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Doorstop manages the storage of textual requirements alongside source code in version control.

When a project utilizes this tool, each linkable item (requirement, test case, etc.) is stored as a YAML file in a designated directory. The items in each directory form a document. The relationship between documents forms a tree hierarchy. Doorstop provides mechanisms for modifying this tree, validating item traceability, and publishing documents in several formats.

Additional reading:

Getting Started


  • Python 3.3+
  • A version control system for requirements storage


Doorstop can be installed with pip:

$ pip install doorstop

Or directly from source:

$ git clone
$ cd doorstop
$ python install

After installation, Doorstop is available on the command-line:

$ doorstop --help

And the package is available under the name 'doorstop':

$ python
>>> import doorstop
>>> doorstop.__version__

Basic Usage

Document Creation

Parent Document

After configuring version control, a new parent document can be created:

$ doorstop new REQ ./reqs
created document: REQ (@/reqs)

Items can be added to the document and edited:

$ doorstop add REQ
added item: REQ001 (@/reqs/REQ001.yml)

$ doorstop edit REQ1
opened item: REQ001 (@/reqs/REQ001.yml)

Child Documents

Additional documents can be created that link to other documents:

$ doorstop create TST ./reqs/tests --parent REQ
created document: TST (@/reqs/tests)

Items can be added and linked to parent items:

$ doorstop add TST
added item: TST001 (@/reqs/tests/TST001.yml)

$ doorstop link TST1 REQ1
linked item: TST001 (@/reqs/tests/TST001.yml) -> REQ001 (@/reqs/REQ001.yml)

Document Validation

To check a document hierarchy for consistency, run the main command:

$ doorstop
valid tree: REQ <- [ TST ]

Document Publishing

A text report of a document can be displayed:

$ doorstop publish TST
1       TST001

        Verify the foobar will foo and bar.

        Links: REQ001

Other formats are also supported:

$ doorstop publish TST --html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>1 (TST001)</h1>
<p>Verify the foobar will foo and bar.</p>
<p><em>Links: REQ001</em></p>

Or a file can be created using one of the supported extensions:

$ doorstop publish TST path/to/
publishing TST to path/to/

Supported formats:

  • Text: .txt
  • Markdown: .md
  • HTML: .html

Content Interchange


Documents can be exported for editing or to exchange with other systems:

$ doorstop export TST
  active: true
  dervied: false
  level: 1
  - REQ001
  normative: true
  ref: ''
  text: |
    Verify the foobar will foo and bar.

Or a file can be created using one of the supported extensions:

$ doorstop export TST path/to/tst.csv
exporting TST to path/to/tst.csv...
exported: path/to/tst.csv

Supported formats:

  • YAML: .yml
  • Comma-Separated Values: .csv
  • Tab-Separated Values: .tsv
  • Microsoft Office Excel: .xlsx


Items can be created/updated from the export formats:

$ doorstop import path/to/tst.csv TST

For Contributors



Create a virtualenv:

make env

Run the tests:

make test
make tests  # includes integration tests

Build the documentation:

make doc

Run static analysis:

make pep8
make pep257
make pylint
make check  # includes all checks

Prepare a release:

make dist  # dry run
make upload


Text-based requirements management using version control.







No packages published


  • Python 92.4%
  • HTML 3.6%
  • CSS 2.6%
  • Makefile 1.4%