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This repository contains automated tests for Mirantis OpenStack.

Packages requirements

$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev \
    python-dev \
    libffi-dev \

Running tests with tox

To run tests you need to deploy some cloud with MOS, then install tox and run on server:

$ tox -e <test group> -- -E <devops env name> -S <devops snapshot name>

IMPORTANT: some tests will fail, if they ran from root user.

Available test groups

  • neutron
  • glance
  • murano-cli
  • murano
  • ceilometer
  • ironic

Running with py.test directly

To launch tests with py.test directly:

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Next you can run tests:

$ py.test mos_tests/<path_to_tests> -E <devops env name> -S <devops snapshot name>

Py.test arguments

This arguments can be used with tox or with py.test directly. In first case all arguments should be passed after --

  • -s don't capture stdout, stderr. This parameter required, if you want to use debugger like import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
  • -k <some filter> filter tests to run by test name, class name, file name, etc.
  • --collectonly - show list of tests, with all filters, which py.test will execute. May be helpful to check that -k parameter is passed correctlys
  • -ra print extended information about failed and skipped tests. May be helpful, if you want to know, why some tests was skipped
  • -x exit after first fail
  • -I <fuel master ip> If this parameter passed, and -S is not passed - py.test will non do revert before tests. May be helpful during debugging or writing new tests.
  • -v be more verbose (show test name instead of dots)
  • --help - py.test help. Contains other possiblr arguments


To build docs:

$ cd doc && make html


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • Python 97.7%
  • Shell 2.3%