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CMS plugin that renders any content as if it was a Django template. v0.2.4

Wait... what?

This app provides a DjangoCMS plugin called RenderitPlugin (now isn't that just cool). The plugin can hold any number of child plugins, such as Text, Link, etc. Once all child plugins have rendered, the RenderitPlugin takes the output and renders it again, but treating it like a Django template code.

But... why??

Excellent question! It is probably best not to use this plugin :) No, seriously, for most problems that this plugin seems to solve, a much better approach is to use / develop a custom plugin. Now go and develop a custom DjangoCMS plugin. It' simple. Here. Off you go... Bye-bye!

Ok... how?

Still here? Oh my... I guess you think this plugin might be useful after all.

Read this first!

Have you considered syntax errors that might pop up from the fact that your content just became a Django template code?

What about security? XSS anyone? It is your responsibility to make sure this plugin is used safely!

Just show me the plugin already!

Alright, here it is. Instead of describing how it works, here are some screenshots...

in Edit mode and rendered:

Edit and render example

in structure mode:

Structure view example

template error:

Syntax error example

Anything else?

Well... It handles context well, inheriting the default context for CMS plugins. There is also option to load custom template libraries, either globally or for specific plugins.


Oh nothing fancy:

pip install djangocms_renderit_plugin



and lastly:

python migrate



Optional, defaults to []

List of strings, specifying templatetag libraries to be used in {% load %} tag when rendering content.

Other stuff...

Tested with:

  • DjangoCMS 3.1
  • Django 1.7.8
  • Python 3.4.3, Python 2.7.9


  • maybe remove the _plugin from djangocms_renderit_plugin
  • tests for edit mode
  • tests for HTML entities (&quote;,  , etc.)


Use Django templating language in DjangoCMS plugins.






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