'

Note the single quotes around the organism name! This is important so that the name is properly input into the script. Any names that are multiple words need to have the quotes surrounding them.

Filtering using qualifiers and values

You must specify both -q and -v on the command line. This is a strict evaluation of equality so everything must be spelled correctly etc. Unfortunately this also means that you cannot do other operations like asking for all features that are greater than or less than some value. Qualifiers are things like "gene", "product", "db_xref" and the associated values would be like "omcX", "cytochrome c", "ko:K00401".

Extract all genes that have a gene qualifier that equals 'omcX'

biosqlx export sequence -q gene -v omcX -o feat-prot

Extract all genes that have the EC number but only if they are from Archaea

biosqlx export sequence -o feat-prot -t Archaea -q EC_number -v

If you want to extract sequences using a KEGG ortholog number then you need to use db_xref as the qualifier and have ko: before the KEGG accession for the particular gene. This is an unintuitive syntax but is required as KEGG ortholog information is stored specially in the database.

biosqlx export sequence -q db_xref -v ko:K00399 -o feat-prot

splitting output into separate files

By default all of the output will be printed to stdout, which can then be redirected to a file. However it's also possible to output information to files for individual species using the --split-species option.

the following will create individual fasta files for all of the species that belong to desulfovibrio in the database

biosqlx export sequence -t Desulfovibrio --split-species

biosqlx export taxonomy

This subcommand will allow you to see the organsims currently in the database. The data is presented as either a hierarchical tree or as a semicolon separated list of taxonomy strings. The --root option allows you to output only those organisms that fall under the named taxonomy.

biosqlx export namespace

This will print the information about the various samples/namespaces present in the database.

biosqlx modify

biosqlx modify annotation

This subcommand will add or modify an annotation to a seqfeature (gene). You provide a tab separated input file that describes the annotations to add, where the first row must be a header that describes the qualifiers to add and one of the columns must uniquely identify a seqfeature. The name of this column must be given using the --key agrument on the command line

Lets look at an example of what "qualifiers" are and how they could be represented in the input file. Below is a excerpt from a genbank file that shows all of the annotations for a particular protein. The qualifiers of the gene are shown on the lines that begin with a "/" character and come before the "=" character (eg. gene, EC_number):

CDS             complement(6523..7818)
                /inference="ab initio prediction:Prodigal:2.60"
                /inference="similar to AA sequence:UniProtKB:A6U7Z3"
                /product="Proline--tRNA ligase"

This could be mapped onto a row of the input file as follows

locus_tag   gene    EC_number   product
KQ51_00006  proS    Proline--tRNA ligase

In this case the key column is locus_tag with the value KQ51_00006 and then add the values to that gene for the given qualifier. The key column, whatever tag it is, must be unique amongst all genes in the database. Good qualifiers to use would be locus_tag, ID or protein_id as they are often unique. However, none of these qualifiers are guaranteed to be unique in our database, so be careful. The database itself has an ID called a seqfeature_id that is guaranteed to be unique, so if you know the seqfeature_id then use that. If the key column is the seqfeature_id, then you must provide the -s option to the script.

When adding annotations to a gene, the default behavior is to add a second annotation to a gene if one already exists for that qualifier. This may not be what you want, say if the original annotation is incorrect; in this case use the --replace flag to the script.

biosqlx modify annotation -i annotations.tsv --key seqfeature_id
biosqlx modify annotation -i annotations.tsv --replace --key locus_tag

biosqlx modify sequence_taxonomy

Remove, change or add taxonomic information about sequences.

You need to have a file (given using the -i option) containing the identifiers for individual contigs present in the database; each identifier must be listed on a single line. There are three options for the type of identifier that must be used in the input file and given using the --key option: name, accession, bioentry_id. The example below shows the beginning of a genbank formatted file, the name of the sequence is "NC_000913", which is the same as the accession. The bioentry_id option is specific to the database; it is the internal ID used for contigs. Any contig that gets added to the database will receive a bioentry_id and this information can be found in the csv output format from biosqlx export sequence or programatically.:

LOCUS       NC_000913            4641652 bp    DNA     circular CON 08-AUG-2016
DEFINITION  Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, complete genome.
VERSION     NC_000913.3
DBLINK      BioProject: PRJNA57779
            BioSample: SAMN02604091
            Assembly: GCF_000005845.2

Removing taxonomic information

Sometimes the taxonomy of a sequence is incorrect, for example if a contig is incorrectly placed into a genome bin. In this case, use the --remove-taxonomy option. Using the example sequence given above and assuming that sequence is already in the database, the input file would contain a single line:


And the commandline would be:

biosqlx modify sequence_taxonomy --key accession -i infile.txt --remove-taxonomy

Modifying a taxonomy

You can change the taxonomy of any sequence using an NCBI taxonomy ID given using the -T option. For example lets change a sequence to Desulfovibrio vulgaris:

biosqlx modify sequence_taxonomy --key accession -i infile.txt -T 872

This will overwrite whatever taxonomic information is currently in the database for the sequences and if the taxonomic information isn't already in the database (i.e. Desulfovibrio vulgaris isn't in the database yet), then the taxonomy will be automatically downloaded from NCBI and added in.

Modifying a taxonomy with a novel ogranism (not in NCBI)

Sometimes you want to modify the taxonomy of an organism that isn't in NCBI or change it's taxonomy to something other than what is in NCBI. To do this you need to specify both -T and new_taxons, in a similar way to biosqlx add sequence. For example:

biosqlx modify sequence_taxonomy --key accession -i infile.txt -T 94695 ANME-2ab:family ANME-2a:genus "ANME sp. AnotherNewGenome:species"

biosqlx modify taxonomy

Add, change, or remove taxonomy IDs for sequences or the taxonomy tree itself.

Moving a taxon underneath a new parent

The --move option allows you to change the structure of the tree by letting you move a taxon underneath a new parent node. Two arguments need to be given, first the child taxon (the one you want to move) and then the parent taxon:

biosqlx modify taxonomy --move "Methanosaeta harundinacea" Methanothrix

The above command moves the species Methanosaeta harundinacea underneath the genus Methanothrix. Both of these taxonomy names must exist already in the database for the opperation to take place. Notice the quotes surronding Methanosaeta harundinacea, they are required whenever a taxon name is more than one space separated word.

It is also possible to use an NCBI taxonomy ID instead of a taxon name for either the child or parent taxons. The example above could be written in any of the following ways:

biosqlx modify taxonomy --move 2223 2222
biosqlx modify taxonomy --move "Methanosaeta harundinacea" 2222
biosqlx modify taxonomy --move 2223 Methanothrix

This requires that these taxons have the NCBI taxon ID associated with them.

biosqlx add

biosqlx add sequence

This is the main way to add in new datasets to the database. You'll need to have the sequences at least run through an ORF caller, such as Prodigal, to add them into the database. Sequences can either be given as a genbank formatted file, using the -G option or be provided as a fasta plus gff files, using the -f and -g options. At this time plain fasta files without any ORFs called are not supported.

Specifiying an NCBI taxonomy

Genbank files can contain information about the taxonomy of the organism, which can be used to populate the taxonomy in the database. By default, minimal taxonomy information is added to the database when a new sequence is added from a taxon that is not currently in the database. For example, if you were to load the genome of Methanosaeta harundinacea into the database, when no other archaea were present, then only the organism name will be stored. However, by specifying -t, the taxonomy information will be downloaded from NCBI and the full taxonomy tree will be populated for the organism.

The second option is to combine -t with -T to provide a NCBI taxon ID on the commandline. This is useful if the input file doesn't contain taxonomic information for the organism. For example, specifying a gff file with -g that does not contain taxonomy information. Or alternatively it can be used to overwrite the taxonomy information given in the input files.

Specifying new taxonomies

Sometimes you may need to add novel organisms that are not currently in the NCBI taxonomy database. In this situation you can specify new taxons on the commandline using the format <taxon_name>:<taxon_rank>, where <taxon_name> is the new name that you with to add and <taxon_rank> is a recognized taxonomic rank, such as "kingdom", "phylum", "genus", "species". It is also possible to specify multiple taxons in order of increasing specificity, for example:

biosqlx add sequence -T 2 -t -G Epsilonbacterota:phylum Campylobacteria:class Campylobacterales:order Thiovulaceae:family PC08-66:genus "Sulfuricurvum sp. PC08-66:species"

Notice above that the new taxonomy is listed in increasing specificity (phylum, class, order, family, genus, species), and the quotes around the species name, since the name contains space characters. The -T 2 in this example means that the novel taxons listed on the commandline begin (or are children) of the NCBI taxon ID (in this case 2 equals bacteria). Any NCBI taxon can be given and the new taxons will be children:

biosqlx add sequence -T 94695 -t -G ANME-2ab:family ANME-2b:genus "ANME sp. NewGenome:species"

In this example the NCBI taxon, 94695 is the order Methanosarcinales and the new taxons specified on the commandline give a novel family, genus and species. The new taxons given on the commandline are also checked against the database when adding new sequences, so the following will also work:

biosqlx add sequence -T 94695 -t -G ANME-2ab:family ANME-2a:genus "ANME sp. AnotherNewGenome:species"

In this case the novel family, ANME-2ab, is already in the database, from the previous example, and so is not added again. The genus and species are novel and will be added into the database.

Be careful about how you arrange the new taxons on the commandline; they must be in the correct order as no checking is performed on the <taxon_rank> itself. It's possible to specify something like the following: "ANME sp. AnotherNewGenome:species" ANME-2a:genus ANME-2ab:family which will not cause an error and actually produce the following tree:

#This is the opposite of what was intended 
├── ANME sp. AnotherNewGenome (species)
│   ├── ANME-2a (genus)
│   │   └── ANME-2ab (family)

biosqlx delete

biosqlx delete sequence

This command is for deleting contigs from the database. You must provide an input file containing contig identifiers, one per line, and specify using --key what these identifers are: there are three options name, accession, bioentry_id. These are the same options as in biosqlx modify sequence_taxonomy, so look at the documentation for that command for an example of what name, accession and bioentry_id mean. You can also restrict the search to a particulare namespace with -D, if you know that the identifiers are duplicated between namespaces. For example, you have contigs named the same thing in two different namespaces. This should never happen with the bioentry_id, but is possible with name or accession.


Extra tables and views to be loaded into a BioSQL database for proteomic and genomic applications







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