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[23.06.10] Changes for EUMETSAT 2
[03.03.10] Release of RNPicker-v1.3-20100303
Fix bug in the ingore sample functionality
 Add fix due to the autosaint changes

[22.02.10] Release of RNPicker-v1.3-20100222
List of changes:
1) SAMPML features

- Full support for Spalax. This is the first version sending correct Spalax data,
- add <SampleID> for each sample,
- Correct Flag response time from 84H to 48 H,
- <AirQuantity> renamed to <AirVolume>,
- Add <XeVolume> for each sample,
- Rename UUID in REFID and add SID,
- Add <UndecayCorrectedActivity> field,
- Harmonize units between Spalax and Sauna: everything is in (mBq, mBq/m3).

2) Technical features
- zip or tar files can be delivered. The zip file contains both SAMPML and ARR HTML files,
- file names now contain the station name for clarity.

An HTML ARR summarizing the information is now delivered for both Spalax and Sauna.
Created following the radionuclide scientists design.

[26.03.09] Release of RNPicker-v1.2-20090326
List of changes:
1) SAMPML Format refactoring

- introduce <SpectrumGroup> that regroup all data from the same sample (spectrum, histogram)
- Harmonize defaults value. A missing value is always described as N/A (Non Available)
- Streamlining of the <Analysis> tag (spectrumIDs references the SecptrumGroup Id), clean  <IdedNuclides> and <Nuclide> tags
- Many more little bugs have been corrected

2) Validation using an XSD validator

- The format is described using XSD (see SAMPML.xsd and SAMPML-common.xsd)
- This first version validates SAUNA and SPALAX samples
- Validation and check are automatically performed in the product generation
- This has been heavily tested as 3 months of data have been retrieved and successfully validated

3) product generation and distribution tools refactoring

- An incremental method is now used to find new samples that have not been sent to a particular distribution group
- If the acquisition pipeline is stopped or unavailable for a while, after its restoraiton, the production generation and distribution sfotware will send
  all unsent samples
- Instrumentation to have the possibility to send samples from an older day and to force the resending of any days 

Experiment with megring and branching

Release v 1.0 of generate_arr

Test for supporting multiple users in github

Add Python project in Git

Add GroovyXML project in Git


experiments with Git, Python, Java and stuff






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