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#Setting up Development Environment for Ubuntu 12.04:# ##Dependency Installation## sudo apt-get install git build-essential cmake libsndfile1-dev libopenal-dev libfreetype6-dev libxrandr-dev libx11-dev libboost-dev libboost-python-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev freeglut3-dev libjpeg-dev libjpeg62-dev

##I also like to use KDevelop, but it's up to you!## sudo apt-get install kdevelop kdevelop-dev

##While that's going, you can grab the extra dependencies source zip here##

###You should install the dependencies in this order:### ####assimp:####

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"  
sudo make install


sudo make install  
sudo cp /usr/lib64/libGLEW.* /usr/lib/


sudo cp -R glm /usr/local/include/


sudo cp -R /usr/include/freetype2/freetype /usr/include/  
sudo make install


cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"  
sudo make install


cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"  
Edit CMakeCache.txt  
    Find CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING= and append -fPIC such that it reads "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-fPIC"  
    Find CMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING= and append -fPIC such that it reads "CMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=-fPIC"  
sudo make install
sudo cp -R /usr/local/include/bullet/* /usr/local/include/


sudo cp -R build/bin/release/* /usr/local/lib/  
sudo cp -R build/bin/release/* /usr/local/bin/  
sudo cp -R include/* /usr/local/include/


Edit /usr/include/boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp as sudo  
replace "#include <pyconfig.h>" with "#include <python2.7/pyconfig.h>"  
replace "#include <patchlevel.h>" with "#include <python2.7/patchlevel.h>"  
replace "#include <Python.h>" with "#include <python2.7/Python.h>"

##Compile and Run!##

###Compile### with make

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"  

with kdevelop

Open Kdevelop  
in the menu click "Project -> Open / Import Project..."  
Select the Repo's CMakeLists.txt file  
click Finish  
Next I like the move the build directory out of the Repository but it's up to you!  
Click OK  
click Build Selection


From the repository root  

That's It!

#Setting up the Build Environment for Windows 7 64bit with DevKit#

Because compiling and installing the dependencies on windows has been such a pain, I realized I could just distribute pre-compiled libraries, includes and bins for at least the windows system I have which is 64bit Windows 7

For your convenience I've provided a Windows Installers zip file
You will also need the Win64bit Dev Kit Zip File

##First for the installers##

Unzip WindowsInstallersQT zip package somewhere  
Install CMake  
Install QT SDK (Run As Administrator)  
Run the OpenAL Installer


Copy the contents (bin, lib, include) to C:\QtSDK\mingw\

##Compile and Run##

Open the CMakeLists.txt from the root of Element-Games-Engine in QTCreator  
Click Build  
You can either run the exe from the Element-Games-Engine dir  
or Setup a run config in QtCreator

Still need to include instructions on getting the python wrapper building, but the rest of it should build fine so far, it is for me